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    A friend and I were discussing this whole mess recently. We always thought there was something not quite right about that couple long before the media picked up on it...


      The media knew/know - these days though it's all about giving the public what they *think* we want to hear.


        I think there's still something iffy about the Mccanns, even if they're now being praised by the world while the police are getting shunned. I think it would be a fitting tribute to the pair if they were to star in R*s next Manhunt title - I'm picturing the uproar even now.

        Let's all saw open their skulls and remove their tainted brains before hammering nails into them


          I for one would lead an angry mob, carrying torches, up to their front door - if asked.


            Originally posted by Kasier Chiefs
            "We are the angry mob, We read the papers everyday, We like what we like we hate what we hate, but we're all so easily swayed" Quoted for truth.



              I'm the only person I know who's completely on the fence about this. All I know is the child's gone, there's some evidence that we know very little about and the parents have become celebrities. Everything else is pure conjecture.

              Everyone else I know either thinks they are good people caught up in a horrible case of finger pointing or a double dose of Dr Crippin.

              All this does say to me is that if you force yourself into the media spotlight, more and more people will resent it until they find a possible flaw and then say 'Look! Look! I knew it all along!'. See also Jade Goody.

              Either way it is pretty mind blowing stuff. Either the parents have genuinely lost their child and whilst trying to do what they thought was right have inadvertantly put themselves forwards as the perpetrators (woah!) OR they have committed a heinous crime and managed to become celebrities and convince a large percentage of people of their innocence (WOAH!).

              What ever way it goes, I bet many people will still believe the opposite.


                Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                Why? And be honest now, do you say that because it wasn't balanced, or do you say it simply because they seem to be heading away from what popular opinion (GUILTY! BURN THEM!) is at the moment? If it was half an hour about how damning the evidence was and how they probably did it, would you be so offended, with it going along with what you assume to be true?
                The programme discredited everything - it made out that DNA evidence isn't reliable by sprinkling sliver glitter over someones hands and then touch the boot of a car - it made out that the sniffer dogs were unable to tell the difference between human blood and animal blood. It told of the Portugal Police Officer accused of beating a confession from another woman who is serving time, and showed a head shot with black eyes - but cut off the rest of the picture with the marks around her neck, and made no mention of the fact the Portugal Police claimed she tried to hang herself.

                I said it was bias because it only showed one side of the argument, discredited the Portugal Police and any evidence that's been speculated in the press.

                It presented nothing in the way of facts and statistics, such as the numbers of infant deaths, and the percentage of parents or known relatives being involved with them. It made no mention of how rare and unusual stranger abduction is.

                And as I mentioned - some of the first words out of TM's mouth were "how reliable is this so called evidence" and interviewed people said it was worthless with no-one addressing the other side.

                If it was a balanced unbiased programme, it would have covered the angle of possibility that the McCanns could be involved, not just that they couldn't, and it would have been just as bias the other way around.

                I don't know if the McCanns are guilty or not - but I can spot a piece of garbage biased journalism a mile off.
                Last edited by MartyG; 18-09-2007, 13:32.


                  Originally posted by Brats View Post

                  I'm the only person I know who's completely on the fence about this. All I know is the child's gone, there's some evidence that we know very little about and the parents have become celebrities. Everything else is pure conjecture.
                  You're not the only one on the fence, so budge up a little mate so I can sit down! .

                  However, I am angry with the way everything has been conducted from the start by the media with their Cop bashing at the beginning thru to their McCann bashing now.
                  I'm also still very curious as to what is gonna happen with the Madeline fund money, & disgusted with Richard Chutneys 'donation' (more like advert!) to help an already rich couples defence case.


                    More shady solicitors for the McCanns:
                    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service


                      One of the most sensible pieces I've read on the situation.


                        yeah thats a good piece........couldnt really make a opinion on that from that piece......but if it is accurate a few things seem suspicous


                          Originally posted by MartyG View Post

                          One of the most sensible pieces I've read on the situation.
                          Interesting and it's really how other sources should have been reporting this. Just the facts, no spin.

                          Sick as I am of this case it will be interesting to see how it turns out, and how seemingly biased news agencies like the BBC and ITN (not to mention the gutter press) have to back track if they are convicted of murder.

                          Personally I have no time for the parents, regardless of how involved they were in this and I hope they go down for child neglect at least.

                          Have to laugh over her complaining that the Portuguese police had taken her 'bible' as evidence though.
                          Last edited by Kotatsu Neko; 19-09-2007, 11:39.


                            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                            Interesting and it's really how other sources should have been reporting this. Just the facts, no spin.
                            Exactly. Most of what's in the papers isn't "news" at all.


                              Police are questioning a animal incinerator owner ?

                              Gerry McCann believes, that the abductor may have hid in the apartment ?
                              "They are 100 per cent sure that the family were being watched during the course of their holiday"....?


                                What do they mean 100% sure they are being watched? Did they think that when they were at the restaurant?

