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    Natsuyuki Rendezvous ep2 - whata top show, think this will be my fav of the season if it carry's on like this. Apart from the typical japanese drama cliche of

    catching a Cold from sleeping at a the table

    , they all acted like adults! its amazing and its so damn hard to not like the husband even when he's being a dick, as you can empathise with him.


      Originally posted by Fuddle View Post

      not too long till the K-on movie comes out on dvd too. looking forward to that loads
      its out!


        Ah Tobal, bearing the burden of testing the new season so other people don't have to.

        Must confess that the only series I'm watching (aside from Hyouka which I'm just in love with) is Moyashimon Returns. Shame about the art style but it has a great ED.


          I've watched a couple of new shows myself. There's the automatic pickups: Yuru Yuri and Moyashimon.

          Kokoro Connect - the first episode was a nice surprise, considering the majority of it takes place in one clubroom (with brief excursions elsewhere) it was surprisingly funny. Nice character setups and interactions. I haven't seen any other episodes yet but I'll be picking this up.

          Natsuyuki Rendezvous - seen the first two episodes. Tobal's pretty much nailed it. More mature than anything else I've seen recently bar Sakamichi no Apollon. The characters don't seem to be walking stereotypes either which is a nice bonus. Things are moving quickly in terms of how the relationship is progressing. It's also utterly heartbreaking at times, mostly due to the presence of Shimao. Definite pick up.

          Tari Tari - I don't follow animation studio details as closely as I used to, so I may be wrong but this seems like the True Tears studio. Pretty sure there was a nice little touch in the first ep with the choir singing the True Tears OP. The girls seem even younger than the ones I remember from True Tears (or maybe that's my memory playing tricks on me). Unfortunately I'm not really that interested in the main thrust of it. Will give it another few episodes before deciding.

          Estetica and H ga Dekinai are sort of treading that line into guilty pleasure territory. Estetica does have the more interesting setup, but I think I enjoyed H ga Dekinai a bit more ("perversion is justice!") even though it's more deeply entrenched in guilty pleasure-land.

          Binbougami ga - saw the first ep. Reminded me a bit of magikano with the OTT antics. Didn't really laugh too much while watching (certainly I got more laughs out of Kokoro connect) but it kept me entertained. Inoffensive I guess. Will keep at it for a few more episodes.


            No room for SAO or Muv-Luv, zapp?

            Finished K-on film and i really enjoyed it, pretty much everything you can expect from a K-on story, can't remember if this recon's the season 2 ending or not (its been a few years since i watched it), makes want to go watch it all again.


              Haven't got round to watching them and the rest of the new stuff yet

              Probably will do over this weekend though as well as watching 2nd and 3rd eps of some shows mentioned above. SAO and Muv-Luv are on the list for sure. Any show with giant robots will get at least a few episodes watched, plus SAO is being talked about a bit so will get a watch.


                the K-on movie is excellent! i love that show so much

                new shows, ive only seen two. moyashimon returns, which seems to be following the first series nicely.
                and natsuyuki rendevouz which as everybody says is very good.

                i dont think i can be bothered to watch more rinne no lagrange. i'll probably try tari tari out though.


                  in to week 4! Still watching everything as of the last update apart from Kono Naka ni Hitori Imouto ga Iru which is now dropped.

                  Top 3 for me
                  Natsuyuki Rendezvous - ep4 date was great to watch, and him getting drunk was a proper "Oh **** son, what have done" moment

                  Kokoro Connect - up to ep4 as well and i think its been quite fantastic, the characters are likable and pretty frank/open with each other, especially Inba and Taichi which lets it standout from other high school shows. I can concede on the "forced drama" of them all having personal problems, but thats why there in the situation there in now. also that Inba/Taichi talk ep4 was great, as was the follow up talk afterwards, had me laughing for awhile, as for thre preview for ep5..

                  i can assume Inba and Taichi get closer to each other which takes away Nagase's "rock" which the show been bigging up Taichi to be from the start.

                  Sword Art Online - its stupid that it doesn't explain alot of whats going on, as they seem to have set out to tell side stories first to get in character introductions before giving us the main story of clearing the game floor 74 onwards. Stil ep3 was far to rushed to have any impact... i just don't see why they couldn't spend one episode with im saving the guild and spend an entire yera with them, slice of life style, then do ep3... a well.. the introduction of PKer's wasn't very well explained in ep4 either when it came to what colour their icon is.

                  Sequels are all still good to, Dog Days keep getting better and rinne no lagrange ep14/15 made me laugh quite abit with their idea of making up and the Chairmans "embarrassment" talk during the training.


                    So I've actually been keeping up with the new shows this time, which makes for a change. Muv-luv was decent and I can see where the comparisons to Gunparade come into it (although I've not found it to be as good), it does open up a bit after the brutal first two episodes. I don't get the current setup though.

                    I was under the impression that the whole world was overrun and Japan was one of the few places left untouched until the events of the first two eps, but they don't seem to be too bothered about the BETA attacking them at the new location. I imagine they're just not focusing on it?


                    Sword art online has been one of the standout shows. I don't pretend to know all the rules or whatever but I've not really focused on that too much so I haven't had any problems as such. As far as the icons go, what I understood by it is green is normal, orange is they've done some bad stuff (thieving/attacking but not killing etc) and red is for the PKers. I agree that episode 3 probably could have done with more buildup because the impact wasn't quite there. Having watched episode 6 now it seems they're mainly intent on doing sidestories first after the initial setup. There's a few throwaway lines relating to clearing the game and front-liners but nothing major yet. I suppose that's testament to the show that I've still found it interesting.

                    Kokoro Connect - Episode 5 was very good. I wasn't sure which way they were going to go with it because the

                    alien dude is such a mysterious element. He's essentially doing all this because he's bored and the actual episode really did make me believe he might go all the way with killing off Nagase just to make things interesting. The timing of it as well, just after the confessions. I think that would have had a lasting impact. For the record, I'm glad they didn't go down that route as might have turned even more angsty.

                    . They're playing the comedy just right for me, just enough to balance out the angst. I see what Tobal is getting at with the forced drama comment but when the whole package is this enjoyable it's a minor quibble that I can easily overlook. Need to watch episdoe 6 to be fully up-to-date.

                    Other shows are as per usual. Still need to try out Joshiraku and Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate. Campione is being filed under guilty pleasure with Estetica and H ga Dekinai.


                      double post.


                        Kokoro Connect ep6 - continues after the close call by changing it up which was a nice surprise.

                        Instead of body swapping is now near uncontrolable urges from hidden desires, which looks like Inba will have the hardest time with.. i can kinder see there going to have Inba and Taichi get closer making it a love triangle for ending drama, with Nagase getting cold feet all of a sudden maybe shes not as in love Tachi as we first thought giving room for Inba to move in, depend on if Tachi will look her way(hope he does).

                        Pretty much guarantee Miyuki Sawashiro VA'd characters are always my favorite, loved that laugh she did with Inba at the end of ep5

                        With Muv-Luv i fully expect something horrible and BETA related to happen at the end or near it, they're luring us in with Slice of Life test pilots...

                        Still watching everything else i was the last time.


                          Yuru Yuri s2 ep 7 - Wow.

                          Akari's sister steals the show! There were hints of it from the first season. To see her in the show proper though... that's another story. Creepy as hell but I couldn't stop laughing. Especially being voiced by Horie Yui. LOL


                            Akari's sister appears again in ep9 for another show stealing proformance, i was laughing hard throughout that skit and Akari's sleeping face was just so damn creepy, also honorable mention to the ending credits for ep8... holy heck those 3d model are something straight out of hell.


                              Anyone else seen From Up On Poppy Hill?
                              Did not like it one bit, very dull and a tad incestuous. Another stinker from Goro.


                                Haven't seen it myself. I don't really watch that many anime movies to begin with, but even so I'm much more interested in the new Hosoda movie.

                                On to the current stuff, things are much the same as before. I've actually picked Tari Tari back up which has been a lot more interesting for me since that first episode. Fallen a bit behind on Natsuyuki Rendezvous so need to catch up on that.

                                Kokoro Connect continues to be one of my favourites, it's just such a compelling watch. The gimmicks of each arc do enough to keep things fresh but at the heart of it, it's the characters that keep me coming back.

                                Sword Art Online - it's been really enjoyable all the way through but it's becoming apparent to me that if I think too hard about certain aspects of it, the show starts to fall apart. As it is I'm content to just let things play out without questioning them too much and enjoy the ride. Also it would be nice sometimes if Kirito could be caught on the back foot. The guy seems to have a contingency for almost every situation.

                                The rest - as per the last post really. Still need to catch up on Muv-luv, Campione, Joshiraku and Jinrui.

