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    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    Had a consultation with the consultant to review my MRI and CT scan of my thigh. They've decided it's a benign tumour inside my thigh bone and it must of grown and is putting pressure on my bone, causing it to ache all the time.

    Looks like I've just got to put up with it and get it review annually. blah
    Sorry to hear that dude. Is there really nothing they can do?


      Sorry to hear that buddy. If u need to chat always about . Take care x


        Thanks for the offer, I'll just have a whinge once and a while, hopefully it's nothing more serious. Just annoying they can't do anything as I can feel it 98% of the time


          Also sorry to hear that Boris.

          Hope it's not giving you too much jip (use of an outdated word for the win!)


            That sounds nasty, Boris. Is it worth trying a different consultant just to see if any more options crop up beyond just putting up with it? I have just found they often have very different points at which they decide that's all they're going to do. Not that you really want to go down a long and expensive consultant hop either I suppose.


              To be honest, unless it gets worse I don't think it's worth Any treatment just now. As it occupies about 30% of my femur, they would have to either remove an entire section of thigh bone, leaving me unable to walk/walk properly for life or they would have to saw it open , scrape out the inside, then give me a bone graft from somewhere else to grow and fill in the hollow, which would leave me out of action for months and months and has plenty of risks to go with it.


                Broke my 5th metacarpal on my main hand on friday (boxers fracture)
                I soon realised how much we depend on such a small thing when I couldn't wipe my arse properley, open doors, pick up my 1 year old daughter, drive to the shops, etc.
                Luckily Its healing fast though.


                  Whatever has been going around recently, I appear to have gotten. Spent the best part of the last two days in bed, save for having to use the toilet. Not eaten anything. Bleeearrrrgh....
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    I've got an annoying dry cough in my chest, nothing will come up at all. Runny nose too


                      I have had pain in my chest for about 6 weeks now. It spreads out from the sternum to the ribs and round to my back, hurts pretty bad sometimes and restricts breathing I looked it up and it might be Costochronditis which should clear up naturally even if it does take a couple of months.

                      Anyone here get low blood sugar? Fairly certain I have been quietly suffering for around a year now with dips of energy around 4-6pm so have recently decided to change my diet a bit. When I was at the doctors last for my chest thing I asked about low blood sugar and I guess my time was up as he said, "just have a biscuit." Really helpful Doc....


                        Chest infection here too.

                        I get asthma though so I can never tell which it is, and I think my inhaler is all used up.



                          Also have the chest infection/harsh sputum thing that seems to be doing the rounds, feel like dried death on a morning. Mate in Scotland has it, I'm in Leeds, it's all down south, too.


                            Having trouble sleeping, very uncomfortable. Gonna have to call in sick tomorrow, I can barely get to my bed without feeling terrible, let alone 8 hours of manual labour.


                              got something that has happened a couple of times but need the medical staff of NTSC-uk for a diagnosis

                              Ok current medication is betablockers, flecainide, asprin & omeprazole all taken for atrial fibrillation and a reflux

                              The last couple of times ive used interdental brushes on my teeth ive felt faint, sore head, clammy and like general crap and end shaking like mad which is uncontrollable

                              i should use the brushes twice a week but end up doing it monthly and when i do there is alot of blood coming from my mouth

                              it can't be coincidence because its happened the last few times - unsure whether im losing too much blood and my blood pressure is going down

                              anyway diagnose


                                The blood thing could easily be down to the fact you only use the interdental brushes so infrequently - things get pretty sensitive if you don't regularly 'train' the teeth/gums, bleeding is very common if you miss out on that type of dental hygiene. Aspirin is a blood thinner, too, though it sounds like you're more getting a *lot* of blood here.

                                Don't know about the shakiness/head stuff, though, you reckon there may be a possible pain/panic reaction there? Maybe you have a gum infection and need to get your mouth checked out - is there actually pain when you're probing between your teeth, nerve pain or intense physical pain and the like???

                                Try and Google to see if your meds interact, though 'tis always best to schedule a visit to the docs before anything else, and obviously your dentist. But, yeah, often certain drugs can have weird side effects in other parts of the body, I know proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole and lansoparazole can cause all kinds of weird, inter-body tomfoolery, beta-blockers can make you woozy and lightheaded (I'm currently on them) though I know nothing about flecainide.

