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    Mad Max
    I last saw this many years ago and recall it being bad, it's better this time around but still not amazing


      I watched The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (via Blu-Ray).
      I'm annoyed with myself because it's taken about 10 attempts to get through it for various reason, not least that it's 3 hours long.
      Still, that's not the best way to ever see a film, but what's done is done.

      It's decent, but off the back of OUATITWest and The Wild Bunch, it's a bit clunkier in places.
      The Morricone score is phenomenal, but they seem to do the "AAAaaaAAAaaaAAAAAH Wah wah waaaah" every 5 minutes.
      All is forgiven for that phenomenal final shootout and "The Extasy of the Gold" playing.

      There's no denying that Eastwood looks The Man (with no name) in this - oozing cowboy cool.

      That's another classic off the Bucket List Movie poster.

      I'm toying with watching a few films with commentaries this month.


        Got to admit, I have always preferred For A Few Dollars More and in part because it's a shorter, neater movie.


          I got the Man With No Name boxset, so have that and Fistful of Dollars to watch too.


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
            I saw The Phantom Menace just to see it again on the big screen. It has not got any better with age. A big screen doesn’t save it.
            What is your view on the Darth Jar Jar theory?

            The re-release reminded me of this idea and I read up on it again.

            I honestly do feel that the idea that Jar Jar was intended to be a more complex character who played a more central role in the trilogy, but that Lucas backed off after the fan reaction to him, potentially holds water.

            I have read that originally he was intended to be a more morally ambiguous mercenary character and think that's probably more likely than him turning out to be the most powerful Sith lord in the galaxy or whatever.

            It would have been an interesting twist to have him turn out to be much more than the goofball he appears to be.


              I could believe either theories are true, both sound awful like the rest of the prequels contents.
              It still makes me laugh fans get so irrate about the sequel trilogy when the far inferior prequels exist.


                Originally posted by wakka View Post

                What is your view on the Darth Jar Jar theory?
                Well it's fun but I don't think it was ever what was intended. But hey, if it gets you through the prequel trilogy then the theory does its job.


                  Immaculate, Rosemary's Jesus baby affair, virgin nun joining a Catholic convent in Italy mysteriously falls pregnant to much hysteria. Reveals its cards half way through which is cool as this ramp up for the 2nd half. Really good, 4/5 skulls, some genuine tension, good gore and the odd tit.

                  I.S.S. War between America and Russia forces space station split nationality crew to take control of their floating tin can. Couldn't get into this at all, fine production values but typical characters acting as no one really would affair. Blah.


                    Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                    Immaculatesome genuine tension, good gore and the odd tit.


                      We were talking about Westworld the other day and just read this article about how it was made for just $1.25m.

                      Crichton did one take of most scenes, but reused a load of sets.


                        Can we have a shout out for Late Night with the Devil. Watched this last night, one of the best movies of the year, with this and Immaculate horror fans are in clover at the min.


                          M. Night Shyamalalana's 'OLD'.

                          I'd rather have ingested a broth made from guts, Country music and the HIV immunovirus attacking my balls like ravens biting on used mince.


                            Last Stop at Yuma County

                            This was really good. Lot of tension. Can't say much more without spoiling it.

                            Fall Guy
                            It was ok. Not brilliant but entertaining enough.

                            Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022 Netflix one)
                            I actually really liked this. The teenagers in this one were particularly pretentious and unlikeable so I enjoyed seeing leatherface do his thing.


                              Mad Max 2: Road Warrior
                              I'm going to step on toes here and say this was still only kind of middling. Though it's a sequel it does feel like Miller is in effect remaking the franchise each time, only finally delivering what was in his mind with Fury Road. You can see the cogs emerging, some moments are similar etc but this is still a very rough film with a heavy dose of awkward cheese and minimal oomph to it.


                                Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                                M. Night Shyamalalana's 'OLD'.

                                I'd rather have ingested a broth made from guts, Country music and the HIV immunovirus attacking my balls like ravens biting on used mince.
                                Time stamp checks out!

                                Hiya JF, glad you're still posting.

                                I'm one of the few people who liked "Old", but it's no masterpiece, granted.

                                Like Mad Max 2, for example!

                                I think you're looking at it with modern eyes, Neon. I think it still stands and builds so brilliantly to that motorcade finale, but I think you have to take into consideration when it was made and the budget was $4.5m dollars.

                                I watched 65 (via NowTV) and it was a bit bland.
                                Had its moments, but wasn't as good as "Spaceman Vs. Dinosaurs" should be.

