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    Bump, for great justice!


      Just got a text from a bloke at work claiming he just say Jon Obe Mikel buying an Arsenal shirt at a sports shop in Romford


        My girlfriend's employer is friends with Kris Marshall. My bird's best mate (a Dutch bint) once chatted up Sean Bean in the local Tesco, not realising he was famous. Aforementioned ginger Dutch bint has some famous Dutch pals and contacts, such as the lead singer of metal band Within Temptation.
        Last edited by Grapple Convoy; 25-03-2007, 18:44.


          When I was at school my best friend's mate claimed to have been bummed by one of the guys from North & South

          Guy who taught me to drive used to be Jonathon Ross' postie, and got a pseudo-mention on his radio show once


            My brother's girlfriend is in a band with a bloke who is also in the Trembling Blue Stars.

            And another- a mate of mine was told to **** off by Paul Gascoigne in a pub once. Needless to say, I've dined out on that one a few times.
            Last edited by endo; 24-02-2007, 16:45.


              Tom and Sergio from kasabian were in The Charlotte last night. Tom stood right next to me at the bar chatting away to (presumeably) one of his mates, and at the same time pushing in front of me - cheeky sod ;p


                My Dad once sat on a trans-atlantic flight next to Phill Collins and thought that he knew him but couldn't remember who he was so he started talking to him as if they knew each other (things like "how's the wife" etc) and was talking to him for most of the flight. Apparently he is a really nice bloke!

                One of my mum's friends was quite high up in the Conservative Party during the late 70's and 80's and knew Maggie Thatcher. Another friend used to live in Sydney, Australia and met Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) several times in a marina and they used to go to BBQ's with him.

                My gran is friends with Billy Connoly's sister!

                Not half bad, I would say!


                  Guy down the road from me who we used to swap videogames with moved to London to be a 'big star'. I've seen him once on TV, which was him dieing in Holby City.

                  I was once on TV with Anaka Rice, but sadly not Challenge Anaka.


                    I think I may have an unfair advantage in this game as I used to work as a film journalist at film festivals and have attended a fair few parties with celebrities during that period... there are more stories than I can remember. Here's one:

                    - At Cannes 2002 (I think), my friend and I went along to a tent party that, amongst many others, was attended by Christina Ricci and her chubby friend. My friend, a massive fan, and already severely drunk hadn't seen her yet and, in his state, I considered not telling him for fear of what he would do. But, after a couple of drinks myself my doubts were quickly forgotten and I proceeded to inform him that "that Addams Family chick is sitting over there with her friend".

                    Now he needed a way in... we noticed she had an unlit cigarette in her mouth and clearly no lighter. I had matches, my friend implored me to go over with him and hand him my matches. Though I initially resisted I went along with him anyway. He approached: his own cigarette in one hand and matches in the other, swiftly lit the match and offered it, she accepted. Then, in a calm and cool motion that would have made James Dean jealous, he put his cigarette back to his lips...

                    Except in his drunken state he got his hands confused and put the still lit match to his lips. Addams Family bitch and friend tried to stifle their laughter, I shook my head and imagined that I could smell burned flesh. My friend simply pretended it didn't happen and flicked the match away, replacing it with cigarette and taking a seat next to her. She spent the next 10 minutes trying to make him go away while I had to sit in embarrassing silence avoiding direct eye-contact with her chubby mate who I think was making eyes at me.
                    Last edited by suicidepirate; 25-03-2007, 22:51.


                      Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                      I've seen him once on TV, which was him dieing in Holby City.

                      I went up the shop for a pack of fags and the paper thursday afternoon, and the Delays were walking out as I was going in. They are all from round my way, mind. Didn't say anything to them like I did when the Mayor dissed me.


                        Don't know if I've told this before, but I was in the same French class (1998-1999) as the ex-wife of Liverpool-player John Arne Riise. Wow.. you can touch me if you like.


                          My mate threw up on the rear window of the back of Hunter from the gladiators dad's Metro when he gave us a lift home after a night in York, then wound the window down so all the puke went inside which was nice!

                          We had a temp at work who went to her "health spa" and the sauna was out of use, as she was a little posh and a lot stroppy she threw a hissy fit and they said she could go in, when she got in there and took her robe off she saw an equally startled Kylie peering back confused as to who had disturbed her. She sat down said hi went red and after 20 seconds made her excuses and left.

                          I once met Frank Carson, legend!


                            Me and a few of my buddies met Gazza (then at Rangers) at Strathclyde Park once, he was a right laugh until he threatened to black Sheryl's eyes for wanting to go home!!


                              met pat sharp in magaluf last year where he was dj-ing, my mate got him with a schoolboy error though when he went to shake his hand and pulled away at the last moment, he was not at all happy and we were in stitches, happy days!


                                Originally posted by seany1979 View Post
                                Kriss Akabusi came to my junior school to promote some circuit training thing.
                                this thread is pure dynamite

                                the above reminds me - years ago when i was at secondary school, one cold winter's morning, we were out doing athletics (ie. throwing equipment at each other) and who was that sped on by round the track?

                                why, if it wasn't Olympic gold medal winner Steve Ovett! we all recognised him not because he was a world class athlete, but because he was 'that guy off the telly'. on his next lap we took off and raced him, with about half of us running in front of him backwards and the other half keeping pace and shouting "get those knees up!"

