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The Films You Watched Thread VI: The Undiscovered Movie

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    John Wick 4 isn’t out in Japan until September. SEPTEMBER, FFS!

    I’ve become used to the release dates getting closer recently so this was a shock and I thought it was a mistake at first.


      Originally posted by randombs View Post
      John Wick 4 isn’t out in Japan until September. SEPTEMBER, FFS!

      I’ve become used to the release dates getting closer recently so this was a shock and I thought it was a mistake at first.
      The scenes in Japan are particularly lush.
      It opens by a canal reflecting the neon shop signs.
      Wick is stood atop a hotel next to a cherry blossom tree.
      The hotel is like a modern airport.
      There's a display room full of samurai armour, oh and cases full of swords and nunchuks...

      Try not to read about it and just enjoy it when it finally lands in 47 months time there.


        Does the new one lean into the lore stuff that the third one did? Like that part in the desert?


          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          Does the new one lean into the lore stuff that the third one did? Like that part in the desert?
          Not too much.
          Pretty much everything is established now, so you know about the Continental Hotel chain and the Round Table.

          The Round Table want Wick dead, so send Table member Bill Skarsgård with a blank cheque to sort it.


            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
            The Round Table want Wick dead, so send Table member Bill Skarsgård with a blank cheque to sort it.
            A cheque? Death by paper cut!

            Thanks for the answer. I'm hoping to get to see it once I beat covid.


              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
              A cheque? Death by paper cut!

              EDIT: Kinda.


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                I can go with that idea!


                  When you're feeling better and get to the cinema, you'll see the bit I mean and go:


                    More Hitch, this time Stranger on a Train ... where one guy suggests a bizarre but admittedly well considered murder-swap plan to the other. It is pretty ridiculous but tons of fun.


                      I love that one!


                        Watched Rosemary's Baby for the first time last weekend. Was good, but I did find quite a few bits quite jarring and felt I'd come in with expectations that weren't quite met.

                        Then last night watched Tetris. Full marks for casting - characters are suitably charming and repulsive where you'd want them to be - but from previous knowledge of the story, this pushes a bit too hard trying to sensationalise the drama. Also the "hey look, video games!" visual effects are overused and kind of crap. Back on the plus side, there's some amusing musical choices, and it got the better half to sit down and watch 2 hours about the licensing rights for Tetris, so it's obviously doing something right.


                          Made the mistake of watching The Doorman (2020) last night.

                          Second division, low budget Die Hard ticking every cliche of the genre except with a female lead. Yawn. Not totally awful, filmed pretty well, the stunts and special effects are not too shabby either but otherwise one to avoid.

                          Quite enjoyed We Bought A Zoo earlier yesterday - a family friendly tale which doesn't do anything you have not seen many times before. Bereaved father (Matt Damon), cute, precocious daughter, stroppy, resentful teenage son, love interest for both father and son in the form of Scarlet Johansson and Elle Fanning respectively, tick, tick, tick, tick. Money worries, ill animals and officious bad guy ruining the family's plans but, of course, everything turns out OK in the end.

                          Inoffensive stuff.


                            Fight Club (1999 via Prime).
                            Thought I'd seen this more than once, but found myself scouring for clues to the ending and there are loads if you look, like Sixth Sense.

                            Some fun trivia on the X-Ray mode like Meatloaf's trousers falling down, the revelation that Chuck Palahniuk didn't realise the twist until 2/3 through writing rhe book, he got the idea after an altercation on a camping trip and nobody at work the following week wanted to ask about the bruises and Rosie O'Donnell saw the film in a preview screening and hated the violence and didn't want her viewers to see it, so gave away the ending on her show.
                            On the commentary, Norton and Pitt are unimpressed, with Pitt saying:
                            "I guess that is OK she hated it. She was saying this movie disturbed [her], she could not sleep for nights. It hit a nerve. It struck some nerve whether she wanted to look at it or not. But the deal was, she gave away the ending on national television. That's just unforgivable."
                            It wasn't until 3 years later that O'Donnell discovered she'd done something wrong when Courtney Love told her that Norton and Pitt were unhappy with her.
                            How much up your own arse and surrounded by yes men do you have to be oblivious that you're sabotaging the work of other artists? And Courtney Love is the voice of reason?!

                            Anyway, the film is amazing and I love that it's misunderstood by bros thinking it's a self-help story.


                              Loving the Fight Club triv Excellent stuff. Watched it again with one of my sons recently … so good … that Pixies needle-drop at the end is perfection.


                                Watched House of Gucci. I'd been warned that Leto was bad, but bloody hell, no-one comes out smelling of roses. Really did not enjoy this - it's overly long and dull and I feel like it didn't have to be either of those things. There's also a sex scene that just confused me more than anything else.

