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The Relationship Thread-Good, Bad or Indifferent.

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    Bad luck dude!

    @Prinny - I think you're right. I should just go with the flow. I'm not in a position to be making long-term plans right now anyway.


      Originally posted by Lyris View Post
      I know the feeling; actually I AM a very assertive person, but I still have this thing where I don't "make moves" on women because I have it in my head that they must get that all the time and be sick of it, etc., and that they're modern lady-folk who'll let me know if they're interested. Basically I don't know what I'm "allowed" to do and what I can "get away with".

      My friend said once, "Just remember: everyone wants the same thing". Probably wise words.
      I'm the same. My gf often reminds me that my gentlemanly ways helped loads in the beginning despite my feeling like I was being a pussy at the time by letting her take the lead. It separated me from other men.


        Originally posted by Nijo View Post
        Tell me more...
        It's basically eggs and milk whisked together with a bit of sugar, chucked in the frying pan for a while and then, before folding over, I put some milky bar or similar on top. Ideally it's grated to melt quickly but I only have the knife here. Another option is to melt the chocolate into a sort of sauce and pour it over the omelette. Someone told me its not an omelette but I dunno what else to call it. Point is everyone who's tried it so far has loved it and it's the first dessert I made for her so bonus points!

        Another idea is to mix chocolate powder into the omelette and pour the white chocolate sauce on top. I'm liking the sound of that more.
        I just bought a small punnet of strawberries to go with it for a whopping 500Y(?3.50?).


          Sounds like a sweet French toast batter or a sweet crepe (without the flour). You could shave the chocolate with a knife.

          You could cheat and turn it on to a sweet French toast. Dunk a slice of Brioche in that mix and fry, job done still sounds good though
          Last edited by ETC; 15-03-2013, 08:27.


            Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
            Ewwww, man, first online dating experience...and a bit of a bunny boiler, bit like that Alan Partridge episode!!!!! Wants to marry me, move in with me, have my kids within 24hrs, even offers me unprotected shaggage, buttsechs even!! Said I had brewer's droop but in reality was just freaked the f*ck out.

            Supposed to be meeting her again this aft but I can bail without too much recourse (I hope!), feel awful but I'm gonna have to do it. Let this be a cautionary tale to you all!!!
            Yikes. I've heard various people say it, but apparently there's a good maxim to bear in mind for people you meet through online dating:

            Attractive, single, sane. Pick two.


              ^I guess it's one of life's lessons, but f*ck me am I freaked out right now! Just written her a huge text, basically stating I'm still in love with my ex (a lie) and that she's basically a nice lass but needs help and I'm too vulnerable to be with her (I'd be a full-time shrink, by the sound of it). Just so glad I didn't bang her, bar the sex thing, I think the first giveaway was the chainsmoking, next was the 'sleeping pills as anti-anxiety meds', third was the glassy-eyed staring at Facebook....all red flags(!!!!!!)

              Haven't sent the text yet, scared of what'll happen....but will soon...eeeeeeh, never rains, it pours!!!!


                Originally posted by FSW View Post
                Bad luck dude!

                @Prinny - I think you're right. I should just go with the flow. I'm not in a position to be making long-term plans right now anyway.
                Go with the girl you like more. Matters the heart like this should not be based on 'the right thing'. You will always think of the oneyou wanted but didn't take the chance with.


                  Thanks chaps. Is there anything this forum can't do!?
                  I'll report back this afternoon :-)


                    BAM! Sent txt!!!

                    It's like a bad to wait for the replies...


                      If we don't see you online by, say, 5pm should we call the cops?


                        ^Nah, I'm hiding in the house! I made sure not to furnish her with any personal info, FB, etc., address, etc. so hoping I *should* be OK(!) Only thing she got is a photo of me off her phone, I'm guessing that's up on her Facebook page now, and she's 'in a relationship', I'd bet.

                        I ain't looking!


                          Threads like this remind me not to take my wife for granted.


                            ^yeah, mate, when you get someone special, hold on to them.


                              I reckon JazzFunk will end up sharing a car boot with AlexWS out in the woods, while a woman sits inside the car weeping to power ballards.


                                And there's a lake nearby....with a car-width jetty.

