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The Films You Watched Thread VI: The Undiscovered Movie

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    That had passed me by but sounds interesting Atticus, although a bit disappointing all the same. I wasn't that big on Shape of Water either, to be honest.

    Relevant to Hitch:

    This is coming on May 22nd to the US, no date for UK yet but surely won't be long after


      ^^^ absolutely class news The first UHD set was incredible so I’ll be well hyped for this ^^^


        Me too! Gonna be preordering. I'll keep buying these sets as long as they keep doing them, hopefully many more to come


          OK I should really be working, so here is a quick one.

          Deep Cover (1992)

          Laurence Fishburne is a beat cop who goes undercover in Los Angeles, aiming to get close to the Mexican kingpins supplying the streets.

          This is an excellent film. Dripping with 90s neon and period hip hop, and featuring incredibly energetic and charismatic turns by Fishburne and Goldblum, it's a brilliantly entertaining noir.

          There is so much to like about this film, but I'll just highlight one thing. The characters don't all speak in the same way. They're all different people. Sounds obvious but I find so many films, especially stylish, noirish films, have all the characters speak in much the same way. The writer radiates through, rather than the personalities of the characters. This doesn't have that, and the characterisation for the most part is very strong.

          Highly recommended. I watched this on the Criterion Blu, where it looked and sounded terrific.


            Last night I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. I hated it. It’s sitting on Netflix in a feelgood movies category. If you can feel good watching a guy get crapped on relentlessly for two hours, I don’t know what that would say about you. The Saw films are a jollier romp and at least their characters tend to get some relief dotted around the movie. It was miserable melodrama which deliberately telegraphed its next piece of miserable melodrama so you could bad about it in advance.

            Netflix, you and I need to have a chat about what the term feelgood means.


              Possibly one of the most morbidly sentimental films ever committed to celluloid.


                Old. Gotta love M Night for a bit of daft. You all know the set-up: family holidaying on an island which has a beach where you age very quickly (it wasn’t in the Lunn Poly brochure). Throwaway popcorn fun like this most definitely has its place and it kept us fairly well entertained for a couple of hours.


                  Lunn Poly brochure



                    I keep toying with watching "Old". I've enjoyed nearly all the M. Night Shyamalan films I've seen, so I don't know why I let the people who just enjoy hating his work sway my opinion. Might check out, cheers.

                    @Dogg Thang, my mate said he's rewatched Spotless recently and I agree that although hope is ultimately the sentiment of the ending, it's a depressing slog to get there. It doesn't help that the trailer makes it look like a quirky comedy, thanks to that Blue Sky soundtrack that isn't in the film.


                      I haven’t seen that. You can guess why! But yeah, 30 seconds of something nice happening in a movie doesn’t wipe away two hours of torment if that’s what it took to get there. Chef was great in this regard. One bad thing happened at the start of the movie and then, from there, most of the movie is good things happening. That’s a real feel good movie.


                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                        I haven’t seen that.

                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang
                        You can guess why!




                            I watched Hot Rod last night and adored it. It was exactly what I wanted. Andy Samberg at his funny, silly best. About a guy who wants to be a stuntman because his dead dad was and he desperately wants the respect of his stepfather, played by Lovejoy. When Lovejoy needs a heart transplant, Andy Samberg decides to raise the money by jumping buses on a motorbike. It’s very silly and so full of charm and heart. Made me laugh out loud in many places, especially one absolutely genius sequence out in a forest - if you’ve seen it, you’ll know the bit. Superb soundtrack too.


                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              I watched Hot Rod last night and adored it. It was exactly what I wanted. Andy Samberg at his funny, silly best. About a guy who wants to be a stuntman because his dead dad was and he desperately wants the respect of his stepfather, played by Lovejoy. When Lovejoy needs a heart transplant, Andy Samberg decides to raise the money by jumping buses on a motorbike. It’s very silly and so full of charm and heart. Made me laugh out loud in many places, especially one absolutely genius sequence out in a forest - if you’ve seen it, you’ll know the bit. Superb soundtrack too.
                              ‘Lovejoy’ I bet McShane’s own mother calls him that.

                              That film sounds great. Is it streaming anywhere?


                                Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                                That film sounds great. Is it streaming anywhere?
                                I rented it on Apple. It doesn't seem to be on Netflix, Prime or Disney+. Not sure about anywhere else.

