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    For those who enjoy Natsume Yuujinchou, the first subs of a short movie done by the same authour, Hotarubi no Mori e are out. Slightly angled more towards th female market but it was very enjoyable when I went to see it last year.
    Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 27-02-2012, 18:04.


      I'll have alook at it once i finish getting Hellsing ova9(whoop),

      as for other shows if it wasn't for Nisemonogatari being damned ace(and inventing new forms of fan service), Daily Lives of High school boys would be the best show by a long margin after rubbishing at the start of the season. Just finished ep8 Balcony and that tree scene had me laughing hard, and then to finish it up with trio of "funky" girls at the end had me whaling with laughter with their skirt adjustments (why is every character Yu Kobayashi VA's so damn ace). Also love every skit involving Hidenori and "Literature Girl", that scene with "NNoooooooo, NNNoooooooo" cracks me up every time i think about it. For such large cast of characters to have so many of them be likable is rare.


        I kinda dismissed the Daily Lives series as a sort of female K-on esque show (I have no idea how I came to this). Is it actually worth it then?


          Nothing like K-on(though the funky girl paraody it at some point), has more incommon with Nichijou but a tad saner(it often nicknamed NichiBros). Ep1/2 didn't really hit it off for me which is why i dismissed it, it had some sparks though so i kept with it and they get around to introducing the rest of the cast like Lit Girl, Student Council, Funky Girls and Ringo it gets infinitely better. Ep3 see's the improvements and ep4 is great.


            Well I gave the first couple of episodes a shot and I thought at first I wasn't going to like it but they ended up with some cracking jokes. Reminds me a bit of Gintama in places especially with the stick sword joke.

            My favourite bit has to be the section with the false tooth at the end of the 2nd episode.


              Got done watching ep 9 myself - finally had some back story on the "archdemon" which is kind of hinted through the funky girl stuff(i only knew about it just to 4chan posting the manga panels), and like ep8 featured alot of Hidenori being a bro, and more Student Council+Ringo which was a brilliant skit.

              Guilty Crown rollercoaster continues.. Shu becoming "da man", even after losing few "bits" and "pieces" it really makes you cheer for him thanks to them starting him off as a total weiner.

              Black Rock Shooter TV doesn't make a lick of sense.


                I've watched up to episode 6 and it has gotten so much better with the larger cast. Student Council and Ringo have been my faves but there's something stupidly funny about the funky girls section.

                Edit: Oh lordy, I just hit the girl by the riverbank section in episode 7. Simply amazing.
                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 07-03-2012, 23:39.


                  thats means you would have seen my (still) favorite skit featuring Hidenori and Lit Girl with the "Nnnoooooo....NnnNnOooooooo", followed by there next meeting


                    That's the one!

                    It's the tragic sequence of events that happens to her and he's trying so hard to keep the mood and not laugh. I was in stitches. Amazing stuff.


                      Negima ends.... poorly. Last chapter of the 9/10 year old manga is complete ****, not that it looked like it would improve based on previous 2 chapters, and i certainly had my doubts over the crazyness of the shounen battles towards the end, but to just throw in the towel and resolve nothing is about the worst thing Ken could do, reseting the Drama set up in the 4th to the last chapter in the 3rd last, the 2nd last being a throw away filler of no interest at all and the last being a what they did next without filling a single blank in story(bar the wolf kid and invisible girl getting together) if just a ****ing annoying. **** you ken.


                        Wouldn't really expect anything else from Akumatsu really. There was always something highly distrubing about the series having romance in it anyway when all the main characters were (at the start at least) 10 years old.

                        Now it's ended, might try and marathon it for some closure. I think I gave up at the point

                        the nurse girl was about to find out negi = older looking negi if that makes sense


                        Nichibros 10 was great again; loved the chase scene, the slipping scene and the continuation of the eyecatch from last week about how Tadakuni never showed up.


                          Mannn that happened in Negima about 4/5 years ago...

                          Ep10 of Nichibros was damn good, also have to mention the insanity of the funky girls ending in this episode... god i hope it gets a second season with only 2 episodes to go.


                            Well I got up to that point after following it weekly for ages and that was the proverbial straw that broke my credulity meter. I'd always intended to go back to eventually although perhaps playing a drinking game at the same time everything inappropriate happens. I'd have liver failure before the end of book 3.

                            On the manga front, the latest TWGOK chapter is simultaneously a massive "Oh ****" moment and a moment where

                            you wish he'd ****ing get somewhere with Ayumi after all this goddamn time


                            For a slightly more action based series I randomly from nowhere picked up, Arpeggio of Blue Steel is rather enjoyable. Features semi-futurisitc submarines and crusiers devloping personalities. Oh and firing Gundam-esque gigantic lasers. But in a good way!


                              Keeping meaning to read TWGOK, one day i will!

                              Nichibros ep11 - love Lit girl "4", kick the can, ringo and of course the funky girl bit which is had me laughing hard, i like that they briefly forgot Habara is a nutter.


                                Just watched episode 11 and agree with all the points you mentioned. I really hope this gets a second series. It smacks me of what Minami-Ke was; something that nobody really expected to be good but exceeded expectations. Well until they changed studio. Speaking of which, that's due a 4th season according to news reports.

                                On the TWGOK front, I can heartily recommend the manga. If you enjoyed the anime in any way, the manga flows a lot better and there is roughly 3-4 times the ammount of material that wasn't covered.

                                Spring season soon too:

