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Official F1/Motorsport thread

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    Originally posted by BBC News
    Nine of the 10 teams have said they are happy for the race to go ahead with a chicane on the final corner for safety reasons, said Williams technical director Sam Michael, but Ferrari do not agree.
    Ferrari are going to be even more popular than they already are in terms of sporting good will.


      wtf, this is nothing to do with Ferrari... michelin runners had the option to race and race conservatively to protect the tyres, but they didn't want the competitive disadvantage. That was the FIAs view and it's quite right.


        Originally posted by Darwock
        Wow, Sony must have paid a lot of money to get F1 to make itself more like GT4!
        It's a Sony funded advertisement for the PS3. You know 'our console is more real than real life' ****, so much so, it holds the power to change the events of actual races. That's why Sony are trying to ban PSP imports in the UK... they plan to buy all the available stock up themselves so they can daisy chain them together to power this act of will...

        Kind of like how they claimed China, Iraq and the like were apparently using PS2s to power their nuclear arsenals five years ago.


          Originally posted by Darwock
          wtf, this is nothing to do with Ferrari... michelin runners had the option to race and race conservatively to protect the tyres, but they didn't want the competitive disadvantage. That was the FIAs view and it's quite right.
          I'm sure a Bridgestone shod car would love to come across a Michelin shod car doing 80-100MPH less through the final turn...


            Originally posted by Darwock
            wtf, this is nothing to do with Ferrari... michelin runners had the option to race and race conservatively to protect the tyres, but they didn't want the competitive disadvantage. That was the FIAs view and it's quite right.
            I'm merely quoting a site. I don't think anyone can say Ferrari aren't eagerly taking advantage of this. The race shouldn't have gone ahead... it should have been rescheduled and people should have been refunded.


              Well no, Mitchelin would not let them gop out if they were not to race at full pelt.

              This could have been avoided if Ferrari had agreed but why should they, they have practiced without a chicane and dont want to change the whole feel of the track.

              Who to blame? Mitchelin 100%

              Ban them for the season and put everyone on Bridgestones.


                Originally posted by jon bda
                I'm sure a Bridgestone shod car would love to come across a Michelin shod car doing 80-100MPH less through the final turn...

                I'm sure that none of the Michelin runners who had to back off would intentionally do so *on the racing line* in order to cause an accident...


                  The American responses have been more entertaining than the race itself for the most part. F1 has well and truly shot itself in the head.


                    While I still watch it infrequently, F1's been **** for years.

                    Last season I remember enjoying was when villeneuve won for Williams, like 8 years ago.


                      LOL, Ferraris came within a whisker of taking each other out as Shuey came out of the pathetic pit lane, luckily Ruebens went on the grass or Ferrari would have looked ****ing stupid.


                        Heh. The cynicism in the ITV commentry on that moment is great.


                          i cant wait for the podium


                            Or the press conference afterwards...


                              That was a ****ed up situation. I myself couldn't think of an perfect solution. But is does raise many questions.
                              Still, if it means we lose the USA GP I wont lose any sleep, course Sir David Coulthard wanted to race.
                              My only gripe was that Michael and Ruebens should have at least sprayed a bit of champers over Monteiro (sp).


                                Im quite supprised by this to say the least.

                                Michellin should of told the FIA sooner with what was happening and they should of responded. Max mosley knew what was happening over practise and into qualifying. The FIA did nothing.

                                It's a joint problem between the Michellin and the FIA. Telling teams that their tyre is unsafe on race weekend? Not pulling all of your members together and getting a resolve or compremising the race track for safety? That's not on.

                                However it was for satey reasons and Im glad that no one would of been hurt. It should of not got to this though.

