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    Thanks, Alastair. It's always good to get positive feedback.


      Originally posted by Alastair
      I like the shadow as it shows that the pillar isn't actually touching the wall. Using flash/lights would have made it look like it was pretty much part of the same wall.
      Seconded. I really like the image. This is one of those great pics that comes out of nowhere.

      Have you cropped the image? The aspect ration looks very square.


        Kind words Gareth C and yes it's cropped. I am still trying to figure out PS so my cropping skills leave a lot to be desired.
        Last edited by Richard.John; 06-12-2006, 22:07.


          Originally posted by MartyG
          Edit - just noticed on the exif info of the last photo I uploaded to, that the Total Number of Shutter Releases for Camera = 8349 - I've had my D50 since February this year - better make the 10,000th one a good-un.
          I have found the flickr shutter info to be inaccurate as my EOS 30D is showing over 36,000 accutations but that's impossible as it was bought new in June. Also it said 15,000 odd for one shot and back to 36,000 for another. Maybe it's just a Canon thing.

          And Marty, that pic is beautiful. The colours are outstanding.
          Last edited by Richard.John; 06-12-2006, 22:10.


            The Exif info is on the pic itself - it's entirely accurate for me - I thought I was around the 7000 ish mark as that's how many are currently eating up my HD space

            And cheers - I really liked the pastel colouring.


              Saw that when you uploaded it Marty, is very nice, lovely colours. Its a eucalyptus isn't it?


                Yup - tis in my back garden.


                  If you used an old cf card I believe that effects where the shutter count starts.... i think!


                    A makeshift ashtray.


                      You've certainly got an eye for unusual objects Peanuts. Another good shot


                        Re-visited the shots of the burnt out car that none of you seemed to like a couple of pages back

                        Also shot this on the same day, tough choice between wonky horizon or wonky telescope, can't work out what was wonky there, maybe the horizon was a hill?

                        Christmas decs starting to make an appearance here now:

                        9 sec
                        18 mm
                        ISO 100
                        Well worth clicking to get a big view.

                        And I took these on Saturday whilst out walking, not sure how much I like them though?

                        2nd one's not a crop, completely different exposure.
                        Last edited by Alastair; 11-12-2006, 10:08.


                          I like all of those shots, particularly the may be my eyes but it is slightly wonking over to the right.

                          (that's right, I said wonking)


                            The tree is great - just a pity the wire is in view, have you tried photoshopping that out?


                              Thanks Alastair

                              Your pics always leave us (well me anyway) speechless* thus the lack of comments.

                              I am officially an arse licker!


                                Originally posted by PeteJ
                                I like all of those shots, particularly the may be my eyes but it is slightly wonking over to the right.

                                (that's right, I said wonking)

                                It does wonk (!) to the right yes, in life and in the picture, blame Ikea's poor standards and cheap costs! I rotated the pic ever so slightly but that affects the surface it's on too so I've just left it a bit more as is. You can see the surface has curved a little from using a wide angle anyway.

                                Marty - I've not tried to PS it yet, I'm not too clever at cloning but will give it a go and replace the image if it works out well.

                                Peanuts - Carry on, I enjoy the compliments.
                                I also like some feedback if it's criticism (constructive is nicer) or suggestions on how a shot could have been better carried out. Any is def better than none for me as Flickr seems to have dried up a little.

