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    got stomach problems .....part of it is a hiatus hernia but i get terrible stomach acid problems with goes up into my throat and mouth (leading to lots of mouth ulcers) been off work on and off for a year...heading to hospital on friday for a consultaion hopefully to get it sorted


      I'll join the club was helping my dad get weighed when he fell and put all his weight through my collarbone shoulder 10 weeks later and a crapload of physio I now need an MRI bricking it as I may need surgery to fix it


        Originally posted by eastyy View Post
        got stomach problems .....part of it is a hiatus hernia but i get terrible stomach acid problems with goes up into my throat and mouth (leading to lots of mouth ulcers) been off work on and off for a year...heading to hospital on friday for a consultaion hopefully to get it sorted
        Have you tried aloe Vera juice or dgl liquorice both are really good at helping this you will get them in any holland and Barrett type store


          Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
          Bah, first propah illness in a mega-long time.

          Started getting this 'tingle' that kind of started behind the belly button, then travelled down to the base of the prick like some weird, pissy electric shock, like hot piss that wasn't there. I paid it no heed, it was weird but very minor, thought it'd eventually pass on
          Aha so thats what it is!! Had that a few times during my life but never bothered to do anything about it


            ^Previous post was maybe a bit melodramatic.

            Went back to A & E today, had run out of anti-Bs and still had the discomfort (plus Jap's eye was dribbling piss a bit, again). They took another sample and sent it over to the labs, came back as negative, turned out that the bacteria usually found in urinary tract infections was not in either of the pee samples they took - basically, it's not a UTI.

            So, he vanishes for twenty minutes, pops back in and then says that both he and his colleague have been discussing the matter and the number one likelihood was that I had a sexually transmitted infection. Which *shocked* me, as since splitting with the bird, my hand has been my best friend. Haven't had a shag in months, not even kissed anyone. Know there are 'innocent' ways to catch VD, it must be that. That's if it *IS* VD (???)

            Doc then decided to check my balls, probably for gonorrhea, because with that you get a leaky, burning cock and painful, aching balls. Yeah, it was a bit weird having my balls molested by the doc in front of a male healthcare assistant I see around work every day. He's seen my equipment, I only wanted the doc to see it! Anyway, balls weren't painful at all, so gonorrhea seemingly ruled out, hurrah!

            Off to the clap clinic tomorrow afty. Hopefully they'll sort it, just dreading if they have to poke some "apparatus" up the Jap's eye.

            Originally posted by fuse View Post
            I am still a little under the weather too, and despite my love for this place it's a bit weird talking about it online like this also. About 7 weeks ago I had a week in hospital after having chest/arm tightness one night - initial ECG didn't say much, but blood tests got them worried, and after an angiogram it was confirmed that I'd actually had a heart attack. Damage was significant enough that at the same time as the angiogram I had an angioplasty where they inserted 5 stents into 3 of my coronary arteries.
            To be honest, mate, you make me sound like a right proper wimp. That's very scary stuff, especially for a young guy in his twenties, must be really tough for you. I know it's not just a physical thing, it's also very hard psychologically as it makes your sense of 'health' seem quite fragile, got a mate at work who had a heart attack at 32 and it left him depressed for a very long time. Hope you are doing OK, anyway, Fuse.


              That's harsh Fuse. Hope you are taking it easy and not feeling too bad.

              I had an ECG last month and blood tests as well, as my dad has Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which unfortunately means I also have a 50 percent chance of having the condition. Worst thing is if I have it, then my daughter also will have a 50 percent chance of having it too.

              Just have to wait for results to come back...
              Last edited by Skull Commander; 09-08-2011, 23:12.


                Originally posted by fuse View Post
                Damage was significant enough that at the same time as the angiogram I had an angioplasty where they inserted 5 stents into 3 of my coronary arteries....

                ...and for me it's quite difficult to come to terms with something like this in my 20s.
                Bloody hell.
                My father inlaw had thickening arteries due to smoking and drinking when he was younger, he had 3 stents fitted at 56. This must be horrible for you having it done in your 20s !! Then are heart attack on top, unbelievable.
                I know what it was like for him and now I really feel bad for you, I truly hope you get this sorted.

                On another note, my kidney stone test I had some months ago came back all clear, they sent me for a bladder and prostate cancer test (the 9mm camera up your pee pipe) which also came back all clear, so I have now been discharged.
                They put the peeing blood down to a possible passing of a kidney stone in the end.


                  I be 'aving Prostratitis or something along those lines. Joyous.


                    ^Snap! Went to the docs yesterday, had the ol' finger up (the PAIN!), he prescribed me a 4-week course of antibiotics for it, just hope they bloody work.

                    Actually been having symptoms since July, my regular doctor has just fobbed me off, last time I went he said to "do pilates" and go back in three months(!) Over the last few weeks, my 'nads have been getting *extremely* tight/painful practically ALL the time (I've been walking about like a bow-legged cowboy the last week) and I've been worried sick, so got a second opinion from another doc who seemed to know his stuff. Pretty relieved, last few months have been an absolute nightmare, it's weird when you're suffering and no-one's listening to you.


                      I've been having a great time of it since July and been off work mostly since then

                      firstly i've developed a bit if a anger issue and smacked a door that hard that i obliterated my 4/5th metacarpals in my right hand, let it heal without seeing a doctor and now i may need surgery and have a bit of jeremy beadle about my hand

                      My atrial fibrillation has started again and been to the doctors about that and my i have 'large' ectopics that knock me on my bottom until they pass

                      latest is that i had a gastoscopy booked for wednesday to check out my reflux problem, but had to cancel it because i caught hand foot and mouth virus from my daughter which is very rare in adults and all the doctors had a meeting with me just so they could see it

                      it states online that its mild in adults but it fecking isnt, hands and feet continuously feel like im being stabbed by pins, my throat is in agony and i had a bag of crisps on Saturday and it felt like i had a bag of glass shards, i havent eaten anything warm in 3 days because its too much and brushing my teeth leaves me in agony for 20 minutes afterwards

                      off work untill Thursday though so its time to chill and watch some tv, still to get worse before it gets better


                        Man, your really going through the mill right now. Hope everything eases up a bit for you.


                          Been finding out one of the side-effects of my prostatitis meds is *extreme* anxiety. Christ, never felt as crazy as this, it's exactly like a bad ganja trip, just a constant series of these two-hour long major panic states with nary much respite inbetween. Been like this for the last four days or so, never knew antibiotics could have such a drastic effect on one's brain!

                          Got some beers chilling away, they'll see me right.


                            Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
                            I had an ECG last month and blood tests as well, as my dad has Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which unfortunately means I also have a 50 percent chance of having the condition. Worst thing is if I have it, then my daughter also will have a 50 percent chance of having it too.

                            Just have to wait for results to come back...
                            ...and I'm free of the pesky gene, and therefore so is my daughter. Back of the net!


                              Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                              ^Snap! Went to the docs yesterday, had the ol' finger up (the PAIN!), he prescribed me a 4-week course of antibiotics for it, just hope they bloody work.

                              Actually been having symptoms since July, my regular doctor has just fobbed me off, last time I went he said to "do pilates" and go back in three months(!) Over the last few weeks, my 'nads have been getting *extremely* tight/painful practically ALL the time (I've been walking about like a bow-legged cowboy the last week) and I've been worried sick, so got a second opinion from another doc who seemed to know his stuff. Pretty relieved, last few months have been an absolute nightmare, it's weird when you're suffering and no-one's listening to you.
                              Had the finger up the jacksie as well - thought it was nice of the missus to book me in with the female doctor for a quick ball fondle/probing. No kissing first though which was a shame.

                              Hint for the anyone else. If you dribble piss after having a slash, then you might want to mention it to your doctor - as that was a sign that I was getting the infection - and it makes you stink like a hobo.

                              Skull - glad to hear you're clear mate.


                                ^Bah, switched my meds for the ol' prostatitis and seems I am 'sensitive' to these types of antibiotics, I am going completely bonkers on all of them, 24-hour total anxiety, 'cept they are the only meds that work for this, so I have to take them to get rid of this shiz.

                                Saw the doc, he flanked on some beta-blockers (used by 80s snooker players to cut the shakes when potting) and also prescribed me a low dose of happy pills to decrease anxiety, which I will be starting tomorrow. I haven't taken happy pills for nearly 9 years, and I do not take this step lightly, but I f*ckin' NEED them to work(!)

                                Beta-blockers and gaming is interesting. Verrrry interesting.

