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    Dam more GL and i ain't got the torrent yet ;_;

    also as soon as this is out im getting it (should be Nov)

    It can sit along side Saber, Rukia and Osaka.

    Also Lovely Complex ep18/19 - ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!! great episodes, ep19 really got me


      Originally posted by Tobal View Post
      or showed promise but went off the boil a bit, but still watching to see how it ends(Heroic Age, Gigantic Formula)
      I don't know what it is about this series but I'm enthralled by it. Some of it so cheesy and ridiculous but I love it! I don't know whether it's because I have no other space battle action anime going but it's on my list of "must watch as soon as it's downloaded". :P

      Love the claymore model as well!

      Can someone say something to restore my faith in gurren lagann and get me watching again? I watched the "first" episode, number 17, of the new stuff and just lost the will to watch it.


        Hmm... I think I get what you're saying Mr. Jeff but as some others have said elsewhere I think the change in feel of the show is intentional.

        I'm just going to swipe a post from animesuki to explain it as I pretty much agree with the guys thoughts on the matter. In spoilers just to be sure but there's nothing major in there

        "Basically starting from the time skip, ep17-20 have been really depressing. The feel was intention, and it clearly shows that the world Simon and the Dai Gurren-dan fought so hard to create was not what everyone expected it to be. The world is less colorful, less energetic, even the new enemies have no flavor. Everyone is now forced to be right and proper because they have advanced technology, and what is most important has been slipping away bit by bit.

        Ep21 shows exactly why Yoko left to begin with. Because she wanted to find a place that she could teach the next generation what was important, and to preserve the feel of the world that she lived in and fought for. This is the colorful, silly and overdramatic Gurren Lagann world that we followed for 15 episodes. The one where even the appearance of enemies put a smile on your face, and people are driven by their instincts and emotions rather than carefully planned details and technicalities." The rest of the post can be found here. Contains slightly more spoilers but again I don't think it's anything major.


        Basic jist is that the change in mood is intentional but that with ep 21 there's another shift, with some speculation that it's heading back to the kind of stuff we grew used to at the start. Certainly my favourite scene at the end of 21 hints at that.
        Last edited by Zapp$ter; 20-08-2007, 23:55. Reason: didn't quite work!!!


          Hmm, thanks for that Zapp. The start of that post pretty much sums up up how I was feeling after the first episode. I tend to get too...involved is the best way to put it, with anime series so when it turns out to be depressing or taking a sharp turn from how it used to be, I tend to just lose the will to watch becuse I'm sympathising with the characters. :P
          (I'm one of these people that cringes when something embarassing happens to characters as well. )

          Still, you've given me some hope that it improves so I'll give the next couple of eps a go tomorrow.


            Gl ep 21- loved every minute of it, specially the ending which was full of hot bloodedness i've wanted to see since the timeskip. I think that scene is up the with Gunbuster 1 entrance(+buster machine march), i think its impossible for gainex to do a bad super robot show.

            Who the f**k do you think we are

            Lucky Star ep19 - Good stuff through out the episode, mainly coming from support characters. Fav bits being anything to do with Kuroi-sensei,

            the Tamura trip and drawing arm saving dive, FMA cosplayers, the bowling alley score board(Suzuka from Code Geass?) and Yutaka innocent "what's Yaoi". Lucky channel was ok, and the ending was funny for the little comments about to young girls blowing bubbles

            Last edited by Tobal; 21-08-2007, 23:09.


              Heroic Age 20: Big explosions ftw!

              There's something about the Nodos fights that's just so unbelievabley epic. They look so small scale until they start involving trivial stuff like, oh, I don't know, planets and such. Then you realise how bloody powerful these things are.
              Thank god the idiotic brothers are dead at last. The irritated me to no end. Strong hint of possibly Yuti going into mental chaos at the end which seeing as how she's the strongest is going to mean some serious **** no doubt.

              I love this show.


                Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                I can't get enough Claymore at the moment. Awesome show, best thing I've seen in a good while. I'm up to episode 8 now and have the rest of the currently released fansubs already downloaded. Trying not to watch more than 1 per night... want to make this last.

                Anyone know how many episodes it will have?
                I'm addicted to this, absolutely fantastic stuff, I was in shock when...

                Teresa had her head sliced clean off by Number 2 Youma form.


                  Watched the first episode of Kamichu, its funny but weird, do they ever explain why everybody believes in Gods, how she became a god (guess they do) and what those weird creatures/spirits are?
                  The art/animation style reminds me of Gigantic Formula which isnt one of my favourite styles but it looks a lot better in Kamichu, mainly because the characters dont have the soulless eyes of GF their eyes are creepy.


                    Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                    do they ever explain why everybody believes in Gods, how she became a god (guess they do) and what those weird creatures/spirits are?
                    no, pretty much.
                    its all based on shinto religion, which (i think) basically means you have millions of gods for practically everything. you just have to accept that everybody beleives in them... just like any religion i guess (although only the gods can see each other, apart from yurie, who everybody can see of course).


                      Nobody seems to be subbing Wangan Midnight anymore


                        Zapp$ter! Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for making me watch Gurren-Lagann again! Just finished episode 21. Haven't been able to stop smiling since!


                          Oooooh, this weeks Naruto was fantastic (ep 26). The Sasori, Sakura & Chio fight really kicks off big style.

                          Finally we get to see some kick ass techniques, i was on the edge of my seat through the whole thing (^_^)


                            Quick question about Naruto. I used to really like it then about 2yrs back it got interminably dull. I know there is a new series, can I just start watching that without the end of the original batch?


                              im guessing your on about the filler crap that when on for close to 2 years, as far as the past goes watching up the final show down between Sasuke and Naruto (ep135 being the last) is the proper 'canon' from the manga.

                              About the only thing you'll get from the 2 years of anime filler is last ep's where Gaara goes solo for some sand genin girl(ep 216-220) who turns up as 'background filler' in manga but now given a history and place in Naurto universe so you can 'mark out' when she turns up during the current anime arc and Hinata learning her version of 'total defense' (which i'd wish was in the manga somehow) and her brutal fight vs someone that uses iron sand. outside of the 85 filler eps only 5/6eps worth watching.

                              extra --

                              just watched ep26, wow they did what i hoped they would do and bring out the CG animation team for the full episode, fantastic fight with crap loads of close calls and the ending although i knew it was coming... glad they didn't tone the gore down.
                              Last edited by Tobal; 24-08-2007, 20:45.


                                Cheers mate, I think I might just go and start on New Naruto then. I used to REALLY like it.

