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    I pretty much avoid all forms of basket and Baseball when it comes to anime (and RL for that matter), i guess im not a fan of unrealistic portrayals of sports, which is a why i only like Whistle! and Giant Killers (both football) and outside of that the first half of Eyeshield 21.

    Anyway from what i seen of people posting KnB manga pages it looks to involve people with super-skills like vanishing while dribbling or being able to shoot from anywhere on the court.

    Half time report (6 eps in)!

    Still watching -

    Tamako Market - hooked on Kyoani moe SoL(unsurprising). Though for all the advances in them making the talking bird a great central character they still want to go back to the MC girl being a complete dunce when it comes to romance which is about the only negative knock i have against it.

    Minami-ke Tadaima - High school comedy(with abit of romance) first two episodes weren't great, to much of the sisters and little of the better side characters which fixes itself ep3 onwards, though it still feels like there trotting out same skits from first 3 seasons and it is annoying to never see any of the characters after so many episodes to not have advanced in character or relationships for all the romance they sneak in for only for it to become the butt of the joke.

    Da Capo 3 - just enough stupid fan service every episode to keep the character introductions going for the 6 girls (still 2 to go) before they set in the story to keep me watching, definitely better that DC2 but the lack of magic so far puts behind DC1. And it helps DC's has history of unpredictable winners.

    OreShura - pretty average high school romance show, there is just enough between making white a bitch and ginger a tragic heroine to keep me interested as they haven't set a dead cert "winner" (yet)

    Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - its dropped in quality abit from the good first couple of episodes, i think the main problem is i feel im missing out of to much background story and character interaction, heck even the male MC adventures are mostly slide show art... not quite the Wolf and Spice show everyone was hoping for, still worth watching above the rest of highschool and idol shows.

    AKB0048 S2- more dead-eyed CGI freakish dancing and what reminds me almost of starfox(64) with mittens approach to the fight with the DES makes me laugh and keep coming back for more... they even put in alittle xfactor voting show to start it all off.

    Vividred Op - still introducing the cast so the story hasn't got going yet so who knows if it will go grimdark, but for the moment its all monster of the week, with girls doing girly stuff still its time to fight. I did facepalm a bit they where giggling over the tomato's thing while all around them the army was getting slaughter by the hundreds. The tranformations are fantastic

    Love Live - a different take on Tari Tari plot but with singing idols, but way more budget and AKB style CGI dancing. Seems alright for what it is.

    Kotoura-san - man, this show. Kotoura about the "moe'ist" character going this season but with the added grimdark past she carries with her from being able to read minds and the great male lead being the best sidekick, laughs and saddness all in one.

    Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo - giving it a few more episodes for this battle shounen to get going, so far its all about setting the story up, but the MC's don't have that underdog appeal to them being so strong which is where i'm loosing interest. It is different to have MC's that are super strong already for a change so they can just get on with the story, but they've yet to offer up a decent villian/challanges.

    Sasami-san@Ganbaranai - few more eps in gives the plot completely giving away so they can just get up to strange high-jinx, its basically SHAFT's take on Haruhi but with none of the charm. The SHAFT'ness of it stops me from dropping it just see what maddess(and animation) they get up to next.

    Chihayafuru S2, Jojo part2, PPass, Z Tempest, Magi, HxH, Sakurasou, Saint Seiya O and space bros still going strong. (oh man ep42/43 of space bros was fantastic that bit where

    Hibito find brians toy, followed by almost dying to be saved by the Brian Machine complete with "Ghost" had me tearing up


    Dropped -
    Little Busters - stopped at ep12, just couldn't take anymore of the moetards SoL with still no story in sight and still more character introductions.. pacing problems.

    Senran Kagura - if your eechi fighting show and feature little fighting(and what there is of it Saint Seiya levels of ****, nothing ninja about it) and the worst, most boring cliche and censored fan service there going it's just not worth watching.

    Hakkenden "reimaging" - i couldn't get through the first episode it was that bad is every department, how you mess up the dog soldiers story this badly when there already a decent tv show and OVA there for a template...

    Amneisa - i tried but gave up on ep4, just complete none-sense


      Personally watching Chihayafuru S2, Tamako Market, BokuTomo S2 and Sasami-san@Ganbaranai. I'm not sure why I'm watching Sasami-san but it has a certain charm and I like the product placement. Look forward to Tamako Market the most weekly.

      Initial D 5th Stage is another I'm watching although most of my time is being spent watching Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl. About 80 episodes in now and still really enjoying it.!...able_Judo_Girl


        Yep. Tamako Market is the one I look forward to most each week. Still watching Maoyuu, Da Capo and Minami-ke. Still have some to check out like Kotoura-san, Love Live and Sasami-san. Will probably watch Chihayafuru s2 and BokuTomo s2 when they're close to finishing. That way I can marathon through the first seasons as well.

        Also, yeah, Yawara is fun. Glad to see it finally subbed to completion. Can't believe I had started watching this show about 6 or 7 years ago. lol.


          Been a while since i watced any new series, i did end up enjoying Mononoke a lot. So very weird but glad i got to experience it.

          While browsing ebay i came across a interesting looking game cover for a game called mushishi. After reading up i discovered it was actually an anime so i tracked it down.

          My goodness from the intro right to the ending the only way i can describe it is relaxing, even though the themes of some of the stories are not relaxing at all. The topics in the episodes are very weird & yet interesting. Not quite horror but not quite fantasy either, the muted colours & lovely animation made it a joy to watch.

          Halfway through the series & really loving it.
          Last edited by importaku; 23-02-2013, 11:50.


            Mushishi, i loved that OP/ED so much i brought the Ally Kerr album it was on , to bad most of the album was crap. Anyway there never been anything quite like Mishishi episodic spectrology in almost 10 years since release.. when you finish it, about the closest to it is Natsume Yuujinchou series (which is fantastic in its own right) and maybe Monogatari series which is more fan-service driven.


              Mushishi is one of the greats. It's one of those where the adaptation surpasses the source IMO. It's almost a panel for panel copy but the music and voice acting really add that extra oomph to the stories.


                Thought I should mention it hear as well: Subs for the Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki which was produced by the same person that did The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars are out. Had a quick check and they seem to mostly make sense despite an annoying font.

                Well worth a couple of hours of your time!


                  i'll have alook at that, for sure.

                  Just finished ep9 of Tamako Market - they finally get around to music she hums subplot.. mannnn . The show could really do with a second season to flesh out the everyone that isn't Tamako/Bird, instead it feels we're building to a nothing ending(the norm) or some sort of asspull with the prince that'll piss everyone off.


                    Shows are coming to a end soon...

                    I thought Gundam Unicorn ep6 was the last, little action with alot plot exposition to get out the reasons why everyone is after the box and what they intend to do with with it. now to the long wait for ep7 which i hope will come with some kickass mech on mech fights.

                    Now to watch on Nanoha A's retelling film, the first film was pretty good, and as A's is the best Nanoha series i hope it'll blow my socks off.
                    Last edited by Tobal; 21-03-2013, 22:41.


                      Finished off Yawara thus morning. Phew!

                      Onto The World God Only Knows S2 and all the OVAs tomorrow.


                        Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                        Finished off Yawara thus morning. Phew!

                        Onto The World God Only Knows S2 and all the OVAs tomorrow.
                        Love yawara!


                          Nanoha A's Film - great stuff, if a little long but because of it we got a good ending and made sure the "bad guys" got there development so you give damn about the motivations. Similar to the first film, secondary characters get no development and assume you know their backgrounds(from the TV shows), a couple of unimportant fights cut and main ones shortened where needed, and training is cut to a just a mention after using most of A's upgrade in the 1st film, we're left with just the cartridge system and god damn do i love the noises those magic devices make from the loading to the calling out of operations.

                          The fights in it are fantastic, not quite as well done as the Nanoha V Fate fights in first film but lots of explosions and dogfighting, and some of the attacks ferocity had me laughing how badass it got. Even if you've never watched any Nanoha you can pretty much get in to this 2nd film without having watched the first/tv show.

                          Shin Sekai Yori - end - Watched ep23-25 together, and man thats a way to end a show.

                          I knew they where going for a simple trick by getting her to kill a queerat for a while now after that bloke escaped the "fiend" the 1st time round gave us some hamfisted foreshadowing so didn't come as a surprise.. the only thing that did was Satohu surviving everything, i thought for sure he would bite it in a failed "psychobuster" attempt.

                          I certaintely started to feel some hate towards Squeeler during the last 3rd but they bring it all back around to make you feel sympathy for him by the end, i kinder wanted to support the queerats during his speech, those f'ing cantus users got what was coming to them. Still it looks like Saki guiding the future to a slightly better place, and the montage of the important people in her life at the end was great.

                          Good show if your looking for some "after the apocalypse" stuff with plenty of sinister **** going down and follow the life span of the main character, just stick through the slow middle bit to be rewarded with the great final arc.

                          Robotic;Notes - end - ep22, the story got alittle stupid at the end with the world living or dying in the hands of a couple of kids

                          and a shabby gaint robot, makes you think what the heck the army/police doing while what was pretty much a Metal Gear running amuk

                          . Still if you can let your sense of disbelief go like with Stiens;gate its an enjoyable ride and all the characters are pretty likable, especially the internet meme spouting Frau.


                            Nice to read that the 2nd Nanoha movie is good. Will give it a watch tomorrow.


                              Major spoiler JoJo's

                              CAESER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                Anyone see that Majinkaiser SKL 3ep OVA? I may have to watch it this weekend.

                                Also now very tempted by the Japanese Bluray release of Eva 3.33 which is 6090yen plus shipping from
                                Last edited by kryss; 31-03-2013, 10:37.

