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    AIC have gone on a Bubblegum Crisis bonanza. Announced a big budget asian live action film, Western remake rights for that film and a new anime series.

    Looks like a new series of Bubblegum crisis every decade.


      Gotta agree with Tobal. I didn't watch the entire episode, I mainly skipped to the important bits, but I thought it was well done and like he said in the vein of the other generally well done big fights/memorable fights.


        Caught up with a few shows today.

        Hyakko ep4-7, really enjoying this, especially when it goes in to an almost aria style slice of life moments in the most recent eps.

        Kannagi ep8 - Stilling going strong, if in a totally plot directionless way as the characters are great and the art/animation always strong. The bits where there trying to act as brother and sister had me laughing hard.

        Toradora ep8-9 what can i say! i think its won me over at last, im guessing mainly now i have no idea where and what events will being happening now they've finished of 3 novels in 7eps(...terrible pacing) but ep8/9 seemed like there weren't missing anything so we could now be treated to a slower pace to the relationship building? It's still disappointing how they glossed over alot of things at the start but i guess that was just to set the stall for 3way struggle. Anyway ep9 was really great and almost choked on my tea when he popped down to see what the screaming was about and much better minori development and more sutble interactions between ryuji and Taigi missing badly from the first 5eps. And maybe this is a 1st for me, but i can't choose who i want to win as there all quite likable... I just hope JC won't give us a ZnT/Shana ending.

        Nodame, Casshern, Gundam and Clannad still going strong, been a season for winter this year, even average shows like Akane-iro ni Somaru and Chaos Head ain't bad(though the latter just keeps getting more absurd). Only show i've been disappointed with apart from Toradora is Index... to much doing nothing and often ends an episode back to square one so much it annoys, and way to much explaining the fights with out much fighting action(Which i don't mind if they what to explain stuff, Tokyo Underground is alot like this but had the right balance(until the last 2 eps) between fighting and explaining)


          I think the problem with Index is that they need a lot of the explanations that are in the novels they came from but lack the narration that accompanies it to make it a proper story. So it often feels disjointed in that charaters have 20 minute conversations and then a 1 minute scuffle. The reset process is like this as well almost clearly showing you when they reach the end of a novel. It's not that bad, just a bit messy. Latest ep was quite cool though. Looking forward to the re-introduction of Sparky.

          As I fight a losing battle against Warcrack, I've been slowly losing ground on this season's stuff. Kurozuka and Casshern have been standing out for me though as being both interesting and having amaaaaaazing visuals. Find it hard to watch Ribbons in Gundam without calling him Casshern though.
          Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 02-12-2008, 01:52.


            Saving up all the latest eps for a big watch.

            I'm enjoying Clannad AS a lot and it's still making me cry far too much, Kannagi is enjoyable still and there's signs of it actually getting some direction with the plot now. Hyakko is weird, some of the characters irritate the hell out of me (Torako's brother) and it's far too low budget (although I here they've actually animated an op now).

            Kemeko DX is still managing to make me laugh which is surprising, thought it'd be like Dokuro-chan where the joke wore thin after a couple of eps.


              Hmm around the time Gundam 00 s2 started I decided to pick up Gundam Seed and check it out. I do like to pick up the old series that seem to be popular but I'm always wary about 'em. Did the right thing though as I've just seen through the first 50 episodes and enjoyed it loads! Wonder how many people that 'died' will be back in Destiny, you never know with Gundam.

              One Piece Thriller Bark arc seems is coming to a close, really enjoyed the recent episodes especially the parts with Zoro. The guy is the very definition of cool. The Brook flashbacks are nice I think, was great to see another crew sail into the Grand Line again and I'm hoping for some epic events to come with Ace being imprisoned at Impel Down. Every other character that's been sent there (Crocodile/Mr 2 Bonclay OW!) has been long forgotten so maybe they'll make a return if Luffy and White Beards' crew decide to break him out, even Shanks

              Checked out One Outs, thought it was pretty decent and I know there's a term for this kind of overly gay anime but can't think of it atm. Hope Toua starts to screw up or meet some kind of challenge soon though as constantly being unbeatable will get pretty old, fast.

              Bishonen! that's it, and it suits Kuro****suji too. Do the Japanese people just find this kind of thing much more comfertable than us or what? :S


                Avoid Destiny. While it has some decent moments, in general it's considered the worst Gundam show. It Sucked up all that was good in Seed and gave us whiney Shin as lead until an upgraded plot-hax Kira aka Jesus Yamato, and Assrun turn up to run the show.


                  what are peoples thoughts on the whole dattebayo dropping naruto thing?
                  Last edited by oracle; 04-12-2008, 10:46.


                    i read that a few days ago, and still wasnt entirely convinced it was true.
                    as long as somebody else does it within reasonable time scales, i dont care.

                    dattebayo have a much higher opinion of themselves than i think they deserve.


                      They've dropped Naruto so many times i need calculator. Someone will pick it up anyway.

                      Also anyone watching Soul Eater, being Tadashi subs are being quite slow recently (3eps behind) any tips of the slew of new nameless subber for ep33-35 to watch?


                        Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                        Also anyone watching Soul Eater, being Tadashi subs are being quite slow recently (3eps behind) any tips of the slew of new nameless subber for ep33-35 to watch?
                        Tadashi has dropped it i think, along with rumbel (and prolly some others), after getting C&D letters from Funimation

                        im now using Aero subs, used them for a couple of series and there not bad, could do alot worse in a sub group


                          I've been watching more logh,

                          One of my favourite characters, Kircheis, just died

                          it really is an amazing series. The animation and art has started to look a lot better recently too.


                            For any Aria fans, Amano's new series has started. First chapter!

                            About Soul Eater, I seem to remember reading somewhere that AllHailExcalibur or something were pretty much the same as rumbel.


                              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                              Avoid Destiny. While it has some decent moments, in general it's considered the worst Gundam show. It Sucked up all that was good in Seed and gave us whiney Shin as lead until an upgraded plot-hax Kira aka Jesus Yamato, and Assrun turn up to run the show.
                              Oh god Destiny was a train wreck. Shin was irritating, the plot was obvious (if several main characters suspect someone, you know he's gonna be a baddie), Cagalli went from a strong minded, independent type into a weak willed, naive little girl (she was actually less developed as a character during Destiny than at the start of Seed). The only interesting characters introduced, Meer and Stella were woefully handled

                              Meer has so much potential but her only episode of character development was a damn recap


                              Like the Nadesico Movie, Destiny is one of those sequels it's best to pretend never happened.


                                Bah, you're all putting me off watching Destiny now, but feel I still have to Taking a break to catch up on some other shows though. Btw I think Aero were also recipients of C&D letters and have quit subbing Soul Eater too. Check out SEF, seen upto episode 35 with them and had no problems.

