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    I am Neon Ignition and I am here to ask you a question.

    Is a videogame enthusiast not entitled to his cinematic adaptation?
    No! Says the studio to the maker of Pirates of the Caribbean, It belongs to the unfilmed due to immense costs
    No! Says the developer, it belongs to us who shall sit on it for two generations
    No! Says the pandemic, it belongs to no-one as I shall close all the cinemas

    Bioshock rejects those answers, instead it chooses something different. Instead it chooses a content provider with more spending money than sense. It chose...


    A service where the commissioner would not fear spending vasts amounts of money, where the reviews would not be bound by the number of viewers, where the stars would not be constrained by the cash they are willing to spend to attain some credibility to the production. At Netflix, Bioshock will become your movie as well...

    Netflix, hardly a stranger to the world of video game adaptations, has chucked another beloved property onto its increa…

    Love it!


      Netflix did such a great job on Cowboy Bebop I don't see what can go wrong.


        'Eyeing a potential cinematic universe' before they have even made one film. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.


          Lawrence Talks His "BioShock" Film Hopes - Dark Horizons
          The director - who has just finished up on the Hunger Games prequel and is also lining up a sequel to his film I Am Legend has confirmed that the writer of Logan and Blade Runner 2049 is currently working on the script for this and that it might be the next film that gets made.

