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The Artwork Thread

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    Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
    That's the boss key from Lttp! You should know that now!

    I've not done any Mario 3 stuff yet, I'm lacking some colours.

    I might get some glow in the dark beads, then I can make glow in the dark Boos
    Can't wait to see the glow in the dark boos - he's my favourite mario baddie!

    And yes I am of course an idiot for not realising that was the zelda boss key.


      Awesome pixel goodness there!

      Did I post up my little Superman already? Don't think I did but I'm not completely sure. I might have. Did I? Anyway, in case I didn't here it is. Superman -


        It was my flat mate's birthday last month. My other flat mate commandeered the inside of the card with all sorts of random cutesy cutesy Japanese so I decided to claim the outside of the card as my own and put birthday girl atop the elephant then outlined it, and stuck me and the other flat mate on the back of the card:


          That's gorgeous, Billy.



            I'm not sure how many times I can say "that's awesome' before it sounds like I don't mean it. But I do mean it every time.

            I was having a doodle the other day, I thought I'd try a do a little sci-fi landscape.

            I'm trying to draw a big space frigate that has been repositioned in a crater and made into a hotel. Here is my original sketch and then starting to lay it out ont the PC

            Last edited by EvilBoris; 08-02-2013, 23:02.


              Looking good Borris, mate. Try to get rid of those sharp straight lines on the PC if you can. The charm in that image is the messy look, i feel.

              Dogg, you know i love you. Keep adding stuff and get on Miiverse!!

              I was thinking today it has been 4 years since my last drawing... 4 years... That's madness...

              Need to do something soon.
              ----Member since April 2002



                Thanks as always for all the kind words. Adam, you need to get drawing again! Do it!!!! Boris, did you finish that pic?

                Just wanted to let y'all know that I have started a tumblr. If you're on tumblr at all, be sure to follow me here - I'll be posting odds and ends, doodles and stuff.

                Posted this up on it just yesterday...


                  Dogg that Superman is just superb mate.. Are you on twitter or 'owt? Got the feeling you could sell the majority of this stuff easily.


                    Thanks! Not sure I could actually sell them for actual money but they're fun to do. Although having just joined Tumblr, the level of talent I see there is pretty amazing (once you get passed the total gif lunacy on there, actually it's mostly gif lunacy). I am on Twitter and do post them the odd time but already I have found things spreading better on Tumblr even though I have less than 20 followers there so far.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      Thanks as always for all the kind words. Adam, you need to get drawing again! Do it!!!! Boris, did you finish that pic?

                      Just wanted to let y'all know that I have started a tumblr. If you're on tumblr at all, be sure to follow me here - I'll be posting odds and ends, doodles and stuff.

                      Posted this up on it just yesterday...

                      I love it!

                      Did you do that?


                        Yes, I did that. I'm replaying Link's Awakening at the moment - such a great game. Glad you like the pic!


                          It's so charming and Link's Awakening is Zelda perfection.


                            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                            Yes, I did that. I'm replaying Link's Awakening at the moment - such a great game. Glad you like the pic!
                            Any chance some of you arty types could video your drawing process? I'd like to see it in action, and LEARN from it.


                              That's an interesting idea. For me, most of my stuff is done on the iPad and usually in bursts of a few minutes or so at a time but maybe I'll do a piece specifically to record at some point. One of the apps (think it might be Brushes) can output a QuickTime of the whole painting process so maybe I could look into that too.


                                Alternatively, you could just screen shot every now and then in the meantime. Wouldn't be a tutorial as such but it'd show the process at least. I did that with one of my pictures, but uploading the images gets boring

