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    Hah. It started raining - small drops but loads of them. I ran out in my new jacket (see above). Totally dry. They just bounced off or sat there as droplets. I smacked my arm and the water droplets went through, but it only happens when I touch them, so all good. I reckon some real heavy rain would fire straight through, but I'll have to wait and see - I'm so rarely out in those conditions it's pointless worrying about it. 10/10.


      Let me know how the anti chafe stuff works out for you, Charles. I occasionally get the odd blister and vaseline doesn't quite do the trick. Have a birthday coming up and have asked for some new running socks from friends and family since my current ones are starting to wear away.

      Did a fartlek run last night and I've never seen so many runners along the canals of Birmingham, no doubt in training for next month's half marathon. What pissed me off was the abundance of selfish female runners, running two abreast on the path and as I approach from the opposite direction, they make a small effort to tuck themselves in so they're still running side by side, leaving me maybe 25% of the tow path to run along. Some elite looking male club runners ran towards me and they all tucked themselves in to become single file, the way it should be done!


        Went out and did some harsh interval training. Put the BodyGlide on the blister areas on my feet and problem solved!


          They say PBs come in threes and I'm certainly finding that true by scoring a new Parkrun PB of 22:04, up from 22:35 a few weeks ago!

          Absolutely chuffed and shook hands with some old boys I was racing against at the end, though were no match for my sprint kick. Loads of new, faster runners today because despite a PB, I finished 90th and usually clock in at 65 - 75 or so.


            Are you doing any interval training? Sounds like at this point, the only way you are going to get much faster is by doing speedwork. You've already blitzed your time so often!


              Can I have a "HELLS YEAH"?

              Home rowing race, 8km, against crews that have slammed us throughout the year...first place by over 10 seconds.

              Over the ****ing moon and still wearing my medal several hours and pints later


                Congrats, Pete! Impressive win, especially by such a margin!

                Charles, I've been doing a weekly interval session for a few months consisting of 4 x 1km reps at just faster than 5k race pace with 1 minute recovery pace inbetween. Was recommended this particular workout by a chap who has a 17 minute Parkrun PB so hopefully it'll continue to serve me well.

                I also try and slot in a little bit of fartlek where I can during my shorter runs to break things up a little and always train with a finishing kick. My weekly Parkruns are also classed as speedwork so there should be plenty to keep me blowing the hatch of PBs.

                Got a low and slow 11 miler planned for tomorrow after the Great North Run coverage.


                  3 miles this morning and then 35 minute tempo run this evening. Rest tomorrow.

                  Awesome stuff Pete!


                    Did anybody watch the Great North Run? Fantastic running from the elite women and men, especially during the closing stages. Glad to see Wilson Kipsang redeem himself after his mis-step at the Olympic marathon. Spotted the girl, "Jones" who won the Cardiff 10k last week amongst the elite women.

                    Despite the carnival like feel, I have no desire to do the Great North Run due to the volume of people and would struggle to PB there given how crowded the final mile looked.

                    Did an 11 mile slow run yesterday as a reccy for the Brum half, building in about 80% of the course along with the final hill that Haile Gebrselassie said almost finished him off last year. Decided to run it purposely slow to help speed up recovery.


                      Your long runs should be slow, so that you finish refreshed, not fatigued, so you are doing it just right! My long runs are 60 seconds slower than marathon race pace (so 8:30min/mi) which I find quite had to run that slow


                        Did a 7 mile road run this morning, entirely with forefoot strike. In your face slow buildup Legs are totally fine. I had to use some brutal concentration to keep it smooth though. Only 170strides/min though, but I don't feel comfortable going faster. 7:40min/mi, so not slouching and no more than 160bpm.

                        I'm totally in love with my Adidas Adios2s now. They fit like a glove and make my larger trainers feel like I'm weight training!
                        I'm going to try them on a 14 mile run tomorrow evening with heel strike. I'll do laps and stop and change trainers if it's too extreme.

                        Check out the route for my marathon (the videos show the first half, and then it just comes back again)! To get the general picture, fire up the vid and hover over the progress bar and move the mouse along to see the preview at speed.


                          Pete, what do you do for training? Do you just get out in the boat as often as poss?

                          14 miles (actually 13.6 - had to guess because my gps battery died) last night. I'm a bit under the weather (a cold) and I think that was slowing me down, so it was a bit of a slog. The trainers were ok, but I don't think they like going that slowly (9min/mi for the first 10 miles). I sped up in the last 4 miles to 8min/mi and they felt a lot better. I don't think I should have used them for quite so long yet.

                          I'm a bit of a mess today though - got an early night, but the kids kept on waking up for reasons unknown so I didn't actually sleep well till 1am

                          On the plus side, I managed to stay focused on form and speed for 2 hours, and quashed all negative thoughts immediately managing to avoid slipping into the "not feeling well" mentality (could have given up after a few miles).

                          The run was a mixture of road and dirt trail to get me used to the trails in the vids above.


                            Pete, what do you do for training? Do you just get out in the boat as often as poss?
                            I go out in the boat three times a week, if the weather is bad I sit on a rowing machine instead. In our crew our Cox is an ex-marine who is also a qualified rowing coach, plus one of the guys is an ex-marine who is extremely training is pretty intense!

                            In a couple of weeks the light will be too bad to get out during the evening so we'll start doing some indoor machine training through the winter. Not looking forward to that.

                            Thinking of taking up running or cycling as I'm not sure I'm doing enough, but I just lack the time to do everything!


                              Is second place good enough? I don't think you like being second.

                              Make time: Then you can run at night or early in the morning. By November I'll be having to start doing my long wednesday runs at 6am to finish at a decent hour. There are also some xml-t6 versions on ebay, but they look heavy and unwieldy - the Cree is plenty bright enough for running.


                                It's great to take home a gold but to be honest we're not that competitive, we just like giving it a go! As a crew we've been together since January and very early on we decided that "Failure is an option...but not through a lack of effort". We try our best but don't take it too seriously, we've just become a bunch of mates that enjoy rowing!

                                I am thinking of early morning training, in fact I tried twice this week but both times I hit the snooze button and gave up. Failure through lack of effort, don't tell anyone

