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    Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
    Think I'll have a chat with Charles about some vitamins/supplements. It's depressing catching the same flu/chest cold every month or so. 6 days of it so far, now down to a chesty painful cough and feeling washed out (from all the coughing/lack of sleep). My youngest has exactly the same cold as well, but he can sleep through the day.

    Got to stop moaning though. My father in law is waiting to see if he might have lung cancer so flu is nothing by comparison.
    i know how you feel - i had a chest/infection flu which lasted the full month of January. Took 3 visits to the doctor, two courses of antibiotics, an inhaler and a trip to A&E before it started to improve. Are you under any stress at the moment?; It can greatly exacerbate recovery/increase relapse..


      Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
      i know how you feel - i had a chest/infection flu which lasted the full month of January. Took 3 visits to the doctor, two courses of antibiotics, an inhaler and a trip to A&E before it started to improve. Are you under any stress at the moment?; It can greatly exacerbate recovery/increase relapse..
      yeh a bit but nothing from the norm. Run down is more like it from burning the candle at both ends (late night gaming and early starts for work + KIDS)


        Poxy frozen shoulder, I had an ultrasound scan on it at the weekend, to be told the tendons are three times the normal thickness there and are pushing against the nerves and bone. Nothing that can be done really and have to let it heal naturally which could take, two, three or up to five years. Ibruprofen cream on it helps, and will be having a steroid injection in my shoulder to help with the pain in ten days time - this can be done every six months on the NHS.

        So lucky I don't do a physical job or love playing sports or still ride a motorbike, I would be screwed, even struggled getting out of the bath the other day. Is sad how you adapt to live with things so quickly eg when in the drivers seat I have to put my seat belt on with my left land due to manouverability/pain. Gaming isn't affected luckily and sitting at work at my desk is when I'm at the most comfortable. Just a shame it wakes me up ten times a night most nights and I feel like a zombie most of the time.

        One plus though, I can no longer cut the grass

        Still, there's many people out there with a lot worse ailments than me I know.


          Originally posted by DavidH View Post
          Poxy frozen shoulder, I had an ultrasound scan on it at the weekend, to be told the tendons are three times the normal thickness there and are pushing against the nerves and bone. Nothing that can be done really and have to let it heal naturally which could take, two, three or up to five years. Ibruprofen cream on it helps, and will be having a steroid injection in my shoulder to help with the pain in ten days time - this can be done every six months on the NHS.

          So lucky I don't do a physical job or love playing sports or still ride a motorbike, I would be screwed, even struggled getting out of the bath the other day. Is sad how you adapt to live with things so quickly eg when in the drivers seat I have to put my seat belt on with my left land due to manouverability/pain. Gaming isn't affected luckily and sitting at work at my desk is when I'm at the most comfortable. Just a shame it wakes me up ten times a night most nights and I feel like a zombie most of the time.

          One plus though, I can no longer cut the grass

          Still, there's many people out there with a lot worse ailments than me I know.
          Can you not get done physio or a steroid injection to help?

          i currently have DOMS because like a tit I started lifting again and misread kilograms instead of pounds


            Already had physio and it didn't help to be honest. Steroid jab is next Friday. Don't hold much faith though, know someones husband that had the same injection ten days ago, was painful and didn't help in the slightest.

            Had this all since last July and to think for the first three months I thought it was down to the way I was sitting at work or in the car or the air conditioning in work or the car blowing on it etc.


              Got a lot of experience of frozen shoulder.. can offer some advice over PM if you want?

              Had 3 cortizone jabs and 12 months of physio that didn't touch it. Fixed it myself in the end. Can't promise what I did will work for you but got to be worth a try - waking up in the middle of the night with pins and needles in your shoulder is horrific after the 10th time or so..


                'kin 'ell. I feel like I want to spew everywhere.


                  I felt like that at 11am this morning, blamed it on the Red Bull/bar of Dairy Milk/Chip Shop curry flavour crisps breakfast I had.... was fine after some proper food at midday thankfully.


                    Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                    blamed it on the Red Bull/bar of Dairy Milk/Chip Shop curry flavour crisps breakfast I had

                    Bloody did well there mate!


                      Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                      I felt like that at 11am this morning, blamed it on the Red Bull/bar of Dairy Milk/Chip Shop curry flavour crisps breakfast I had.... was fine after some proper food at midday thankfully.
                      That's horrific!

                      I was alright after avoiding food the whole day then eating a load of Toblerone in the evening with a brew.


                        You amateur's, you need to man up and train your insides for some foodage abuse!


                          Thought it was flu at first, but seems I have some kind of infection. Been feverish and feeling deathly since Sunday night, but due to my medical history my doctors appointment yesterday turned to a hospital visit, which then turned to an overnight stay. Do I win some kind of prize for actually posting in here from hospital?

                          Hoping the antibiotics will start to kick in soon, and once the docs are happy with some other bits and bobs I should hopefully get to go on my way...


                            Chin up Fella.. My dad recently had an overnight stay for a massively swollen testicle.

                            Thought I'd drop that in there.


                              Post your current illnesses here

                              Funny you should say that, in A&E the (91 year old) lad next to me was in for swollen bollocks.

                              Actually in a pretty terrible mood today, given they're wanting to wait until my infection clears before they give me an angiogram. It's unlikely that the infection will be fully cleared before the weekend, and even if it does, they only do angiograms Monday to Friday. The kicker? I was meant to be going with my family to Glasgow this weekend, to see my cousin run the marathon, for England, in the Commonwealth Games this weekend.



                                For the last 5 days or so I've had strange pains shooting around my head. Not like headaches, more like stabbing pains. They've been accompanied by dizziness and a vague nausea. It's probably my imagination but my brain constantly feels like it's swollen and pressing against my skull. For the first time last night I was getting flashes and blotches in the corner of my right eye.

                                At first I thought it was dehydration is this relentless godawful heat, but it's clearly not just that. Then I thought it was eye strain through staring at screens, but I've mostly laid off the gadgets and 360 for a few days. It's waking me up during the night and becoming quite worrying.

