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Avengers: Endgame (spoilers thread)

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    Thing is, this could’ve all been simpler if cap just jumped back onto the pad as an old man.


      It could have but the way they did it had an air of mystery to it because it implied much more about his journey... just a lot of people didn’t seem to get it for whatever reason. Also it possibly might have been a bit horrifying. A slow approach to an old man sitting peacefully on a bench is a whole different thing to young guy leaps back as an old man.


        And they'd already done the old man on the pad (and baby) with Scott during testing.


          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          It could have but the way they did it had an air of mystery to it because it implied much more about his journey... just a lot of people didn’t seem to get it for whatever reason. Also it possibly might have been a bit horrifying. A slow approach to an old man sitting peacefully on a bench is a whole different thing to young guy leaps back as an old man.
          Maybe, but you could've shot the whole sequence differently. You'd have put them all on one side of the pad, and had it closer to the sea. Then cap would disappear, and not reappear when Banner expected him. Some tension mounts, and then he appears. He's facing away from the group, and wearing his helm, but looks different, somehow. They'd call out to him, but cap would walk off the pad and towards the water, then sit down on the bench, and take off his helm, revealing his grey hair. Then the scene plays out the same way.

          I think it would've worked.

          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
          And they'd already done the old man on the pad (and baby) with Scott during testing.
          This is fair; it might've confused some audiences.


            Originally posted by Asura View Post
            Maybe, but you could've shot the whole sequence differently. You'd have put them all on one side of the pad, and had it closer to the sea. Then cap would disappear, and not reappear when Banner expected him. Some tension mounts, and then he appears. He's facing away from the group, and wearing his helm, but looks different, somehow. They'd call out to him, but cap would walk off the pad and towards the water, then sit down on the bench, and take off his helm, revealing his grey hair. Then the scene plays out the same way.

            I think it would've worked.
            Maybe it would have. I liked how they did it.


              I need to see it again!!!


                Here's the odd thing. I enjoyed it a lot... but I'm fine not seeing it till it's out on blu-ray again


                  Though largely bored with marvel, this was fantastic I thought.


                    I wonder how long Cap was sitting on that bench waiting for them to spot him.

                    Maybe he was like Tony Wonder in Arrested Development hiding in the dumb waiter until someone said his name.


                      Originally posted by Brad View Post
                      Though largely bored with marvel, this was fantastic I thought.
                      Pretty much how I feel.

                      I'd love to see a tv series of Squirrel Girl (animated or not) and (definitely not going to happen) 1602 with all the MCU actors in but that's it. I've had enough.

                      Only thing that will drag me back is a super kick ass XMEN reboot that blows everything out the water in a few years time.
                      Last edited by Blobcat; 03-05-2019, 19:11.


                        If Marvel finds a network (probably Disney+) you'll get Squirrel Girl leading the cast on New Warriors, they've already cast Milana Vayntrub


                          The writers of Endgame disagree with the Russo's about time travel in the film saying the removal of an Infinity Stone would create splintered alternate timelines but not an individuals actions in the past which by their definition means Loki's revival, Caps life with Peggy etc all take place in the main timeline and alter the canon directly going forward.


                            Finally seen it!

                            I'll have a peruse of this thread tomorrow.


                              One thing we didn’t discuss. Right at the start of the film, their spaceship has now run out of fuel and so is ‘dead in the water’. THAT’S NOT HOW SPACE WORKS!

                              Also that writer seems to be forgetting everything Banner said and the fact that the stones were not part of the time travel process. And I have a feeling (but I’d need to see it again to check) that the Andient One referred to taking the stone out of her timeline- meaning it was already a different timeline.
                              Last edited by Dogg Thang; 06-05-2019, 08:03.


                                Wow, long thread.

                                TL: DR Time travel in stories makes you go round in a Mobius Strip trying to work it out.

                                One thing none have discussed yet is on Steve Rogers' wedding night, he would have destroyed Peggy...

                                Disappointed Stark was still a dick upon his return from space and still thought the Ultron Initiative was a good idea and held Rogers accountable, despite his registration act making him go underground.

                                MCU Hulk is pretty lame. After Assemble, he's not had many good moments and is seriously underpowered. In the comics he held up a mountain that'd been dropped on him. Also, that arm would've healed up by the funeral.

                                Aside from that, I loved it. So many amazing moments and payoffs for years of investment.

