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Spider-Man: No Way Home

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    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    tearing open the fabric of space is something you do for something really important
    ... like creating a way to sell a ton of Spider-man, Spider-man 2, Spider-man 3, Amazing Spider-man and Amazing Spiderman-2: Electric Boogaloo BluRays


      I rewatched the trailer earlier and around 2:27...

      when we see the electricity, is that Sandman in shot too?

      Edit: Prediction for the post-credits scene -

      Topher Grace as Venom doing some bad guy cackling because he got left somewhere to run riot. Then Tom Hardy shows up looking like he's going to kick his ass and does his Venom transformation and then cut to black.

      Last edited by Dogg Thang; 24-08-2021, 15:15.


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        I rewatched the trailer earlier and around 2:27...

        when we see the electricity, is that Sandman in shot too?
        That's the implication.

        Along with

        Green Goblin


          Yeah, I figured. I told my eldest kid that she's going to have to watch the older films now and she laughed in my face and said no way. She's 14. To her, the Tobey Maguire ones may as well have been made in the 1930s.


            Originally posted by CMcK View Post
            At the end of the movie MJ will wake up and find Peter in the shower.
            Hopefully, she finds him in the shower with several multiverse's MJs!!


              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
              Yeah, I figured. I told my eldest kid that she's going to have to watch the older films now and she laughed in my face and said no way. She's 14. To her, the Tobey Maguire ones may as well have been made in the 1930s.
              It sounds like you need to restate you're daughter about how the first two Sam Raimi-directed Spiderman films are actually good. Convince her to watch one and she can then make her own mind up (but that they are better than the recent ones but different in a good way).

              Due many of us that have seen the previous films its good to see the original actors return in their roles (much better than recasting at this stage). Given that Far From Home felt like a vacation comedy with some hero elements sprinkled in I hope they can beat the curse and make this one a decent entry (so far Spiderman hasn't had much luck with the third in the series or beyond).


                At work it's mostly 21-25yr olds around me and this has been a massive talking point, the film has gone from off the radar to white hot and it's literally all on one thing - Tobey and the Raimi trilogy. But I can see how it's different by ages, I can't get much of a reaction from anyone on the idea of Keaton returning as Batman next year.


                  Yeah from a nostalgia point of view it is perfect timing for the 20-30 year olds. It’s a strong move in that sense.


                    If anything it makes me curious about Doctor Strange 2. It has Peter, Strange and Wanda in it but it's entirely multiverse based. There's not really any other nostalgic material to mine for Marvel so I assume hiring Raimi is an attempt to just go really trippy


                      I had similar thoughts earlier in that this kind of looks like Strange and the Multiverse already and the toys suggest they lean even harder into that, given the new Spider-Man suit. So I feel like they might lean into the multiverse so much harder with the Strange film and maybe that will involve Spider-Man characters. Could it go so far as to have Lou Ferigno Hulk or things like that? Hoping for Ash from Evil Dead. It could happen!


                        This. Looks. Brilliant!!


                          It's ironic that it's one of Sony's related projects that is injecting hype back into the MCU machine again. After Endgame there's definitely been a sense on the net where it's common to find people who felt a sense of being... done. Like Endgame was enough of an ending and the general meh-ness of the following projects has made it easy not to get too hooked in again, this though seems to be refiring the hype machine at the right moment given the state of cinema.


                            Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                            If anything it makes me curious about Doctor Strange 2. It has Peter, Strange and Wanda in it but it's entirely multiverse based. There's not really any other nostalgic material to mine for Marvel so I assume hiring Raimi is an attempt to just go really trippy
                            I feel like No Way Home would be more of a backdoor for a possible Sinister Six spinoff, or at least it feels that way if the Multiverse is going to be ripped open for all the classic Spidey villains to reappear.

                            Keep in mind that MCU Doctor Strange isn't technically the "Sorceror Supreme" yet - he hasn't actually met The Vishanti. I feel like those points in themselves are a pretty major (and more interesting imo) basis for a Doctor Strange sequel.
                            Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 25-08-2021, 20:10.


                              Does seem they're headed that way with Strange, with these early steps he seems poised to become a key player in the coming phases of the MCU so that arc would make sense. Likewise with Sony who have tried to get Sinister Six going a few times, best way to make audiences care would be using popular incarnations so this nails that aim.

                              I was trying to think about the possible jumping point from here for Sony and for Spider-Man: Home 4 I guess the natural development would be Parker post-High School, maybe meeting Gwen and getting into a little love triangle. Kind of maturing after his experiences in this and the other films and having Venom come in more from the symbiote being drawn by what it perceives to be a more powerful host.

                              If, if, they were to consider a Spider-Man 4 with Raimi and Maguire it seems like the planned original version with Vulture would be pointless now given Homecoming happened. But I can imagine a lot of mileage in picking up that Parker in present day, married with a kid with MJ. She's feeling railroaded by him and domestic life, he feels he's living the dream and things have come together and he's had a long celebrated history of saving New York. But that being a segway into using Raimi's old loved idea of doing Kraven the Hunter coming after Peter.

                              But, for Spider-Man: No Way Home

                              Across the internet the trailer has been viewed over 355 million times in 24 hours which is a higher count than Avengers: Endgame achieved with 289m. Far From Home achieved 135m.

