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    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
    It was only by luck that Hamilton didn't cause carnage at the first corner, making your tyres bare in one straight/breaking zone is quite an
    Again, that's the same as most races its just this time it happened at the front.


      While i like hamilton today he showed the same immaturity as the last race of last season (the saying "a race isnt won in the first corner , but can be lost" should be tattoed on his forehead and a mirror welded on top).

      How Massa and Hamilton get the same penalty when Massa drove into him i'll never know. But, also today saw Sebastian Bourdais get shafted by the sewards.

      There seems to be a trend appearing now, and i hate coming on here ranting about decisions when i could be ranting about great racing which obviously isnt allowed anymore



        Bourdais was very harshly treated yes, and that's coming from a long time Ferrari fanboy.


          It wasn't harsh, it was completely unjust. He was penalised for "causing an avoidable collision", but all he did was exit the pits and follow the racing line, he had the inside of the corner, where exactly was he meant to go? There's no way he could've avoided Massa ploughing straight into him. I doubted that even Massa would deserve a penalty for it because it didn't really affect Bourdais so the fact that they decided to penalise Bourdais is absolutely absurd.


            If Hamilton wins the next race start-to-finish cleanly with no incidents at all, how will they award Massa the win?


              They'll think of a way, they always do.


                Massa is expected to win at the season finale race in Brazil, so next weekends race is going to be mega-important, if Massa can just finsh in front of Hamilton it will set things up for a mega cliffhanger. Hamilton is about the only driver in the top ten not to have an engine fail this season isn't he? if so take pity on my failing memory.

                Chinese Grand Prix starts at 8am next Sunday, perfect timing


                  Pah! Not perfect timing for me. That's three in the morning here!!


                    Ah didn't realise it was next week - excellent stuff!

                    The Bourdais penalty was ridiculous I admit - a racing incident.

                    Hamilton's brilliance as a driver is sadly not matched by his humility out of the car. He's only 23 though, so hopefully he matures, and fast.

                    Who else here thinks that we have the strongest quality of drivers on the grid since the mid-80s when Prost, Senna, Mansell and Piquet were all battling it out?

                    Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso, Kubica, Raikkonen (when he can be arsed) and Massa (anyone who is quicker than Raikkonen gets my vote, plus he seems a likeable chap). And all with many years ahead of them (Raikkonen excepted)

                    All fantastic drivers, I'd love to see them all in the same car, just for a couple of races.


                      Originally posted by Senna View Post
                      All fantastic drivers, I'd love to see them all in the same car, just for a couple of races.
                      Wouldn't that be a bit cramped?


                        LOL @ Famidude

                        On the subject of the race, I have to admit all this retrospective penalisation is starting to get on my tits. Bourdais must be feeling a mixture of bemusement and sheer anger right now - how long can untrained stewards hold sway over F1 with their inane decisions? Surely a change has to be made at the end of this season. Jackie Stewart keeps calling out for professional stewards to be introduced and for once I agree with him.

                        Nice to see Alonso get another win though - surely he's going to be stopping where he is next season?


                          We should have one week gaps all the time, it's brilliant. Pity the pit crew and guys and girls at the factory though if we did.


                            Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                            Wouldn't that be a bit cramped?



                              Originally posted by Planet F1
                              Branding the decision to punish Bourdais as 'ridiculous', ITV's James Allen revealed in his post-race commentary that 'the team managers I spoke to after the race all said that FIA race director Charlie Whiting had briefed them in Singapore and again in Fuji that the car exiting the pits has right of way.'
                              F1 is a bit of a joke now, isn't it?


                                Just saw Hamilton's incident. You'd think he'd have learnt by now that you shouldn't expect someone to give way when overtaking.

