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    Yeah I think it is, it took a little while to get used to the art style and the bizarre world they've created but I really enjoyed it.


      I like something different. I noticed there's only thirteen episodes. So i guess no filler episodes. I'll take a look, thanks...


        Slayers R ep8/9 - At least the seriousness crept in a bit now.

        Still disappointed they don't think they can take on Xellos fairly(1v5) when Xellos shouldn't be as powerful as the 2 Lords they beat. Also Animal Starwars

        ZnT - Started reading the translated light novels and i can see why so many fans hate whats become of the anime which is a bunch of joke characters ending up in a serious story arc (about 4 eps of 12 every season) when all they done is act stupid, put on a fan service show and even forget continuity of the animes own story... reminds me so very much of negima.

        also read spoilers for ch513 of One Piece and OMFG!!

        Strawhats totally defeated, might be last we see them together for 20/30 chapters while the Whitebeard vs Marines starts up


          Originally posted by Tobal View Post
          ZnT - Started reading the translated light novels and i can see why so many fans hate whats become of the anime which is a bunch of joke characters ending up in a serious story arc (about 4 eps of 12 every season) when all they done is act stupid, put on a fan service show and even forget continuity of the animes own story... reminds me so very much of negima.

          also read spoilers for ch513 of One Piece and OMFG!!

          Strawhats totally defeated, might be last we see them together for 20/30 chapters while the Whitebeard vs Marines starts up
          Yeah I started on what had been translated of the ZnT novels as well; quite a change.

          Louise is still as incredibly violent as ever but with more of the text added to explain why she acts like she does (and why Saito acts as he does too), it really makes a difference to the storyline.

          If you're after some more tsundere Tobal, you might want to have a look Toradora on Baka-tsuki's site. Usual school plotline but the character interactions are really well done. There's the manga version as well which is fairly close to the ammount of translated novel but with the addition of some amazing facial expressions;

          Or you could just wait a month for the Autumn season and watch the anime complete with the Rie's voice (as expected).

          One Piece is also sounding super awesome at the moment as well. This entire arc looks to be something to remember.

          As for myself; worked through 2x2 Shinobuden(great stuff), Tsukihime(vaguely interesting but lacking in character depth) and now on Slayers Try before I can finally go onto the new Slayers series. 3 months of downloading the batch torrent paid off at last.

          Edit: Oh and I saw a cam promo for Tytania airing in the Autumn. Looks like Legend of the Galactic Heroes done with lovely fresh animation. Hope the story's just as good as his previous work.
          Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 03-09-2008, 23:37.


            Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
            Edit: Oh and I saw a cam promo for Tytania airing in the Autumn. Looks like Legend of the Galactic Heroes done with lovely fresh animation. Hope the story's just as good as his previous work.
            Talking of promo's you seen the Russian/Jap collaboration First Squad promo? Storys is pretty out there, Nazi's reviving Crusaders in WW2, then a bunch of Russians with special abilities are tasked to take em down. From that small promo tho it looks awesome, great animation/art and looks like there will be some brilliant action scenes. No one actually knows what it is yet tho, movie,ova or tv series. Should turn out quite interesting what with having the Russian guys on board.


              I'm actually looking forward to the Inazuma Eleven anime which starts in October. And I hate football+associated cultural aspects.


                Originally posted by Orka View Post
                Talking of promo's you seen the Russian/Jap collaboration First Squad promo? Storys is pretty out there, Nazi's reviving Crusaders in WW2, then a bunch of Russians with special abilities are tasked to take em down. From that small promo tho it looks awesome, great animation/art and looks like there will be some brilliant action scenes. No one actually knows what it is yet tho, movie,ova or tv series. Should turn out quite interesting what with having the Russian guys on board.
                Just had a quick look (Link for everyone else) and it's certainly looking impressive. The animation looks a cut above the norm and it'll definitely be interesting to see how the collabaration between the two nations works out and how much different it might be.

                Also, for anyone who enjoyed Aria, the creator will be starting a brand new project in November this year. ANN doesn't have any specific details but I remember reading a 4chan thread stating that it would revolve around hot springs in some way.


                  So i finally dropped Frontier. It was just getting on my nerves and i couldn't put up with it no more and i'm a Macross fan.


                    A bit harsh as there's plenty worse out there than Macross F, even if it has lost its way in the last couple of eps, especially if you're a Ranka fan, and not Sheryl (GO Sheryl!!!), anyway

                    Macross F ep22 - It started to pick up the pieces again and turned out a good ep i wasn't expecting,

                    didn't think the SMS would go off on there own but it good way to get some info on whats really going on behind the scenes, and the president is a complete dick


                      The problem i have with Macross F is that i don't like 2 of the main characters. Ranka and Alto, Whine Whine Whine. I just don't find it enjoyable and the story a bit on the silly side, this coming from someone who enjoyed Macross 7. I liked Michel though...

                      Now that i dropped MF, ive been catching up with Gundam 00. For some odd reason, i put it on the imaginary shelf. Have no idea why, I started from Ep 11 today and i'm up to Ep 20 now, it has that c'mon just one more episode. Think this will be the last one for i say.


                        .... you left 00 onthe self!!!! It does have a shakey start but the the action ramps up past ep10 to an kickass finish, not long now till season 2 hits.


                        Code Geass R2 ep 22 - even though the plots turning to complete mush(i assume that whole UN thing was to Force Schneiel hand) im still enjoying the heck out of each ep and this is no different,

                        Suzaku got himself a Hax Machine(As strong as Jesus Yamato in his Freedom), and of course Nunnally turn up at the end which i didn't expect but i should have seen it coming.

                        And my fav bit was Kallen and Lulu(most likely) there last moment together and GDI lulu for what i believe wasa forced none emotional respsonse so she wouldn't follow him on his path to destruction. I'm guessing this leaves it all for CC to come in if Lulu doesn't die at the end, but still i want Kallen/lulu end

                        Last edited by Tobal; 07-09-2008, 21:57.


                          Detroit Metal City looks set to be remade in hollywood. No doubt another Judd Apatow film which will be toned down (replace the word 'rape' with 'sex') and lose all its charm


                            Been reading Toradora
                            and got through novel 1 and part way into 2, and have to say i'm enjoying it and the october airing's "a must download"

                            DMC Without the Rape, it does somehow and strange to say as well lose it charm and part of the contrasting differences between K2nd and Negi. will have ot way for dvd release of the jp film or a torrent subbed.
                            Last edited by Tobal; 08-09-2008, 17:35.


                              Oh wow that First Squad trailer looks amazing, thats shot straight to to the top of my "Want to watch" list


                                So I've been catching up with Macross Frontier, up to episode 20. It greatly annoys me that such a huge budget has been wasted on a series that has no identity whatsoever. Every single memorable-ish moment in the show so far is basically an attempt to redo a similar (if not identical) sequence from an earlier show, with more money and less talent.

                                I've stopped counting the failed attempts at Information High (Macross Plus). Ozma's near-death (heck, the whole character) is a blatant rip of Roy Fokker (yeah, there are two people stupid enough to do this -.- ) except that he doesn't die which defeats the whole point. The love triangle is Hikaru/Minmay/Misa except there's no suspense at all (gee, I really wonder who Alto is going to choose, the sickeningly oh-so-flawless Purity Sue whose singing is a product of natural talent and love instead of training and engineering, or the actual human being? :/ ), harmonica boy ("No, Ranka, I am your brother") is the bastard child of Sasuke and Duke Fleed drawn in a Gundam yaoi doujin art style... For Haruhi's sake, they even nicked the Borg adaptive immunity from bloody Star Trek!

                                I could go on and on. Add to that some of Yoko Kanno's most "meh" work in quite a while. That's still far above most of the competition, mind (it's like saying Michael Jordan isn't jumping as high as usual), but the decision to hire Japan's most versatile composer and then decide that generic J-pop will be the only genre ever boggles the mind. So does the overreliance on synthesizers and heavy vocal processing (it's like they borrowed Hansi Kürsch's whole effect collection) even for what are supposed to be impromptu live, near-acoustic performances. I mean, it's not like they had, oh, I don't know, two singer characters with completely different upbringing and training who could have had each their own style? It's disheartening, really, especially in regard of Yoko Kanno's track record in "higher" genres (Darker Than Black being a recent highlight -- the lady knows her jazz) and her earlier work on Macross Plus.

                                Still, Frontier's not a bad show by any means. The "coup d'état" storyline shows some promise (although... Hello, Covenant Drones from Halo 3!) and the ****'s starting to hit the fan. Visually, it's stunning. But why, oh why, are the producers aiming for averageness and standing in the shadow of countless other shows? It could be so much better... Of course, there's the off-chance that this is part of the plan, that all the seemingly stolen stuff is an elaborate setup to fractally reflect Sheryl's "pre-fabricated" nature and the underlying conflicts in a final episode mind-screw of epic proportions (in which case it's the most brilliant deconstruction since Sailor Nothing). And Ranka will get a bullet in the head while she sings Killing in the Name. But somehow I doubt it.

                                I'll have to resume Gundam 00 at some point, since signs point to "it gets better around episode 10". But half the cast, especially the "hero" (what's his name again, Setsuna?), makes me want to smash their heads in with a 2x4. Does this get better too? Do they all die horribly at the end of episode 9?

                                Seriously, where do I find non-super mecha shows (heck, mecha shows at all) whose protagonists are not whiney emo bitches? Man, I'd kill for another show of Gurren-Lagann's caliber.

