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    Yeah no idea where I got Linebacker from although I was thinking of picking up Eyeshield 21 again earlier...


      Another couple of shows subbed -

      Kuro****suji: Very...odd. I went into this on the premise that it might be as gay as Antique Bakery was but didn't see much too moan about, apparently that might change later. Interesting premise with the

      demon butler

      but I'll have to see where it goes.

      Rosario + Vampire Capu 2: I'll be really shallow and say I'm watching this purely for more Mizore. I don't know if it's because of the removal of the bats in the uncensored version but it seems like they've ramped up the number of panty shots. They spent most of the episode trying to make the characetrs scared of something utterly unscary. Wonder how they'll butcher the manga this time.

      Speaking of manga, I got impatient(again) and ended up reading the To Aru Majustu Index manga. They've done a remarkably good job for the first episode, I'd go so far as to say it's an improvement. Plot wise, it's really quick; very little build up before they go straight into some plot which is nice. If they keep the animation up, the anime should be something quite good.

      Edit: Macademi Wasshoi - I was expecting something from this since it's by the person that did Scrapped Princess but wow this is bad. Cliche after horrible cliche. Only thing I've not liked so far this season aside from Linebarrel. I might have watched it if it wasn't for the annoying sister/cousin character. Those roles really bug me.
      Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 07-10-2008, 20:51. Reason: Forgot about Linebarrel


        Kurogane No Linebarrels (Linebarrels of Iron) ep 1 - Hmmm. I liked and disliked it in equal measure. I'm always up for some mecha action so that was a plus. But then you have the cliche of a novice teenager piloting the thing. But on the other hand he's not the reluctant hero, he wants it and revels in his new power. Maybe a bit too much (could be a source of annoyance in future) but it's a nice change from the moping that usually goes along with it. Although I suppose there maybe some angst in the next episode regarding the reveal at the end. I'm not a big fan of the Hirai copypasta character designs either. Still I enjoyed it enough to carry on with it. I imagine it'll be a lower tier show along the lines of heroic age (which I still need to finish) but should fill in the void left by geass and macross.

        Toaru Majutsu No Index ep 1 - Really enjoyed that. One of the better first episodes I've seen. Nice animation and some laughs to be had from that first episode, like the spin on the traditional delinquents harassing the girl schtick. I liked the world they've setup too. Science based "powers" versus magic I guess. The main characters all seem cool too. I hope they keep this up and maintain the animation quality. I'm almost tempted to read the manga now, that's how much I liked it.

        edit: Kuro****suji ep 1 - well that was different. Darker than I was expecting but still some light moments sprinkled throughout. I liked it. Particularly the 2nd half of the episode. Didn't expect to see someone

        locked in an oven

        that's for sure. Animation wasn't too bad either. And Taku Iwasaki on music, who's done some of my favourite music in the past few years. There's a lot to like here. After watching it I read through the asuki thread and they seem to be vehemently denying the BL element to it. If it's just a bunch of bishies in the main roles then I can deal with that. I suppose they may even play the BL element for laughs a la ouran or nabari. Keeping up with this one too, makes for a nice change of pace. Again almost tempted to read the manga now.

        Very pleased with how most shows are turning out so far.
        Last edited by Zapp$ter; 07-10-2008, 22:38.


          I was going to go to bed an hour ago but Ga-Rei Zero became subbed so y'know, had to...

          I'd read the Ga-rei manga a while back before this was announced but I have no idea how this links in except for a wild speculation. I think it's something in the lines of a prologue to the story I read. Anyway, the episode itself was quite well done. Some nice enough action though it was mostly just shooting with a couple of nice moves. Music was quite fitting and the animation was decent enough. Bit confused by the end part though;

          the girl that killed them all was the one he pushed away in the flashback right? Just seems a bit odd that she'd kill him. Censoring of the sword cuts near the end was a bit annoying as well.

          I think a re-read is in order.


            Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
            Another couple of shows subbed -

            Kuro****suji: Very...odd. I went into this on the premise that it might be as gay as Antique Bakery was but didn't see much too moan about, apparently that might change later. Interesting premise with the

            demon butler

            but I'll have to see where it goes.
            I wont have you insult the awesome ness of Antique bakery!

            Although I wasnt sure if it was going to be more or the same.

            Does the kid not remind you of Miharu from Nabari no ou?


              Originally posted by oracle View Post
              Does the kid not remind you of Miharu from Nabari no ou?
              Funnily enough, I thought the exact same when I saw the promo pictures for it. Came as a bit of a surprise it wasn't the same voice when I watched it.

              Shikabane Hime - Out by Lunar at last. Interesting first episode with mostly information and setup but a nice action piece near the end that definitely shows you it was Gainax by it's style. Not sure if it's deliberate or not but the 2 main lead voices sound a bit similar although this could be down to them sharing a slightly nasal quality. The girl keeps making me think of Busou Renkin - kept expecting her to have a scar across her nose.

              Not exactly a hectic first episode like TTGL or FLCL but I don't think it was meant to be. Good enough to keep me watching though.

              Edit: Wow. Linebarrel manga pisses all over the anime. It's remarakable to see how much they've changed it. and for the worse.
              Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 08-10-2008, 12:20.


                I just made an NTSC-UK Anime club on mal. I've sent out invites to all the peeps in my friends list, so if anyone would like to join, please do as its open to everybody. ^_^


                  Tales of the Abyss ep1 has been released by several groups now. I went for AbyssalChronicles.


                    I tried watching the Tales of Symphonia anime, but i found it to be rather rubbish. I don't want to sully my fond playthrough of Tales of the Abyss, so i won't be checking that out.



                      Rosario + Vampire Capu2 is plain bad. Its turned into load of panty shots edited together for 25mins. Its not even following the manga. dropped.


                        Edit: Wow. Linebarrel manga pisses all over the anime. It's remarakable to see how much they've changed it. and for the worse.
                        Yup, just started reading it myself, its a lot better. Then again we have only seen one episode of the anime so far so it has some time to improve

                        I tried watching the Tales of Symphonia anime, but i found it to be rather rubbish. I don't want to sully my fond playthrough of Tales of the Abyss, so i won't be checking that out.
                        The Symphonia anime was dire, you pretty much HAD to have played the game to get any enjoyment out of it because they skipped vast sections of story >_< So far the Abyss first episode was a lot better than the entire Symphonia anime


                          Ok time for some more impressions:

                          Kuro****suji: Nice first ep very dark and atmospheric, although the comedic relief parts felt abit out of place and could grate if used too much. Was abit sceptical when i saw the character designs but from the first ep atleast it doesnt seem to be treading into BL territory yet. Overall it gave me abit of a Jigoku Shoujo (no subs for s3 yet ) vibe, the way they set up the "victim" then the payback bit at then end.

                          To Aru Majutsu no Index: Great first ep. Nice animation and art and fairly high production values, hopefully it will keep them up. Nice intro to the characters and setting as well as the various special abilities n stuff. Thought the coin railgun was pretty cool. Index was also pretty amusing.

                          Kannagi: Not a bad first ep, again not bad art and animation. Story / setting didnt seem anything groundbreaking but its fairly early days.

                          Shikabanehime Aka: A cool first ep, again nice art and animation, with some nice action scenes towards the end. Didnt realise it was a gainax production until it was mentioned here, although thinking back, the uzi animation was extremely reminiscient of the over the top guin animations from FLCL. Certainly not following the regular gainax style of previous series (GL, FLCL, Diebuster etc), so it will be nice to see how it turns out.

                          Gai-Rei Zero: Nice first ep, some good action, thought the Bike combat bit in the first battle was very cool. Reminded me abit of a Supernatural GitS until the complete wtf ending,

                          EVERYONE DIES!!!

                          after that its abit hard to predict how its going to turn out.

                          Kemeko DX: Was extremely random yet rather enjoyable. Takes the usual 'mytery girl turns up claiming to be the regular schoolboys bride' and then twists it. Seems to be a big parody of various mecha shows, Eva being a big one, the kemeko wears a asuka plug suit ffs along with the boxcutter sword. Also a few subtle nods and paordys to FLCL.


                            Kemeko DX - Well that was odd. Not that unusual storyline but having the female lead be stuck in a suit looking like that is certainly different. Clearly another fan-service series akin to Rosario or Macdemia but I think this works better because it's also funny. If they can keep that up should be a decent enough series.

                            Edit: Forgot to say, for those after a Death Note(in terms of killing evil people and trying to get away with it) manga series albeit a bit more violent, try downloading Akumetsu. Despite it's serious and bloody tones, it somehow manages to be almost comedic in the way it goes about things.
                            Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 09-10-2008, 13:37.


                              Just watched eps 1 of Ga-Rei Zero, havent seen that many people die in a first episode in a loooong time Having not read the manga I wasnt sure what to expect but it looks like it could be interesting.


                                Watched Macademi wasshoi. Awful. No real redeeming features. Bit of a shame as it had potential but it rips off too many things and just isn't funny

