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    No mech = Meh.

    Back to watching 90s Sunrise/VAP series again...


      You missed the new Gundam series.


        now im gutted

        the last gundam i saw was gundam 00 S2, so what has there been after that series wise

        Directions to downloading it would be awesome or a special person who has it maybe posting it too me, gutted i missed this, only stuff i've watched recent has been all the marvel partner stuff


          I meant missed it as in it's on that chart and he didn't spot it

          It'll be on in the autumn season (September/October).

          Tokyotosho or nyaa are usually the best places to get series although most stuff on their older than 9 or so months tends to lack seeders or even 404.

          Another kinda-mecha show is that Moon Angel. From what I gather it's a less shoujoy version of Angelic Layer.


            Yeah is tried that as soon as I saw your post and there seemed to be a full series of fundamental warrior from huzzah torrents, the ones I selected 404

            I generally buy any anime I like but localisation of anime's is horrendous except maybe iron man and wolverine

            Just waiting for the last blu of FMA brotherhood to arrive then I will be happy


              Carnival Phantasm ep/oav 1 - pretty enjoyable send up of type-moons series (tsukihime and Fate/) with a great opening to and only 13 mins long. the "plot" as Fate's but with the Holy grail war turned into a gameshow.

              BloodC ep6 - i kept with it and finally its starting to pay back, if they had just condensed ep1-5 into 3 episodes it would have been much better but i can forgive it for the "**** gets real" stuff from ep6, though they still have to come up with whos cleaning up after mess if most of the towns people are clueless.

              Kamisama no Memochou ep6 - another shows thats improved as it gone along, though i think i've figured the current arcs twist.

              The sowing shop guy is going to be turn out to be the stabbed and supposedly dead girl


                Enjoying Penguindrum although it's starting to get frustrating about how little it's telling you


                  Has anyone watched Bakuman? From what i've read about it, sounds right up my alley.


                    Its pretty poor anime, but im in a small minority that does i think. The conspect is good one, 2 kids wanting to become manga artists that feature in jump but the problem for lies in everything outside that. Mainly the totally stupid portrayal of any women, you really, really have to suspend your disbelief for any relationship in this show which i just couldn't get over and from what i've read on other forums this aspect only gets worse later on in the manga. i'd say watch the first 5eps and you understand where i'm coming from.


                      Yuruyuri keeps getting more enjoyable as the series goes on. Loved Chitose's

                      Twin sister


                      Nichijou is still good, it's just a shame that occasionally some scenes are a bit too Japanese to enjoy.

                      Penguindrum is just about starting to build up to something now. The way the older brother's activities are being kept a mystery is a bit annoying though.

                      I'm still watching Idolm@ster, there's something about how harmless and lightweight it is that stops it being a chore to watch. Some real drama (ie something lasting more than a single ep) or heavier focus on comedy would be nice.


                        Yuru Yuri come on leaps and bounds since ep1, always watch it as soon as it downloaded. I held on to watching Bakatest and have been rewarded with actual relationship development, after spending 2/3 eps on the blackmail/girls bathroom something finally happened, and god damn they best not pull from herp derp rage sh1t to return to status quo or its dropped!

                        Pretty much skipping to fight sinces in sacred seven now, Mawaru P needs to have camp lad and Ringo end up together(

                        its seem pretty certain the diary is on about her and camp lad

                        ), and dispite my early hate for idol master i've come around to it, not in a its great way just something to watch.. and i did actually enjoy the Wedding pictures one.

                        Also gone on a kick of rewatching Ghost in the Shell SAC while playing Dues EX, and by god its still a damn good watch, though i think i need to get the dvd collection as 180mb avi from 2004 just not holding up well . Just up to where the "Laughing man" makes his return assassination attempt. And also that Mardock Scramble which has been years in development, GitS'ish setting, well drawn and animated but the story so far not great and requires turning the brain off to watch the pretty pictures... i think my main problem is the dues ex machina Bato has access to is just so far beyond in technology terms compared to the worlds setting its just looks out of place.


                          god dam BakaTest knows how to induce rage, i just knew it would happen... fecking status quo restored due to MC's obliviousness, a cliche i dispise! Was enough to bring out LN spoilers for those only following the anime on various threads raging over it and i learned what's currently happening and don't like it. show dropped.

                          Mawaru P ep8 - oh bejesus,

                          ringo going complete insane with the drugs and trying to **** the teacher with a wig on.. and that ending after the shouma/ringo talk, he could be easily dead going on how messed up the show is

                          Blood C ep8 - upping the gore levels along with the censorship... while i like the fights and "noone is safe" tag it has going on, the story is still horse sh1t and doesn't make a lick of sense, and just why does she let 5 to 6 classmates get ripped to shreads before drawing the blade... especially the girl that gets slowly eaten, makes dislike this universes Saya so much for being a retard of epic proportions.


                            Steins;Gate ending - watched ep17-24 in a lump.. mainly cos i couldn't be dealing with the cliffhangers every episode.

                            I'd like the final plot run up of reversing all the D-mail changes, followed by him falling into despair over saving Mayuri only to lose Kurisu and them two finally getting together(at least for one ep) which i thought i'd never see in a harem'esk anime.

                            Anyway the last episode where he figured out how to fool the world was brilliant and loved that they resisted the tempation to kill off Okabe right at the end and to even get his girl back , i thought for sure we would get a passing each other buy ending.

                            Great stuff, good ending.

                            Kamisama no Memo-chou ep8 - I never expected the ending to that episode.. i missed any hints they gave out it would happen.

                            Thats if she's dead,

                            but the preview heavely points inthat direction as the wimp says its the event that changes him. Good show that improving with each case.

                            Now for Iroha, nichijou and Tiger/Bunny finales. Dropped BloodC, Baka, Sacred 7 and Usagi Drop, the later even though i enjoy it i know it going to end in a bad place.. thus have dropped it(unless we get a anime only end)


                              You never know Tobal, they might end Usagi Drop in the right place. There's an abosultely ideal place for them to end if they've been burning through the manga material.
                              For a spoiler answer:

                              They have a timeskip halfway through the manga series, leaving behind young Rin and moving to when she's a teenager.

                              Just started watching anime again myself after being out for a long time (Madoka aside). Currently got Dantalian no Shoka(acceptable but lacking any kind of major cohesive plot), Natsume Yuujinchou San ( remains as good as it's predecessors) and Steins;Gate(which is interesting but I'm taking it slowly).

                              Any other must have recommendations to start from the last season?


                                Last season stuff... going to include there 24/25 ep shows that have just finised to.

                                Tiger'n'Bunny - japan's take on super heroes, who are sponsered by big companies to fight evil while being filmed doing so to get TV ratings, definitely caterers for the yaoi crowd with Barnaby but it depends who you want to ship with who as it pretty open for the relationships.. (for me is Tiger and Blue'pepsi'Rose). One downer is the CGI used for most of the fights, just it job and not much more which is a shame as Sunrise's budget for this season went to the turd that is sacred seven instead. Finished with 24ep, decent if predictable ending ready for a follow up.

                                Hanasaku Iroha - PA works big show of the summer, Fiesty girl gets dumped by her mum and has to move in with her granny who runs an Inn, and thus she has to work there and make friends. Very good slice of life for me, top animation and decent plot running inthe back ground so not K-on style getting by on Cute girl doing Cute things. Main interesting plot device in the long running relationship trouble with the main girls "is but not official boyfriend" they revisit every few epsiodes. on ep25 with 1 more to go.

                                Nichijou - weird school life comedy sketch thing, Kyoani big budget show. Each episode has ait fair share for hit or miss skits and im not fan of Mai(unlikable) or professor(selfess asshole) but everyone else is hugely likeable and the animation puts everything else to shame. So if you like random stuff like one of the main girls gets kicked out the classroom for making stuff up only to see her princpial outside wrestling a deer(complete with moonsaults and suplex's). finished today on ep25

                                Mayo Chiki is this seasons LadyXBulter, ok'ish Harem with lots of fan service. Main plot is wimpy(but very pain resistant) MC finds out the rich girl's butler is girl thus has to keep it secret should it be found out and rich girl and bulter are split up. I would avoid if you unless you like this sort thing, it pretty much leading up to a none finish as normal, i think only 2 eps left of 13.

                                Yuru Yuri - K-on with out the music, and unsurpisingly alot of Yuri fan service. Luckly the show is pretty entertaining thanks to the likeable cast, good animation and a MC that isn't an MC.. 1ep to go of 12

                                Mawaru Penguindrum - insane drama, featuring two brothers proforming tasks for a penguin deity thats currently keeping there recently deceased sister alive. 10 eps in so far have mainly featured the insane stalker Ringo. Definitely worth giving it a go mainly for Ringo, Shouma and IMAGINEEEEE!

                                Baka-test is more of the same, this time feature not plot at all and relatiosnhip that look to go some where be get frustratingly canceled out, bleh.

                                IDOLmaster - slow plotless start but picks up after few episodes(once past the ****ty loli characters) to now where it has introduced some drama with some of the girls getting left in the shadows. ep 11 of 25 sp far.

                                Kamisama no Memo-chou - Starts off slow but gains pace and enjoyment with each new case. Wimpy MC, with a knack for getting his nose in to trouble and spotting the litte things is recuited by a loli NEET detective(how she is NEET when she works is little stupid) and he gang of misfits to solve cases the police don't get involved in. Main enjoyment comes of the MC developing with every new case and the most current case hitting home hard definitly improves his apeal with the audience.

                                Kamisama Dolls - Feels alot like Narutaru but a little less f''ked up. Two Families with along history of hate have passed down their tools to the next generation (pokemon like puppets controlled with the mind), the MC recently gave up his pact with the puppet and wants a normal life in the city but it quickly dissolves went his past catches up with him inthe form of a former friend whos now insane and has a grudge.

