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    You weren't sad to see Near come out on top? I was so looking forward to Light finally silencing the smarmy little toddler. Actually the way the show kept putting children in lead roles irritated me throughout, and Near was the final straw. I know it's a fantasy but I somehow find the idea of shinigami and killer note pads more plausible than the head of interpol being a 5 year old infant.


      death note spoilers

      which episode did L die in? That was the last episode i watched and i kind of forgot about it till recently, wouldn't mind downloading them from there on.


        25 is the episode in question Zero.

        The Claymore anime is doing a fair old job of the manga it must be said. Fights don't seem quite as hectic but it does look amazing when animated.


          Claymore ep13, pretty good. the animated Flash Sword always look dam ace, loved the look of surprise on Ophelia

          Bokurano manga -Downloaded whats been translated so far chapter 1-43. there's alot of difference between it and the anime. For a start the actually fights themself seems alot quicker and way more agility with lots of quick edits between the action, compared to the slow moving and more titanic feeling the anime gives. read up to ch15 and so far the order of deaths is different with an extra death before animes ep7/8 fight. As far as it being darker, it certainly seems to be, the events of ep7/8 play out differently so to give you taste if you intereted in reading.

          kako still goes mad, but goes into Chizu house to have sex with her, she refuses threatening a knife she carrying around on her. Seems he been carrying it for a good while to get revenge for event in the recent past with the teacher she had sex with, but it gets worse than that, seems he set an gathering of men that saw her on the internet locked her in a room with them and they raped her. Next up Kako fight starts and he chickens out, Chizu slits his throat and takes over, kills those that raped her but like the anime lets the teacher get away because of her sister, she tells them before she dies that she's pregent instead of about the 'lights'.

          At the moment im gonna stop reading until the animes over, even though both are quite different, they generally head in the same direction so i'd like to keep it a surprise.


            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post

            You weren't sad to see Near come out on top? I was so looking forward to Light finally silencing the smarmy little toddler. Actually the way the show kept putting children in lead roles irritated me throughout, and Near was the final straw. I know it's a fantasy but I somehow find the idea of shinigami and killer note pads more plausible than the head of interpol being a 5 year old infant.

            I didn't mind Near myself, certainly preferred him over Light towards the end of the series, since Light needed bringing down a peg or two. I really enjoyed the last scene with Ryuk saying he was to be the one who wrote down Light's name in the Death Note.


              Argh I can't bring myself to watch Death Note 37, I saw one of the spoilers and I dont want it to happen T_T


                Light's swimming lesson

                ending spoilers

                Can't bring myself to start watching deatnote again, stopped at ep20 odd and haven't gone back. Don't know why, maybe it because i had the ending spoiled for me ages ago so i can't be bothered to sit through it. Maybe one day..

                Sola ep13 - last ep, finishes the fight between girls and comes up with a good satisfying ending to an ok show.

                i liked that Aono went back in a years time to to pretty much live like Yorito would have done if he hadn't died(again) and loved the last shot teasing a Yorito/Matsuri wondering around still.

                Last edited by Tobal; 02-07-2007, 11:00.


                  Has anyone seen a series called Ebichu, its the most funniest series i have ever watched in my life.

                  The closest thing i can compare it to is a cross between hamtaro & crayon shin chan. It's about a hamster who looks after her master but it's incredibly warped & perverted. One scene has ebichu making a song about shagging for her master with very discriptive lyrics

                  For those who want to see there some on youtube
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  Might be NSFW
                  Last edited by importaku; 03-07-2007, 14:46.


                    Originally posted by Tobal View Post

                    Sola ep13 - last ep, finishes the fight between girls and comes up with a good satisfying ending to an ok show.

                    i liked that Aono went back in a years time to to pretty much live like Yorito would have done if he hadn't died(again) and loved the last shot teasing a Yorito/Matsuri wondering around still.
                    About right for me too. OK ending to an OK show. If I sit and think in detail about some of the stuff in the last few episodes then the show begins to worsen in my eyes anyway. Without doing that though it's reasonably enjoyable.

                    As for my take on the ending bit

                    I dunno if the cans show they are still wandering around together. However an interesting idea is that their souls/spirits whatever have become fused somehow with Aono and Mana respectively. For example in the aftermath of the fight, Aono acts alot like Matsuri e.g. kicking the vending machine in that particular way, some of her mannerisms etc.. and also we have Mana acting alot like Yorito in the last half of the episode. With her sudden obsession with the sky and wanting to take photos of it. In most of the series she never paid much mind to that and always thought Yorito was a bit weird for obsessing over the sky.

                    Last edited by Zapp$ter; 03-07-2007, 17:35. Reason: oopsie


                      Originally posted by importaku View Post
                      Has anyone seen a series called Ebichu, its the most funniest series i have ever watched in my life.

                      The closest thing i can compare it to is a cross between hamtaro & crayon shin chan. It's about a hamster who looks after her master but it's incredibly warped & perverted. One scene has ebichu making a song about shagging for her master with very discriptive lyrics

                      For those who want to see there some on youtube
                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      Might be NSFW
                      Yeah I watched all of Ebichu a few years back. It's very funny but also very repetitive. Definitely worth a watch though. It's also a Gainax production I believe and has a nice ending track by The Pillows. Quality production.


                        Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto ep14-26 - finally got around to watching it all, enjoyable up until the last 3 episodes where it got completely stupid with the magic.

                        Plus i was super disappointed with way the british commando's got wrote off and the gun slinger but then this is a japanese show... at least it all kinder made sense in the end, but im not sure why the second Eternal Assassin(chief) would let herself be controlled by the lords head. And the ending scene was annoying to, choosing to follow Ryoma's path instead of staying with the Chief by the time he returns(if at all) she'll be old..

                        in Short decent show with its only telling of the end of the shogunate, ruinned by a stupid ending.


                          Lucky Star ep13 - Good stuff, special mentions to Sgt.Kero, Code geass eye , Lucky Channel(again+drills) and the brilliant ending credits that i wasn't expect at all.


                            Zero no Tsukaima 2nd season ep1. Back again and it's as funny as it's first series was. Gotta feel sorry for Saito though.


                              Got it on download, can't wait(along with Overdrive ep8/9).

                              Other new shows appearing subbing now, Sky Girl series(most likely crap), Umisho (which i hear is crap, seems to be about a naked swiming club)

                              Tokimeki ep19-21, Aoba starting to piss me off he's such a coward and his ideal girl is the school idol but has 2 perfectly fine girls that have already confesse and while the Idol now started to show loving feelings back to Aoba she got sod all to do with him him over than being the person everyone looks up to, the dam shallow bastard. I'll be annoyed if super idol(Amamiya) wins, while shy swimming girl(Mina) and engentic Sporty girl(Tsukasa) are left to rot. But going by episode titles, seems the ending will be even crapper... yet i'm still gonna watch.


                                Sky Girls is going to be dreadful yet I've still got the first episode on my list. I watched the ova it came from and god, it's a total loli-fest. It's rather creepy in a bad way. Umisho, no idea but it seems to be a typical harem comedy show so I'm not expecting a miracle.

                                Re Tokimeki; only seen ep 19 at the moment but you're right, he's such a complete wuss. There seems to be no proper conection between him and Amamiya other than the few occassions they done some small thing together. Mind you I didn't like Aoba anyway. :P

                                Edit: Hmm. Umisho isn't amazingly terrible. It reminds me a lot of Girls Bravo. It's not reached the level of Popotan awful anyway.
                                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 09-07-2007, 23:55.

