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Canon-Strike XIX: Planet of the Apes

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    I really enjoyed that one. It takes a very different approach and felt fresh. There was a bit of hint of cartoon bad guy in some of the characters, one in particular, but everything else was strong.


      For the Burton version I mostly recall it feeling reaosnably well done but pretty dull. Burton works least well within the 'big studio movie' mode and Apes was very much one of those films.

      I went into Rise with low expectations but it was definitely a surprise, I'm almost surprised the franchise has done so well as despite being well made they're slow burns. Not typical big budget franchise fare.


        The ending of the Burton helmed Apes film didn’t make sense and the rest of the movie was fairly dull. Not a patch on the original.

        I did like the reboot though. A different take on things which worked well.


          Yep, the Burton end twist was just naff. Like zero thought went into it


            Movie 13 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
            With the success of the latest reboot came its own sequel. Thanks to the different starting point in the franchises timeline this sequel takes place following the pandemic that has wiped out large swathes of mankind. With 499 out of every 500 killed by the virus, mankind struggles with societies collapse whilst Caesar tries to maintain control of his growing ape tribe, with some of his own wanting to wage war on humans. The film surprised audiences by being better recieved in reviews and went on to become the most successful entry garnering over $700m at the box office.

            The Dawn of Greatness?


              I recall less of Dawn, I seem to remember enjoying it but being split on if I preferred Rise as it felt like quite a dour film for a blockbuster


                Yes, it’s dour and, in a way, felt like a middle movie. Which is exactly what it is but I don’t think I should have felt that. It didn’t quite push as hard as I think it should have. But it’s still a good film.

                I feel like the Rise and Dawn titles should have been flipped though.


                  Movie 14 - War of the Planet of the Apes
                  An aggressive colonel wages war on the apes and following a severe attack Caesar turns against his aggressors. As mankind battles not just the apes but a mutated simian virus that is devolving the human survivors, Caesar faces the threat in a battle that will cement the beginning of Apes rule of Earth. The third film recieved critical acclaim and though successful saw a significant drop off in takings compared to Dawn. Next year a fourth entry will release charting the younger days of Caesars son and the conflict between the Apes on how to live in the new world.

                  Bringing this thread to a close, was War a Fitting Trilogy closer?


                    I either didn't see War all the way through or I did and wasn't paying attention as I can only recall parts of it.

