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The Photography Thread

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    Wow, I can only dream of making that kind of money! I'm expecting much the same tbh!

    Nice sunset shot.


      Nice silhouette sunset combo there!


        Really like that Garf, have commented on flickr mate


          Thanks for all the comments guys - much appreciated.

          Pete, I must admit, I'm hoping that the money won't change me

          I don't see it as a big earner, and will probably only submit the odd photo from now on. That said, there are apparently loads of tips that will help get photos accepted - think one of the mags did an article on it recently (I'll try and find it).

          One tip I remember was to leave some space on the photo for wording or text to be added - that seems to be true as the photos I have had accepted both have a fair bit of negative space on them.

          Hope that helps...


            Apologies for being away so long guys - work has been chaos for me this year.

            Just got back from a trip to the Galapagos Islands's though so lots of pictures taken.

            First of what I hope is many is below:

            Great shots on the previous page guys, Pete - I'm loving your monkey and snake.


              Pete.......Ish loves your monkey AND your snake - BEWARE!

              I like the first of your many Ish - show us some more matey! Good to have you back on the grid dude


                What can I say - I like the way Pete works

                Must admit I felt a bit rusty when I was on holiday but was an awesome experience and its (thankfully!) quite hard to take a bad shot there! I found I was generally working at around 130-200mm ranges: the animals are very close but you're not supposed to go closer than 5ft and many of them are small. Mainly used my monopod to try and get some stability.

                Couple more:


                  Love that last one. He looks like he's charging up for some kind of Godzilla-like energy breath.


                    Awesome shots Ish, doesn't look like you were rusty at all! Looks like a great place for photography.

                    I have some more shots of monkeys and snakes if you want to view them in private


                      Awesome shots Ish, those are beautiful. Same too Pete, those are lovely. Nice work peeps!


                        I'll PM you - I hope your rates are reasonable

                        The shot below is of a Frigatebird. They have these inflatable red airsac's that they use for a seriously impressive mating display. Absolutely incredible.

                        And a crab... the most common crabs on the Galapagos are the Sallylightfoot Crab's (photos to come!) but on one beach I encountered these crabs which can practically sprint, I'm not sure of their name though something makes me want to say Sand Crab:

                        Thanks all for the feedback.

                        Pete - it is a photographers paradise. If you like wildlife then its truly spectacular. As well as all this land stuff I snorkelled twice a day from the yacht and swam with sea lions (who decided to play with me which was / is just undescribable), sharks and turtles. Just phenomenal.
                        Last edited by Ish; 01-05-2009, 18:00.


                          So I'm looking for a bit of help with getting a camera guys! I've been wanting to get into photography for a long time but have never got round to it but it's the old birthday in a few weeks so I'm planning to get a Digital SLR camera around the £250-300 mark is possible?

                          I have literally no idea at all on what to look for or anything about lenses either so any help at all would be great.


                            I hope you guys accept amateur photgraphy in here with a compact.

                            I took these a few hours ago as the sky looked nice as the sun went down on the horizon, I walked up behind my house on the fields to get a clear shot of the sky (sorry they're not as good as other peoples photographs):


                              Ban request! Photos from a compact camera!!!!

                              Joking mate, I actually like that second one, you can see the rays of the sun, its brilliant!


                                cheers Rossco.

                                I was recommended a Canon G9 for someone starting out in photography. It allows for some SLR features yet doesn't allow lense changes or the other more daunting stuff that experts have to configure for their shots, but still produces profesional shots.

                                If you want to jump in for an SLR straight way like you mentioned, then ntsc-uk peeps recommended the Nikon D40 I think it was. allows for all the extra lense addendums and stuff.

                                Check on Amazon for the prices, as I was recommended these two cameras about a year ago I think. Never got round to spending the cash.

                                Wait for an expert to suggest something better, rather than a compact user.

