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    Well according to my rower, 4.30 today. And I'm sticking by that time to challenge the fit guys around here


      Originally posted by Chain View Post
      Ish, sorry mate, missus was eating expensive chocolate last night so I had 8 small blocks
      Then we're even.

      Someone gave me a small box of expensive chocolates today and I scoffed the lot!

      On the upside I did another 5 miles today


        Originally posted by Ish View Post
        On the upside I did another 5 miles today

        I'm going to start jogging 10 miles ever Sunday now instead of 5 miles so I will have to get up earlier, which I don't mind. It is almost too peaceful and freedom-esque when I do my early morning jogs in Woodbridge and part of me think I could live here forever.

        I love this weather we are having; gets me out more.


          Yeah. Well I'm trying to get back to running rather than jogging. If you get my drift. I did quite well this morning and managed a decent pace. Coming home tonight was hard work though and quite slow.

          Still... got there


            I don't mind running on the odd occasion but I just end up exhausting myself too quickly so I tend to push myself out of the jogging stance and upper the pace a bit rather than running my legs off.

            I run in the winter to warm myself up quicker but in this weather Ish, I just don't have a care in the world and am happy to jog for miles until I realise I have to turn back to start going to work.

            Keep it up mate!


              I need to jog, but need to get some proper running shoes as well. I may make a huge effort and go out over the weekend. But then I probably won't....

              I've always been good at losing weight through lifting. However, last few days, I've had no strength. Literally none. Warmed up on chest then went incline dumbbells. One set of 7 reps on 37.5kg and I had stop. Normally I'd do more reps on the 42.5kg dumbbells. Think the diet is giving me a pounding ATM, plus a load of outside stresses (getting a new job, employing someone to work at the gym, lease running out, stress!) just isn't helping.

              A few guys commented how fat I'd got recently, asked where the 6 pack had gone. Was quite ashamed!


                Tell 'em it's still there... hiding. Then 'expose' your belly, ripple your abs and watch that fat move baby!

                You know I find it really hard to get into any exercise at home and I don't know why really. It's like I'm in a certain mode in the gym, run five miles or row a few thousand kilometers no sweat. At home, I skip for five minutes and my head is pounding... and I can skip really well, fast and it's not like it's something I wouldn't do in the gym anyway. Do some weights and it's a real effort and I'm not even lifting the same weight I would do at work (granted, machines = gravity aided but still, I can curl 80kg but could barely do 50kg). Weird.


                  Sit-ups are not being friendly with me at the moment.

                  I did 50 yesterday and I nearly died in the process especially considering I haven't done them for months. I had some cramps down my thighs as I approached the 40 mark and wondered what the hell is wrong with me.

                  Does anybody else do sit-ups? How you position yourself; do you lay your legs flat and sit up at full stretch or raise your knees and starting pushing yourself to your legs?

                  I think I will stick to jogging for the time being.

                  Chain, when you say you are lifting 40kg-ish - are you referring to dumb-bells, bench press or some other equipment? If you are lifting dumb-bells of that weight then give yourself a pat on the back!

                  Commander-M, I also skip quite a lot at home - it is a great exercise and is fun to do. I think the atmosphere in the gym is different to what it is at home so you are bound to go 'backwards' weight wise.


                    Pffft, that's light for Chain, read back to what he was doing before Christmas!


                      Dumbbells are my favourite equipment - for my "barbell strength" I'm handling dumbbells far greater than I should be able to. Best I've ever dumbbell pressed, flatbench, are the 50.5kgs

                      All natural as well!

                      However, I think that pales when compared to the fitness guys on here who run 100 miles a week while climbing up Mount Everest and swimming the channel. Some real fit guys here. There there's a few of us who are just in it for the weights

                      Marklar, curling 50kg strict form is impressive - just be careful you can handle it properly, last 8 months seen someone tear their bicep off curling, and a couple of weeks ago someone's tricep tore while benching. Machines are much easier than free-weights, though not as good (not as many stabiliser muscles used, and usually the plane or arc of movement on a machine isn't the same you'd do naturally).

                      Always best to train at a gym, you're less likely to call it a day early.


                        And you can always find that extra 10% 'cos you think people are watching!


                          LOL yeah that does help! Though personally I prefer to train with just a training partner when the gym's empty, I get real vocal!


                            Rest day for me today. I've got the last home game of the rugby season tomorrow but I'm going to try and get out to the gym or for a run before I go to try and pay off some of the damage up front.


                              While those in London were taking part in the Marathon, I was doing one of my own yesterday morning and boy, did it feel good! I got on the very early country-bus to Ipswich and walked to the town centre where the likes of Debenhams and Lloyd's bank is situated and started off from there at 8.25am.

                              The distance covered is just over 15 miles there and back again. I can show you a rather decent map coverage of where I ran to and fro:

                              When I passed Witnesham, I started to slow down a bit but before I knew it, I reached Otley college and pretty much ran back at a steady pace without too much bother.

                              I know most of you don't worry too much about what other people do but I felt jolly proud of myself especially with the temperature increasing throughout the morning. I went back home by the train in the afternoon and managed to avoid the Norwich City FC fans (the derby match) and got home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

                              I will probably do it again soon as I enjoyed it so much.


                                Congratulations man - thats a stonking run you've done there

