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    also, anyone noticed how BAD an actress the prime ministers daughter is?


      Chloe is a tricky one, I'm gonna have to get back to you on that one.


        Chloe is dirty, no doubt about it.


          Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
          Chloe is dirty, no doubt about it.
          Yeah I reckon. Could have some value hidden there, and as they say "You don't look at the mantlepiece while poking the fire"... heh


            She does my nut in.

            She'd moan about everything and do that stupid sulky pout thing.
            Her jaw must really ache from the constant gurning required in 24.

            Well, here's some pics of her if it's your bag:

            P.S. I agree on the ridiculous ex-boyfriend hoodlum storyline. What a rubbish filler plot!


              So airbrushed!!

              Anyway, given time to think, no, I wouldn't.



                  What happened to killing major characters suddenly? I haven't seen any for awhile, unlike some of the earlier seasons when someone died.


                    Loved the line yesterday when the Jack opened the door to a security guard pointing a gun at him;

                    Son you better put that gun down or you're gonna get hurt
                    And he did!


                      I love 24 but I'm finding it harder than ever to suspend my disbelief at the moment.

                      It's just all seems utterly stupid. Jack, Renee, the whole thing is just...stupid! Jack was on his way out, as usual, and then he has to make a deal, as usual! I've hated the way he or someone else great is considered not worthy of something or other, despite his record he's constantly questioned by people...anyway I'm rambling.

                      This needs to pick up and quick cos it's losing me!


                        You've been blinded by Heavy Rain.


                          Well looks like it's all over, seems this series is now the last one.
                          The series had a vibe it was going to be Jacks last series, I want him to retire and have his decent life and seirously hope they don't kill him off for shock value.


                            Definitely the last one? Or the last one by Fox? There was talk of other networks picking it up.

                            Also when there was the talk of finishing the TV series they were talking about turning it into movies instead.


                              It's going through the motions really isn't it!

                              The one thing that it's proved is that Jack is 24, the show isn't the same without out and it wouldn't be as good.

                              I think for they need to end the show this season, end on a high with Jack finally getting the happiness that he deserves.


                                Jack may be 24, but only when he hasn't been given a supply of rubbish bullets.

                                What was up with that shootout in the most recent episode? He (and three other guys) spent like 15 minutes pinned down and firing all over the shop with automatic weapons without hitting a damn thing - then

                                Renee turns up and takes care of the measly two terrorists with a single shot each!


                                I guess Jack is only a crack shot when the level of suspense requires it.

