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The Films You Watched Thread V: Dead Men Watch No Movies

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    That's the kind of film that should have hours of extra footage.
    Is it just the rental version that's sparse on details?

    I'm still a bit gutted that the 3D BR is not getting a UK/US release.

    "All 3D releases are REGION FREE and include the original English audio track. Please note however that the French, German, Spanish and Mexican versions have on-screen text (comic book captions etc) in the local language and NOT in English, so are not recommended. The Spanish and Mexican 3D discs are actually English-friendly but the 2D discs have Spanish on-screen text so again, it's best to avoid those.

    If you're going to buy a European edition, the Italian version has been confirmed as 100% English-friendly as have the Czech and Nordic editions. The Indian and Hong Kong editions are also English-friendly."


      Spiderverse is great. I'm not a big fan of superhero stuff, to be honest, it just leaves me a bit cold most of the time, but I really, really enjoyed that. A real thrill ride of a film.


        It's in my top 3 of the 8 Spider-Man films that have been made, maybe top 2, not quite at the top though. Hopefully Sony can produce a sequel that builds well on it and doesn't stumble like Lego Movie 2 did.


          What is your favourite Spiderman film?



              Yeah, the onscreen text was in Japanese for me, too. It’s cool that they’re doing this for different regions.

              These rental versions often have limited extras(trailers) or are even just the film disc of a 2-disc set.

              There are some with the same extras you’d get with the retail versions. The Planet of the Apes films spring to mind. Marvel stuff is usually decent.

              I was a bit miffed because my wife got fed up of BRs getting stuck and skipping(these goofballs keep polishing the BRs - even rentals need to be spotless in Japan - and I think that’s causing trouble) and wanted me to rent DVDs instead. Amazon is good because I can still watch stuff in HD but we miss out on extras. I wish they’d rent those out, too!


                For me Spider-Man 2 still reigns as the top one, very well balanced entry that builds on the first and handles almost every aspect really well. Connects too in a way that the subsequent ones don't. You care about Peter, his choices make sense, he shows his smarts in a believable manner and the arc fits the character development perfectly.


                  I don’t care about Peter. He’s a Moany Michael in that movie. He’s moany and dull. And also Dunst is in it.

                  Spider-verse, by contrast, is amazing in every way and it’s big, flashy but also full of heart and fun and Dunst isn’t in it.


                    I watched Fright Night Part 2 from 1988.

                    The star of the first movie and his older sidekick return for more vampire action, so I had high hopes at the beginning. But after a while, I realised that it's a pretty weak sequel that just doesn't have the magic and inspired creativity of the original. There's a a bland, uninventive vibe about the whole production. Definitely not a terrible movie, but next to the classic original it's only worthy of a 2/5 rating.


                      That's why I like SM2, Peter's downtrodden and unhappy as well as self-sacrificing which makes him miserable but it underlines the price he pays to be Spider-Man. He never complains about it even though it's visibly costing him everything the whole time, he has the smarts to live a better life for himself too but doesn't because he's putting his self interest last. Every challenge he faces he has to tackle alone as well, it's his own strength and skills and knowledge as well as moral compass that guides him through his battles. That's versus Holland who's had his abilities handed to him on a golden iron plate, is only smart at one or two points where the plot requires him to suddenly possess knowledge there's been no set up or indicator for him to possess and beyond getting dragged into Avenger missions has a pretty easy life. He makes a good Spider-Man but he's barely Peter Parker.

                      Spider-Verse side stepping him to a large extent in favour of Miles was a great decision, it's handled so well too. They could have easily had the multiverse carry Miles like Tony carries Peter too but instead they keep Miles as inexperienced and on the backfoot compared to the other characters. It's likely held back to an extent because I've not seen it anywhere near as many times, it's in need of a rewatch to be honest.


                        Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                        That's why I like SM2, Peter's downtrodden and unhappy as well as self-sacrificing which makes him miserable
                        Ya big emo!


                          Originally posted by Superman Falls
                          Peter's downtrodden and unhappy as well as self-sacrificing which makes him miserable

                          *cough* Yeah sounds great...:l

                          I did like those Sam Raimi ones when they came out, but I've not seen them in a long time. Honestly not that keen to go back to them either, but I'm not able to give a fair assessment of them at such a long distance.

                          Spider-Verse though. Spider-Verse I liked.


                            I like Spider-Man 2 because it's the only film of the trilogy that feels like a Sam Raimi film when Doctor Octopus' arms become sentient.


                              I watched SM2 recently and I was taken by how much this film is more a 'Slice-of-life' film than a superhero film. Spiderman isn't actually in it all that much, its more about Peter.


                                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                                I like Spider-Man 2 because it's the only film of the trilogy that feels like a Sam Raimi film when Doctor Octopus' arms become sentient.

                                Really reminds me of the Evil Dead close up shots

