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    Originally posted by Tobal View Post
    Hyakko - well i liked it , as said by jeff it gave me the Manabi Straight vibe in the character personlities and (almost) art. Think i'll be be sticking with it, i don't remember Manabi giving me a crap ton of laughs but i did enjoy it alot, especially the window bit and the follow up as i honestly did not expect them knock him out
    Yeah, I just remembered about that bit when I finished writing my previous post. That window scene and the last few minutes were probably the highlight of the ep. Particularly with the teacher dreaming up various ways to educate them. I was probably overly harsh but I still stand by my thoughts that the other shows I'd seen were better or got more laughs from them like (the surprising number) in Akane.

    Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka - zap i was gonna say it felt like a rerun of Da Capo+Shuffle plot/characters but the H20 ref really nailed the blandness of the art. Still i was surprised the show came up with some laugh out funny moments so im gonna stick with it for now.
    Hah. I hadn't thought of the Shuffle/Da Capo connection. It's all there really though isn't it. A mish mash of elements from all sorts of shows
    Last edited by Zapp$ter; 05-10-2008, 23:36. Reason: I can't use [quote] tags properly!!!


      Heh, the shuffle/da capo/h20 comparisons aren't that far off considering it's an h-game series of the same ilk as them. Who knows, maybe it'll be a reasonable enough watch or at least good enough to kill some time.

      G002 - No recap! Explosions at the get go and it's still looking as awesome as before. particularly liked the

      Tachikoma-esque automatons. Lots of stuff to look forward to with regards to what everyone's up to. Seems Tieria's got a clone or something with Ribbons, Louise is possibly a super soldier or something(were they trying to hint at her eyes?), Saji might acutally do something and Lockon's twin shows up(or at least I assume it's a twin. I think there was an episode in the first series where Lockon goes to a grave and the other Lockon is also there).

      All in all, a very good start!

      Natsume Yuujinchou finale - Nice little episode which rounds it all off nicely for the moment as well as gathering together all those he met throughout the course of the series. Only one minor niggle;

      I still can't get used to the little fox being a boy! Ragh! It's not right!

      Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 06-10-2008, 00:15. Reason: Edited because I read Zapp's spoilers.


        About time G002 showed up. Downloading that and DMC 07 now! ^_^


          Kannagi ep 1 - I liked that. A familiar basic concept that a few recent shows have covered but it was still nice to watch and it'll be interesting to see how they'll put a new spin on it (if they attempt to that is). Nice animation to boot. Didn't think much of the OP/ED but then again I've covered such a number of shows in a short space of time that I can barely remember any of them music wise. Visually the OP was nice I suppose although I think I'm getting tired of this need to have a striking dance in there somehow. Hard to say much about the main characters at this point but theirs nothing too annoying about either of them yet. Jin was a bit bland but that seems to be par for the course. Another keeper for me.

          Nodame special - I know this was released ages ago by another group but I got round to watching it today with the recently released Froth-bite version. It was ace. Reminded me of all the things I loved about the series and has suitably whetted my appetite for the new series I loved the bit with Mine at the end

          New Xamd episodes were cool as ever too.

          It'll be a very good season if the shows I've seen can keep up the level of quality or even raise their games a bit.


            Toaru no Majutsu Index - Seemed okay. Episode two next week.

            Chaos Head airs Thursday night.


              The Tokyo Tower Rape in DMC was incredibly funny.


                The Tokyo Tower Rape in DMC was incredibly funny.
                That was hilarious, I couldnt stop laughing

                OoooooOOoooohhhh! Theres a Live action version of DMC!?


                The live action film has been watched by more than 1 million people. There are several offers from U.S. and Hong Kong companies to remake the film
                Anyone know if its been subbed?
                Last edited by Orgun; 06-10-2008, 18:04.


                  Gundamm 002 - ep1 - Good stuff, that start was so very, very ZZ . Anyway good to see the cast back and of couse Soma looking hotter as the years pass by. My hopes for this season Setunsa, Slut, Graham, Soma and Bear make it through alive

                  (soma'n'bear an item ???? if so, well done sir ).

                  , graham kicks Char'esk ass and saji actually does something. And Ali, Ribbons'n'co and the Fat Commander get some much needed death.

                  Setsuna getting the Gundam Killer with twin drives, i like that alot , but he needs to improve his skills move, even in a outdated gundam he should have at least taken out 1 A-LAWS but then again that makes them formidable enemies compared to last season. Don't really care for Lockon,lockon,lockon being back be it clone/twin/amnesia, they should have left him dead.

                  One last thing, i thought Louise was with CB at the end of last season, how come she's with the fed's special unit and has some ribbons mind programming in her.... i can onyl explain that blonde was never Louise...

                  Now every Sunday is Gundam Sunday, instead of geass
                  Last edited by Tobal; 06-10-2008, 18:32.


                    Gotta agree Gundam 00 was certainly back with a bang, such a good first ep, witrh many of the familiar faces returning, Grahams mask was proper lol tho.

                    As for the Louise point, i noticed that there's a woman on ribbons side that briefly appears that looks a hell of alot like a female version of Tieria, not that he doesnt already look girly enough, which could explain why we confused that scene at the end of S1.

                    Also the lock on thing could get confusing, as far as i know new lock on is the original lockons twin brother, and original lockon is presumed dead, yet we see lockon with an eyepatrch in the OP suggesting that there could be a double lockon situation later on in the series.

                    Seems my prediction of Setsuna getting the 00 was right. It also looks like everyone else's Gundams have gotten an update, which should level the playing field with the A-LAWS guys. I could be very wrong but i have a sneaking suspicion that Saji will end up in the updated exia or its replacement.


                      More stuff:
                      Yozakura Quartet; Might have been the speed subs being horrendously bad but I'm not really feeling anything exciting from this. Characters and setup seems okay enough but it's not really grabbed me amazingly.

                      To Aru no Majutsu Index - I like the setup for this a lot better. Quite an interesting take on magic/developed science and the main guy/girl seems decent enough. Couple of laughs in there as well. Judging by the OP though, there could be a few too many characters. Animation is quite nicely done too.

                      Tales of the Abyss: I've not played the game so I've gone into this blind. Fairly typical RPG start off point but it looks to have some interesting devlopment regarding magic powers or some such. Seems a fairly capable conversion of the rpg game into a series though; random fighting with common wolf monsters near the end was done tastefully rather than constant skill name shouting which is nice.

                      Edit: Also, rumours around that Shakugan no Shana might be getting a 3rd series. Kind of hope it's true but they'd better not do a bloody reset on Shana and Yuji after what happened at the end of the 2nd series.
                      Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 06-10-2008, 19:50.


                        Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                        Edit: Also, rumours around that Shakugan no Shana might be getting a 3rd series. Kind of hope it's true but they'd better not do a bloody reset on Shana and Yuji after what happened at the end of the 2nd series.
                        I'm not too surprised its getting a third season. The only problem i can see apart from getting stuck with more school filler etc like in series 2, is the fact its going to have to carry on following that stupid anime original ending from s2. Which means their going to have to butcher the rest of the novels if they even bother trying to stick even remotly close to them for series 3. I wouldnt be suprised if they even wuss out of

                        Evil Yuji

                        again at this point, they already did in s2.


                          Linebarreler seems decent enough, although most of the way through I was getting annoyed with Kouichi because he didnt noticed he was covered in BLOOD! Even after he took the time to take his blood soaked shirt off and put a new one on >_< Man that was irritating lol
                          Last edited by Orgun; 06-10-2008, 23:09.


                            Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                            Linebacker seems decent enough, although most of the way through I was getting annoyed with Kouichi because he didnt noticed he was covered in BLOOD! Even after he took the time to take his blood soaked shirt off and put a new one on >_< Man that was irritating lol
                            not this this around yet, whats it jap name asi can't find it.


                              Ah not linebacker, I meant linebarrel (Kurogane no Linebarrell) lol


                                Hahaha i though some new American Football Anime was out.

