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The Films You Watched Thread VI: The Undiscovered Movie

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    This one mate:


      That's the one. That's the best cut.



          Originally posted by wakka View Post
          Good guidance. I'd kinda like to watch both actually, as it's such a cool film. I think I will start with the final cut based on what you've said above

          Would it be correct to say that this set includes all three cuts (the 'Director's Cut' being the longer one with workprint footage?):

          Is this set how you watched the final cut?
          Yes, that’s the one I have. Absolute steal for a tenner. Soundtrack is a massive Bruce bonus.

          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          Which is the one with the bees?!
          Never seen the Nicholas Cage remake but I’ve heard it’s amazing for all the wrong reasons


            Originally posted by Atticus View Post
            I watched Candyman at the weekend. The new one. I hadn't realised but it works as a sequel to the first film, but you don't have to see that. I was expecting something more basic and slashery than the (surprisingly intelligent) original but this carries the torch well, heaping layers into the legend and how he endures. The social commentary is bold but not out of place. It meshes with the source material and it it's not the most dominant factor. That belongs to the story, or the story within the story. If there was one negative it was how soon the finale arrived. I was enjoying the ride and then suddenly I was like, eh, is this the ending, here, now? Bit too abrupt ... which left me feeling a little unfulfilled, but spending a day or two with it in my head it those feelings have subsided. Really enjoyed it. Stunning 4k disc too (it's a very good looking film).

            Dave Made a Maze is great fun. The cardboard world is brilliant. Loved the Raging Bull skit too
            I watched Dave Made a Maze over the weekend as the premise interested me but i thought it really missed the mark in a lot of ways, acting wasnt great but serviacble enough. The quirkiness felt forced, and the whole thing just kind of felt like it wasn't quite there lots of plot holes too, like (what happened to the homeless guy, or the Swedish couple)

            It would have been quite funny to see all the missing people emerge from the mass of cardboard as their clearing up dust themselves off as if the whole afternoon had been an elaborate play time type experience with them all playing their part, the cast all disheveled and wishing Dave well and filling out of his flat could of been very funny

            it needed to build on the concept and have a proper resolution. As it stands though the ending instead of being fantastical like they try and build up is more of a downer, and i think that's a shame, its not a bad film its just not that great either.
            Last edited by Lebowski; 17-01-2022, 15:11.


              Originally posted by Atticus View Post
              Never seen the Nicholas Cage remake but I’ve heard it’s amazing for all the wrong reasons
              I have only seen a chunk of it in gif form.


                Watched Pig last night on Sky Cinema. Not only is it a good film but also a reminder that Nicholas Cage can act. Even though he's an utter mess in the film it's refreshing to see him without his usual Tom Jones style dyed black beard and syrup. He looks so much more human. The plot reads like a revenge film (guy played by NC has his truffle pig stolen and sets out to get her back) but it's far more quiet and thoughtful than that. Weirdly, his character reminded me a lot of another character from the tv show Northern Exposure ... then the actor who played that character (Adam Arkin) turns up in the film. Really enjoyed it.


                  Not really a film, but I saw Hamilton on Disney+.

                  Wowsers. Ten founding fathers out of ten.


                    Watched Malignant last night. Interesting spin on the old imaginary friend set up. It was entertaining enough, and plenty mad enough too, but it was lacking something. There’s a lot you have to go along with before the big plot reveal, and then it asks further participation from you too as you get your head around what’s been going on, but although it’s no classic I do admire a film that goes for it with a bonkers concept.


                      Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                      Watched Malignant last night. Interesting spin on the old imaginary friend set up. It was entertaining enough, and plenty mad enough too, but it was lacking something. There’s a lot you have to go along with before the big plot reveal, and then it asks further participation from you too as you get your head around what’s been going on, but although it’s no classic I do admire a film that goes for it with a bonkers concept.
                      I can't decide whether to spend the fiver to rent this or not. Is it a fun enough watch to justify it, do you reckon? I mean I do like a lot of cornball horror stuff, I gave a glowing report on the Wrong Turn reboot a few posts up...


                        Originally posted by wakka View Post
                        I can't decide whether to spend the fiver to rent this or not. Is it a fun enough watch to justify it, do you reckon? I mean I do like a lot of cornball horror stuff, I gave a glowing report on the Wrong Turn reboot a few posts up...
                        Um, on one hand it’s hard to go against a rental for a daft fiver and I did enjoy all of its cornball horror goodness … but it’s a hard one to recommend as I didn’t love anything about it … plus it’ll probably be streaming on some platform or other soon (as soon as you drop that fiver it’ll turn up somewhere )


                          Yeah, that's usually how it works

                          OK, thanks. Yeah, it's only a fiver. If I'm in the mood I'll just do it.


                            Watched Venom Let There be Carnage with one of the boys last night. We both enjoyed the first one (yeah, I know) so we were already on board for this. It's a different movie to the first one, that's for sure ... but the bickering heart is still there with Brock and Venom going at it like an old married couple. While the first film at least had time to draw a breath, this one is nonstop madness and mayhem. I'm okay with that, I didn't want the first film again. It's not nearly as sophisticated as what Marvel have done in recent years but for me it's more fun. And more comic-booky. Woody Harrelson dusts off his old serial killer routine with ease (looking good at 60, not that he's ever had to weld for 12 hours a day) and makes for a decent baddie. But as in the first Tom Hardy makes the film. He's just so committed and so watchable in the role. I'm not sure what the plans are long-term but this and Tom Holland's Spidey are almost different worlds ... will they come together?? Did they? (I still haven't seen No Way Home). This is a short ride of big daft fun and violence. Worked for me.


                              Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                              (looking good at 60, not that he's ever had to weld for 12 hours a day)


                                Originally posted by wakka View Post
                                I can't decide whether to spend the fiver to rent this or not. Is it a fun enough watch to justify it, do you reckon? I mean I do like a lot of cornball horror stuff, I gave a glowing report on the Wrong Turn reboot a few posts up...
                                It's worth your fiver for how ridiculous it is, enjoyed it for sure. Its not actually any good though

