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    That might be the case for you, mate, but I still wouldn't recommend it personally. It's all too easy on a bigger bike to give it a bit too much when you're a new rider, and suddenly find that you're wearing your bike as a hat. Starting on a 125 is never a bad thing (unless you need to do 100 miles a day on the M6 right fron the start).

    On a totally different note: Riding trousers are a rip-off, aren't they? The companies seem to hook you in with great jacket bargains then stiff you when it comes to the other half of the deal. My old pants are kaput, so I'm looking for some new ones - it's pretty frustrating trying to find something decent for a reasonable price.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Not sure I'd agree with that. It would have been dangerous if I was a complete idiot.
      Not sure I would either. I did DAS too, and had a GPz500s after I passed and got a ZX-6R 636 a year later; it completely depends on the attitude of the rider. A 1000cc sportsbike is likely out of the question insurance wise for a new rider anyway.

      Well, you don't have a choice, mate: in the UK you have to ride a 125 for your first two years of riding, unless the law's changed.
      This isn't quite right - a provisional licence allows you to ride a 125cc bike with a CBT ( which needs renewing after two years ) - CBT isn't worth the paper its written on, and I'd strongly suggest proper lessons with only two riders to an instructor tops.

      If you pass your test on a 125cc bike ( theory, hazard and practical ), you get a restricted licence and you can ride a motorcycle restricted to 33 bhp ( most bikes can be restricted ). This lasts for 2 years when it becomes a full licence and you can ride any bike.


        Here's one for sale
        Attached Files


          I've just rigged up the most cheapskate "touring luggage" ever: a big black plastic box bungeed to the back of my bike. In de ghetto! Pics to follow


            Okay, so my camera died. :P

            I was given A Twist Of The Wrist II by Keith Code - someone else I know had two copies. It's pretty good, but damn, it's patronising (definitions of commonplace words, etc); but then, it's written for Americans


              is this gonna be the new Blade ? ......

              can't say it's really better looking better then the 2007 ..... it doesn't look bad either..... it might be the one I;ll be riding nex year, can't wait to see the final product


                Originally posted by TheForce View Post
                is this gonna be the new Blade ?
                The bottom picture is the real deal and it's ugly. Is it a Honda R6 or a Yamaha CBR1000RR?


                  Hmm. On a superficial level, I'm really not into those decals. I'll reserve judgment on the rest of the bike's appearance til I see more pics.


                    New Kawasaki Ninja EX250R - the first redesign of the baby Ninja for 20 years!

                    Edit: Pic here - was a touch too wide for the 1024x768 readers' screens.

                    I'm so glad I bought my EX250 used because -- having only lived in the US for a year -- buying a new one would have meant buying a 2007 model year bike. So I'd have had a serious case of buyers' remorse*!

                    * - Assuming it's basically the same bike, except maybe with fuel injection instead of carbs, and isn't "updated" internally with disastrous results...


                      Well i have decided to get a bike so i think i'm going to do my CBT soon and see how it goes from there. I think i'll go for a 125cc rather than doing direct access as i really want to get some real world practice, so i'll probably stick with the 125 for a while. I'm kind of hoping the price for the new Yamaha YZF-R125 isn't silly as i'd quite like it as my first bike:


                        Consider the Aprilia RS125 -- it's a street-legal version of their 125cc Grand Prix bike, and I personally think it has the best styling of all the 125s on the market, to say nothing of its fantastic performance. Another very popular choice is the Honda CBR125, though it's so popular in Blighty that you might be in danger of riding a me-too machine! But the Yammy is decent too.

                        One of the things I don't like about living in the US is that you don't get many smaller-displacement bikes (my favourite type) being released here. The big fat cruisers, usually Harleys, are too popular and the populace seems to think that engine size is everything.

                        Oh, and the bloke that sold me my current bike is a wanker. Took the fairing off yesterday to fix the speedo and what should come spurting out of one of the bolt-holes than the contents of the petrol tank?! Idiot had punctured the tank by using a longer-than-stock bolt and then used a piece of gaffer tape (!!) to try and fix it. That explained the lingering smell of petrol and funny looking drip I occasionally saw...

                        Had to take the tank off, drain it and shove some petrol tank epoxy on there. Pain in the arse, and it'll still leak a little if the bolt's out, but at least it doesn't leak when the bolt is actually fully in now!! A low-side would have been fun.. Fireball XL-5


                          Desmosedici write-up in The Telegraph today.

                          Just ordered mine


                            Sounds cool. Looks a bit odd. I reckon I'll like the look in a year.


                              Only the one? At that price I'd have 6 ...


                                Looks nice, needed to be about ten grand though.

