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    Lucky Star OVA - 9/10 !!!! had at least 1 or 2 bits to each skit which was real laugh out loud stuff and to think they saved


    for the final karaoke song(well almost a karaoke stage...). Anyway i think most of us will remember this for the end of the dream skit 1 (dream skit2 was just totally bonkers), as im still laughing now every time i think about it.

    Loved the Mmorpg bits, pretty much summed up my play time in ffxi over the years and the stuff happening inthe background while they ignored it brought laughs, fav being the mugging or the guy that spontaneously joins in the cheer emote .

    Kagamin's dream with Rin and Miku(+leek) cosplays and of course Misao, with the pay off giving me a spit take , i wasn't expecting that at all... thought for sureit be some famous hotblooded anime quote but we get that instead, just the way it was said and the beeping together made it ace combined with the animation and 24'esk beats

    Volleyball was cute, Dog and Outing trip ok'ish and the reference filled finale is pretty good(MacrossF, Code Geass, Sayonara Sensei, Kero, Mario3 Frog suit to name the mains ones i remember, someone say the rest i missed). The Lucky Channel Live was a bit long, had a couple of luaghs in it, YOU ARE SHOCK should have been in an actually Karaoke stage like the early tv show eps.

    I'm only gripes are Konata's dad doesn't show up, Minoru barely features in the animation and there no more of it left .

    Now to find me some Avatars or Gif of kagamin waking up or Misao's many faces during the volleyball
    Last edited by Tobal; 10-10-2008, 20:15.


      If you find said gifs, let me know.

      As you said, the LS OVA was pretty good. The Kagami bit was brilliantly done and like you I got major vibes from the

      mmo section, especially the press enter bit for talking. Did that on my first day of wow. The only wierd bit was the frog section of Konata's dream. The last few shots of those frogs were major creepy.

      Toradora ep 2: The only downfall to me having read this series is I'm going to be comparing it to what I already know so it was a bit disappointing to see how they'd compressed so much. Nothing really major but some points like

      the cookies and the fall down the stairs and the streetlamp scene.

      Bit saddening but I can understand why since they have to cover a lot of development in 13 episodes to have some kind of finale. Other than my bitchy complaints, still quite good.

      Clannad ep 2: The episode can be summed up by this phrase: Sunohara, you comedy genius.


        Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post

        Toradora ep 2: The only downfall to me having read this series is I'm going to be comparing it to what I already know so it was a bit disappointing to see how they'd compressed so much. Nothing really major but some points like

        the cookies and the fall down the stairs and the streetlamp scene.

        Bit saddening but I can understand why since they have to cover a lot of development in 13 episodes to have some kind of finale. Other than my bitchy complaints, still quite good.

        Felt the same after having read the books, abit to much was cut for filling out the Ruuji/Tiaga relationship to the point where the misunderstandings take place(zero medical room stuff, none of the cafe/supper market, very little shown of her klutz ways). The show really needed to be 26eps , next episode looks like new stuff for me past what already been translated from the novels so it looks like there making up a timeline or content... please for the love of god JC, do not turn this is to another ZnT or Shana with made up original ****.


          seems Vampire Knight has started again, but its now called Vampire Knight Guilty


            Originally posted by Tobal
            please for the love of god JC, do not turn this is to another ZnT or Shana with made up original ****.
            I was talking to someone about it last night and while they'll probably keep as much of the original material if they can, it's more likely it'll end up like ZnT. Since they only have 13 episodes, they have to have some kind of conclusion to the series even if it doesn't completely finish it up. Next episode is liable to be

            character development of Minori who doesn't really get much explanation till volume 4 of the novels from what I can see. Episodes 4 and 5 will be the introduction and development of Ami into the group situation and the rest of the series will be devoted to one or two drama moments before it comes to a happy, if yet incomplete conclusion like with ZnT.

            Unless they already have a 2nd series confirmed when in production, they always have to try and have a resolution by the end of the series which the light novels tend not to have because, hey, there's always the next novel. Perhaps with a 26 episode series they could have perhaps kept more of the original story and pacing but with 13 they sort of have to push it at full force.

            Still, maybe J.C Staff can keep it together for their other light novel adaptation To Aru no Majutsu Index.


              Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter ep 1 - Great to have some of the characters back. Just a shame we didn't see

              Mine, masami and some of the other guys. Still the new characters seem like they're just as fun. Loved the bit in the restaurant when she was reading from that phrasebook. And the way she learnt french was genius

              . Not too fond of the OP and ED at the moment though. I think the first season's were better. Well I liked them more or less straight away. Excellent start at any rate

              edit: casshern ep 2 - still early but it's shaping up nicely with another cool episode. I'm liking the OP song too. Animation quality still seems to be there too which is nice.
              Last edited by Zapp$ter; 11-10-2008, 20:46.


                Yeah both Nodame and Casshern were both really good. Looking forward to seeing the [spoiler]conductor's concour animated in Nodame[/url].

                Hyakko ep 2: Still a fairly average series really. Torako, Suzu and the teacher are probably the only interesting ones. T'other two are just a bit annoying. Was expecting a bit more from the second episode but they dragged out a single joke through the entire episode which was only mildly funny the first time. Bit disappointing.

                Akane Iro blah blah 2: Annnnd straight into generic dating sim territory we go.

                Oh look the sister isn't really a sister and wants to do her not-really-brother. Rich girl doesn't know how to do daily chores. Lovely cliches ahoy. Pink haired girl seemed fairly interesting though for her random comments.

                Still waiting for Hakushaku to Yousei, Chaos Head (argh Aoshen. Hurry to the rescue m33w!), ef 2, Kurozuka, Tytania, Moryou no Hako subs and of course, Michiko to Hatchin to start.


                  For those interested in Robotech, I went into Zavvi yesterday and they have all 85 episodes for £25 on DVD.
                  I must have spent about 20 minutes standing there debating if I should get it, decided i'd spent too much money lately Was Sooooooooooooo tempting


                    ...And I paid 90quid for the Macross Saga alone about 8 years ago.


                      If you bitch about it, they will come...

                      Chaos Head 1: From the synopsis I read I was expecting a normal high school action series kind of like Shana or such. Quickly disabused of this notion within the first 5 minutes. Higurashi ver2.0 is more like it only without any of the happy cheerful sections. Main lead is really quite interesting since he's so paranoid and nervy. The music's quite good as well. Liking where this series is going. Edit: Bah, only 12 eps. Was anticipating a nice long terror-fest.

                      Speaking of horror series, seems like the Mirai Nikki manga got licensed by Tokyopop. Bit of an odd choice considering their usual series. Makes you wonder if they've actually read what happens in the later volumes. I've been putting off reading more of it despite it being good because it freaks me out too much.
                      Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 12-10-2008, 15:36.


                        Soul Eater 27 - Some new plot stuff, more excellently choreographed fights and a new ED. Can't wait for next week, looks to be a mostly comedic episode from the preview.


                          Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                          If you bitch about it, they will come...

                          Chaos Head 1: From the synopsis I read I was expecting a normal high school action series kind of like Shana or such. Quickly disabused of this notion within the first 5 minutes. Higurashi ver2.0 is more like it only without any of the happy cheerful sections. Main lead is really quite interesting since he's so paranoid and nervy. The music's quite good as well. Liking where this series is going. Edit: Bah, only 12 eps. Was anticipating a nice long terror-fest.
                          I really didn't like it that much, the main lead is just sooo unlikable but then maybes thats the point. That last 10 mins where the blond girl talks to him i just skipped through waiting for something to happen but it never did... if the show continues like this in ep2 with no payoffs for long boring "plot" it getting dropped.

                          Corpse Princess ep1 - i liked it, didn't expect her undead evil, spirit killing weapons to be dual Uzi's . Fights where good and her reckless abandonment for herself lets them get away with crazy stunts.


                            Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                            I really didn't like it that much, the main lead is just sooo unlikable but then maybes thats the point. That last 10 mins where the blond girl talks to him i just skipped through waiting for something to happen but it never did... if the show continues like this in ep2 with no payoffs for long boring "plot" it getting dropped.
                            I think you're right in that he's a not likable character as showed but the way he interacts with that guy in his class at school but I like the way he's being portrayed. Reminds me a lot of the main lead from NHK.

                            A lot of other series where the main lead is a so called introvert, they always seem to end up going along with the random stuff that happens to them pretty easily but this guy really has serious problems with eevn doing simple stuff. Maybe it's just because I want to like it.

                            I thought it was nifty how the image urls that get shown also actually work as well.

                            Also; bitch about subs and you get flooded with them; g002, hakushaku and Index all at once.


                              I liked Hakushaku ep 1. Probably could do with less of the sparkles but I like quite a few shoujo shows so it doesn't really bother me too much. Other than that I liked the setup. It was nice to see that

                              She didn't immediately jump on board with him towards the end. Still was questioning him and not truly believing him. I could have seen that as point where they might have made her immediately jump into his arms because he's so *sparkling* It was also nice to see him switch it up a bit and blackmail her into it near the end. A few chuckle-worthy moments in there with my favourites being the scotch drinking cat and the scenes that highlighted the interplay between Edgar and Lydia.

                              I was going into it expecting to like it and I can't say I was disappointed. The production quality could be better but most shows of this ilk tend to get the short end of the stick in that regard.

                              edit: Toaru ep 2 - definitely a keeper. Already seems to have switched gears to a more serious tone. First half had lots of nice actions scenes and the animation held up fairly well. I like Touma too. He seems cool. The build up to the end of the fight was nice. Proper fist pumping stuff. The sort of feeling I used to get from Naruto and some of the other bigger shounen shows when they were going strong (which seems oh so long ago ).

                              Gundam ep 2 - well I think people here pretty much guessed correctly what was going to unfold.

                              Seems like we might be heading for Saji vs Louise battles? There's my prediction which usually gets proven wrong in the next episode I had to laugh at the activation of the twin drive system and all the other stuff that went with it, much like when they introduced the new gundams/powerups for existing gundams in the first season. Also Smirnov's son is a **** which is a shame since his dad was ace in the first season. Graham needs more air time besides the random closeups of the mask.

                              Last edited by Zapp$ter; 12-10-2008, 21:07.


                                Chaos:Head : Must say im with Jeff on this one, really liked the first ep. Like people have mentioned it seems like a combination of Higurashi and NHK. Had no real problems with the lead guy, makes a nice change to have a lead who has genuine problems. I really hope they keep up his paranoia and introversion rather then just casually shrug of his problems like they do in so many shows.

                                Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                                I thought it was nifty how the image urls that get shown also actually work as well.
                                Checked some of them out earlier and it is indeed rather cool. Would be even cooler if this develops into some sort of viral that progresses along with the anime.

