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Netflix's *The Sandman*

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    Yeah it’s pretty much entirely due to the source material. For better or worse, this is probably the most faithful adaptation of another medium that I’ve ever seen. There are changes but most are either cosmetic or are tiny details. It sticks so closely to the comics.


      People talk about fan service all the time, but this show was entirely fan service. Great for fans, everyone else? Not so much by the sound of it.


        Well I have heard of some people loving who don’t know the source. I’m not sure that calling it fan service is exactly right. But it’s incredibly faithful to the source material in ways that most adaptations never are. In one way, I admire it for that. In another, it also shows why work requires adaptation and can’t usually be thrown up on screen as is. What is fine in a monthly comic form in the 80s is not necessarily the best for a TV show in 2022.

        Still, I loved it overall.


          I misunderstand what fan service is then!


            Fan service is generally just pandering to the fans. Like chucking in classic Star Wars references into new Star Wars just so old fans will recognise it or feel comfortable with it. It’s often surface dressing. I don’t think that was the intention here - if it was, they probably wouldn’t have mixed up so much of the cast with gender-swapping and so on. I feel the intention here was a very faithful adaptation of the material. Which is probably why this almost happened but didn’t over the years, until now.


              Netflix Renews "The Sandman" For Season 2 - Dark Horizons
              Netflix decides to take a second plunge with Sandman

