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A Stag Do Thread...

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    Are there any decent web sites where I can buy loads of tacky, tack to take on the stag do. You know "hilarious" inflatable sheep/woman, "Massage" toys, practical jokes, etc etc. I'm hoping to get the stag photographed in a rather compromising position.


      Here's a tale of the dangers of excessive drinking when on stag nights, stag weekends really. A load of us went to France on a late Friday night ferry. We were already pissed on boarding and carried on boozing through the night. After arriving at 6AM and nosing around a bit we were extremely pleased to find a 'cafe' for breakfast which also sold beer.
      More drinking ensued all through the morning at into the afternoon. By early evening we had all found B&Bs to spend the night in, a **** and shampoo later and it was back out on the streets of France for more booze.
      By 1AM after around 18 hours of drinking we got split up and 3 of us found a bar near the waterfront. Frank was one us and he was the worse for wear. We all sat on stools at the bar, to our right were the toilets and left were the open doors to the waterfront. By around 3AM there was just us 3 and an extremely impatient barman, who was busy tidying tables, sweeping up, etc.
      It was now that Frank really did take a turn for the worst and announced he was feeling sick. We'll never know if Frank consciously worked out his next more, but it was potentially a killer. Instead of heading to his right to the toilets Frank set of at speed towards the exit to the waterfront.
      The waiter seen Frank making a beeline for the door and was shouting in French, which of course we didn't understand.
      Turned out the French waiter had closed two large plate-glass doors to stop any new customers getting in to further spoil his evening....and Frank couldn't see 3 foot in front of him.
      Then came a miracle. Frank's guts gave up the ghost and spewed forth a bucketful of carrot soup, which splattered onto the 'invisible' doors Thankfully Frank (and us) could now see the dripping obstruction and managed to stop before he crashed through onto the street. The Frenchman was none too pleased though and he was screaming and pointing frantically at his next hour's cleaning job.

      << There was a lot more to our stag weekend, just as daft, but no room in a single post >>


        So off to Dublin in 2 weeks now. Any recommendations?


          Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
          Anybody recommend any bars, clubs (Strip or otherwise!?) or things to do?
          had a gerat time went with missus stayed in temple bar really swanky place very good. went with mates stayed in hostel called barnacles was dirt cheap and bang in the middle the best place. strip wise there isnt anywhere its a catholic country, there was one called kittycats but paid ?70 for a bottle off champoo and the doris just minced around in a bikini, left minus a passport as well which got lifeted while we were being fleeced. I'd just stick to the bars themselves great area.

          been to some great stag do, blackpool 10/10, nottingham 6/10, london and brighton 9/10, brighton 9/10, Budapest 10/10 till we hit the strip clubs then it was rapidly up to 12/10 then on reflection after an encounter with mafia and local enforcers we had to drop it down to 10/10, one guy was mugged, another was taken at knife point to a cash point and relieved of ?300 when he tried to leave the club by the club owner and a couple of the boys spent the weekend drinking absinthe and boning hookers to mention only a couple of incidents but we all had a great time......


            No strip clubs, you must be kidding?!
            Tell me you're kidding?!
            Go on...


              i'm kidding


                ok i'm not really its a catholic country ffs they dont like that sort of sh!t

                honestly this chick was in a bikini kept it on and just danced around by my lap, I complained and she said well I was dancing by your lap what else do you expect for a lap dance. as it happened a whole lot more sweetheart but did us no good and left to go get drunk in a lock in without being scammed any further


                  Well there's a stringfellows in Dublin, they can't be the only one!?
                  Can they?


                    it was called kitkat or something the like, you went downstairs to get in which i fell up to get out of, i'd have a look on the web if I wasnt at work but i'm afraid you may be sorely disappointed on the stripping front. that said though theres loads of birds and hens so worse case scenrio you'll be able to get some drunk chubby bird to get her tatties out at the end of the night for free


                      Lol, well, every cloud etc...


                        Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                        worse case scenrio you'll be able to get some drunk chubby bird to get her tatties out at the end of the night for free
                        Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                        Lol, well, every cloud etc...
                        Will piss on your BBQ.


                          Roffles. There's got to be a strip joint. There's just gotta!


                            Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                            Roffles. There's got to be a strip joint. There's just gotta!
                            How about here

                            Could be good



                              You might find this helpful too as it gives ratings and customer reviews. Looks like you might be a bit spoilt for choice dude - there's loads of clubs!


                                A legend. I could kiss you.

