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The Films You Watched Thread VI: The Undiscovered Movie

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    Originally posted by wakka View Post
    I'd like to watch It Part 2 but I think I'm actually going to read the book instead first. Never read it before. Might save it for when I next have a long journey somewhere as King is perfect for whiling away the hours on a train or plane. Then I'll watch Part 2 somewhere down the line.
    Sounds like a plan if the story appeals. The book is such a great read. Even 5 hours of film leaves so much out.

    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    The Running Man has really fallen into the "not as good as you remember" category, sadly.
    Yeah, it's got the kills and the payoff lines, but it's so shallow. There are lots of cool, memorable moments, but I was left a bit shocked at how fleeting it is.

    It's possibly because I've listened to the original King audiobook and it's amazing.
    I hope Edgar Wright's plan to make it comes into fruition.
    Yeah, it feels almost like a tv movie. An Edgar Wright film (sticking closer to the book) would be something special.


      Originally posted by Atticus View Post
      Yeah, it feels almost like a tv movie. An Edgar Wright film (sticking closer to the book) would be something special.
      The way Kevin Kennerly reads the audiobook to The Running Man is just perfect.
      Dripping with aggressive and world-weary cynicism for Ben Richards.

      You can get it on Audible and all that jazz, but you can stream it online if you Google "findaudiobook running man".
      It's got the opening intro from King talking about his reasons for writing as Richard Bachman and what happened when his pseudonym was revealed.


        Avatar 2: Way of the Exploding Fist

        I missed this in imax but just got back from watching it in regular 3D.

        It was astonishing.


          The Whale
          If you're a sucker for Brendan Fraser making you weepy eyed then this expectedly does the job. It nicely does a good job of repeatedly bringing you in before trying to repulse you away as his gluttony cuts into his life. You find yourself desperately wanting him to help himself at times and the context of his situation and decision making rolls out in a way that does manage to stay with your for the couple of days post-watch. A good reminder of just how good Fraser can be.


            RIP Raquel Welch.

            Good innings at 82 years old but still a sad day when a decent enough actress but also an undoubted mega-star celebrity, particularly in the late 60s and 70s, dies.

            What bet One Million Year BC and Fantastic Voyage will be hurriedly scheduled somewhere on TV in the next few days?


              Andy Dufresne is bereft!


                I watched Mission Impossible 3.

                Very noisy, this one. Nary a scene goes by without some explosions and yelling, and there's a significant reduction on espionage. When the film does threaten it, it usually leaves it out - like the Shanghai tower sequence, where lots of energy is expended on Hunt getting into it, then we suddenly see him emerge. We don't get to find out what went on inside, which is a bit odd.

                It's a better overall watch than the second film, and Seymour Hoffman makes a brilliant villain (what a great actor - RIP). The Vatican sequence is the best overall part of the film, providing that I-love-it-when-a-plan-comes-together feeling that I think is one of the best trademarks of this series. Other sequences, like the exceptionally noisy bridge sequence, are unnecessary, and seem to serve as an excuse for a lot of gunfire and explosions without any real tension.

                I liked it, but I didn't love it.


                  It's a shame Maggie Q didn't make a reappearance in the series, because her character is both foxy and skilled and makes a great IMF team member.

                  I think I liked it more than you, Wakka, but agree with a lot of what you're saying.
                  The normal formula for both the film and series is that there's a plan, the plan goes wrong and they adjust.
                  This one has the twist of making things more personal, so how does Ethan react to that?

                  The Vatican is most Mission Impossibly, but the bridge is a good contrast where it's all just uncontrolled pandemonium.

                  Hoffman was an amazing actor and makes for a chilling end-of-game boss.
                  The bit where after being dangled out of a plane, calmly recovers and reveals he now knows Ethan's name is brilliant.
                  Feels like Hunt has the upper hand, but he really doesn't.

                  I think the early death where the eyeball goes askew is just horrible and has always stayed with me!


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp
                    The bit where after being dangled out of a plane, calmly recovers and reveals he now knows Ethan's name is brilliant.

                    Yeah, that's a brilliant bit. I would have loved to have had more mind games between Hunt and Hoffman like that. The interplay between the two of them is a real highlight whenever it happens.

                    Originally posted by QualityChimp
                    The Vatican is most Mission Impossibly, but the bridge is a good contrast where it's all just uncontrolled pandemonium.

                    Yeah, that's a fair point re: the bridge. Overall, for me, the balance of the film swung a bit too far in favour of endless action, which is where my eyes always start to glaze over after a while.
                    Last edited by wakka; 16-02-2023, 10:15.


                      Originally posted by wakka View Post

                      Yeah, that's a brilliant bit. I would have loved to have had more mind games between Hunt and Hoffman like that. The interplay between the two of them is a real highlight whenever it happens.

                      Yeah, that's a fair point re: the bridge. Overall, for me, the balance of the film swung a bit too far in favour of endless action, which is where my eyes always start to glaze over after a while.
                      I totally get that, it was a bit relentless, but again it's the contrast of Hunt thinking he's in control, but it's Davian that has the attack chopper, attack drone and SWAT team with freezing foam and all Hunt has is a gun locked away in his car boot, across a massive gap in the bridge.

                      On a technical note, this was a brilliant example of practical and digital added together.
                      Cruise really did get slammed into that car, but there wasn't a real explosion.
                      The bridge is on the ground and the water is CGI'd in.
                      Cruise really does jump from a great height, so you see his face as he walks up and plummets off, but the Shanghai skyscraper is added in later.


                        The bit where he slams into the car is definitely a highlight of that scene. Super visceral. I figured while watching that this was done via wires with the explosion added later as CGI, which sounds like it was right?

                        You're right that the bridge scene actually is a good one, and it's made me rethink my position on it. But it came at this moment where I really wanted the film to slow down and let us have some character action.

                        I think that's what the film as a whole really lacks. There is almost no character development of anyone but Hunt in this one. Yeah Maggie Q is cool but, like, who is she? We have no idea. I think this is at its most frustrating in the character of Hunt's wife. She is such a flimsy character, which was a bummer.

                        But I loved the whole Vatican sequence, and the part where he drops onto the Shanghai rooftop, and the bookending scene with Hoffman counting to ten is great. So it's swings and roundabouts.


                          Best bit about MI3 is the huge shift in quality the franchise hits next


                            How come the explosion is behind him but he gets thrown sideways? I’ve never understood that.


                              Shock of the blast makes him blow wind aggressively


                                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                                Shock of the blast makes him blow wind aggressively
                                Ah, yes. Shock-induced lateral wind syndrome.

