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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    Eurgh, hairless cats? Mr Bigglesworth?

    I doubt that would work as in my case (I still remember what the doctor said when I was 14) I am allergic to cat skin cells. I don't know if that's the norm or not.

    There was supposed to be some breakthrough vaccine many years ago but it's either unreliable or very expensive... never hear much about it.


      Originally posted by HumanEnergy
      If anybody is in the kitchen when our cats go out there to eat, they won't start unless you fill up the bowl with brand new food first We trick 'em though, just pick up the bowl, pour the food into the measuring cup, poor the exact same food back into the bowl. Put the bowl down and the cats will pounce on it and start eating!


        A-ha, I have found a picture of Tiggi looking her rather evil and usual self! There we go..


          Jesus christ, check this link for some faces only their mother could love. I laughed out loud at more than one, poor kitties!


            Originally posted by shuzo
            A-ha, I have found a picture of Tiggi looking her rather evil and usual self! There we go..

            awesome piccie <3 the eyes


              What do you the reaction would be if someone posted their cat up here and it looked like this? lmao!


                Originally posted by Darwock
                What do you the reaction would be if someone posted their cat up here and it looked like this? lmao!

                I'd be VERY worried if I had a cat that looked like that


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  What do you the reaction would be if someone posted their cat up here and it looked like this? lmao!

                  awww bless him, he is cute in his own special way


                    Not mine, but bow before the power of Happy Cat!1111


                      I'm gonna have nightmares.


                        Firstly, hello to all!

                        I've been mooching through this thread for a while and have decided it's about time my moggy was available for all to see...

                        His name is Merlin, and he can be a right cantankerous git at times, but we, (Me & The Wife), still love him... even when he's trying to slice your ankle open as you walk past him... or lunging at your elbow with mouth gaping and needle sharp teeth bared in an attempt to turn your flesh into a 'pounds per square inch feline jaw pressure testing kit...'

                        He has some odd quirks, like many a cat...

                        He doesn't meow... he beeps... (you have to hear it)
                        He likes Fish Food, Salt & Vinegar Crisps, Digestives, Humous, Banoffi Pie and Twiglets...
                        But his most quirky thing is his love for electrical equipment. I can only think he gets some kind of 'vibe' from all the gadgets sprawled around the house and loves nothing more than to sleep atop a powersupply or powercable... He loves sleeping next to the DVI & VGA cables that run from my Mac & XBOX360 to the monitor...

                        But as you can see... he loves something far too much for my liking...

                        The first picture is of Merlin giving me the 'evil eye', something he's extremely good at...

                        And the second is of Merlin relaxing after completing his favourite game...

                        Hope you all like...
                        Attached Files


                          lol he looks evil (in a cute kind of way)


                            Originally posted by wicky
                            lol he looks evil (in a cute kind of way)

                            Heh... If only you knew the truth...

                            Just for your amusement... (and everyone else's no doubt)...

                            Merlin looking more evil...
                            Attached Files


                              Merlin has good taste in games clearly!!


                                Just come back from a mates who's just got a six week old kitten.
                                It was trying to eat my M&M's before.

                                Really cute she is. I'll post up some pics when I'm not so tired.

