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    Surely shes soiled goods now!


      Originally posted by davidholliss
      Shark, what was you "searching" for when you came across her ?


        i don't think he was searching for anything. i heard about this too, can't remember where. probably in the metro newspaper...

        besides i doubt that was her, the pics look a bit too <ahem> good but you never know...


          Ebay- Got a question so I dont get stung

          Just won a E800 from a ebay auction, it is just over ?200 so I want to be sure I dont send the payment and never see the item

          How Can I deffo cover my back to ensure that on the worst case scenerio he does decide he isnt sending it, I am likely to get a refund ?

          I cant do Paypal as it is in the process of being verified

          I need anwsers asap

          He asked for a PAYPAL or cheque payment, I rang him earlier on and got his addrrss and landline & mobile number

          He asked can I stick payment in his acc tomorrow and he will send phone on tuesday! Im just a bit wary as he only has 3 stars so far (still 100%) but I once got ripped off ?200 on ebay and dont want it happening again

          Suggestions please guys


            your best bet is to send a cheque, so that it can always be traced etc.

            also what has he sold before (that is if he has)?


              actually no dont pay by cheque. Basically if he cashes the money, the bank won't do anything.

              If you pay by credit card (i pressume including bank transfer and paypal) then it is covered if he runs off with your money.

              I think you will be okay though.


                he has sold 3 items previously only, cannot view them tho as they must of been sold a while ago.

                I have phoned him and he declined me to visit and pick up the phone which i thought was odd as he could of had the cash by now rather than dick about with paypal and cheques

                Im stumped as to know what to do tbh..
                If I stick hard cash into his acc he could tell me to piss off and ill lose

                same goes for a cheque, he cashes it, he says do one, again im screwed,

                tbh, i am probably being over cautious but gettting ripped off for 240 for a tv a couple of years ago, has made me once bitten twice shy..


                  Paypal offers the buyer the most protection. if it's troubling you so much, hang on until you can pay by that method.


                    Odd that he doesnt want you to visit...hmm.



                      I offerd to pay him hard cash tonight, and even pay the delivery charge, just so i could have it tonight, he declined, my gut feeling tells me something is amiss and my gut is never wrong (tho it is getting big)

                      I dont know what to do now tbh, AND ive just sold my V600 on ebay for BIN, so in less than a week, ive have NO mobile if I dont do something

                      If I knew I could unlock the E800 myself, id buy it from Amazon for ?199-99

                      I need it on the vodaphone network


                        He might think you are gonna mug him!! Surely you should consider all these matters before bidding and winning his item, if I was going to rip someone off I would choose something a little more inventive than a (comparatively) low-end phone


                          I only saw his bid with like 2 minutes to go, i quickly pmed him but no reply, didnt have time to divver or the bid would not be mine, i wouldnt of thought it was such a bigga deal tbh, ive done loads of face to face trades, both buying and selling, never had any probs in the past....

                          you think the E800 is a crap phone ?


                            To be fair to the seller, he does't have to do what you tell him. If he don't want you coming around his house then that's upto him. Ye have to accpet that is his right.


                              Originally posted by RuBiQ
                              you think the E800 is a crap phone ?
                              No you miss my point, the E800 is probably not the sort of thing people would be using to skank, surely they'd go straight for selling imaginary laptops, iPods, plasmas, etc - I am sure this will be legit


                                Please see this post for my tips on buying and selling on eBay:

                                Basically, only ever buy using PayPal so that you can get a refund from your card issuer if the guy turns out to be a fraud or the item arrives not in the state advertised. Do not send a cheque as it is non-refundable!

                                As for him declining a pick-up, well it's 50/50: either he doesn't actually have the phone, or, he's just as wary as you are. When I bought a P800 off eBay I ensured I went around and saw the phone in person before handing over the cash, whereas when I sold it again on eBay I declined offers to meet up.

                                Hope that helps.


