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Mobile Phone thread - please include links to good deals

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    I've not used either phone, but particularly if you prefer smaller phones I would go with the Z1 Compact. It's 4.3" as opposed to the Z's 5" screen.

    Both phones have good specs, I wouldn't worry about either of them becoming unusably ancient over the next 2 years. The Z1 has a faster processor, but they both have 2GB of RAM. The Z1 also has the latest version of Android already available, while it's merely 'planned' for the Z (and as it's an older device, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't see it at all or not for a very long time).

    It depends if you can live with 1GB data too of course. But if you can and you want a smaller device, the Z1 seems like the best option.


      Anyone used an LG G2? I understand the battery life is very solid. Especially interested to hear if you run cyanogenmod on it ? how's the battery with it? Also, what's the camera like? Quick? Any colour cast in neutral scenes?


        I have the Z but as much as I love it, I'd avoid getting one. The latest software update has ruined it for me.

        I woke up at 2am this morning and between when I went back to sleep at 4ish, to when I got up at 6ish, the battery drained over 30%!

        Shame, as it's a great phone. May just shop it in though and get the newest model.


          Never have any such problems with my Z Ultra, did you have loads of stuff running in the background or searching for WiFi? I use the free ES Task Manager app from Google Pay Store, can kill applications easily in there. Of course a full power off and back on again every 24 hours doesn't do any harm too.


            Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
            I have the Z but as much as I love it, I'd avoid getting one. The latest software update has ruined it for me.

            I woke up at 2am this morning and between when I went back to sleep at 4ish, to when I got up at 6ish, the battery drained over 30%!

            Shame, as it's a great phone. May just shop it in though and get the newest model.
            Generic Android problem. Any update might, at any time, completely ruin everything about the phone. There are too many people involved.

            Take a look at this:

            Now try and find a similar article for your XPeria Z or my Note 2 - An article where Sony or Samsung acknowledge a battery drain issue.

            I conclude that if you want to receive upgrades to a mobile phone and have some confidence that it won't get borked then Nexus or iPhone basically. At least with those two if there is an issue it'll get resolved.
            Last edited by Brad; 26-05-2014, 20:08.


              Sounds ludicrously good for the price. Only downside is no 4G, although this is bottom of my list since I don't have unlimited data anyway.

              1080p screen
              13MP camera
              8core processor
              16GB on board
              SD up to 32GB
              Dual sim
              Gesture sensor
              Android 4.3

              Worth a punt for ?145?
              Last edited by charlesr; 27-05-2014, 15:06.


                Decent specs and reviews, you can get some really nice phones from the Far East on Amazon UK for around the ?150 mark too Charles so may be worth a quick look there before ordering.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  Sounds ludicrously good for the price. Only downside is no 4G, although this is bottom of my list since I don't have unlimited data anyway.

                  Worth a punt for ?145?
                  Possibly. I've got a Chinese phone as a spare (mostly use it as a GPS speedometer in the car) - the only thing with them is they seem to be using old IMEI codes that relate to completely different and extinct phone models. Not sure how much of an issue that really is but probably something to be aware of. The place I got mine from was Geek Buying, no complaints with their service.

                  Originally posted by bash View Post
                  Man that new OnePlus One phone is looking amazing now and hella cheap too. cant wait for the reviews although its going to have to be mind blowing to make me move from Nexus line.
                  Been trying to get an invite to purchase, but they seem difficult to come by. My contract is up very soon so it'd be good to get hold of one of these and go SIM only.

                  Trouble is, whilst their invite system might cure some issues with pre-ordering, their window for purchase is narrowed because of it. Mobile phone contracts typically last 18-24 months with 12 month contracts becoming rarer and more expensive, so if I can't get a OnePlus in my contract renewal window that sale opportunity is missed. Reading their forums it doesn't appear that they are any where near organised to meet demand.
                  Last edited by MartyG; 28-05-2014, 08:33.


                    Note that the OnePlus runs on a "special version" of Cyanogenmod, which seems to have problems with providing a reliable unrooting method, so if you have idiotic apps like barclays mobile banking, you won't be able to use them (unless their special version "11S" is already unrooted).

                    Did you have to pay import duty from geekbuying?
                    Last edited by charlesr; 28-05-2014, 09:14.


                      No, didn't like that Barclays app, it wanted the phone's dialer access, to which I said no. No app needs dialer access outside the dailer app itself.

                      Latest update to Tune In Radio + wants new permissions to access my contact lists, to which I also denied - why on earth does a stream app need access to my friends contact details? It doesn't.
                      Last edited by MartyG; 28-05-2014, 09:17.


                        Did you have to pay import duty from geekbuying?

                        I think the dialler app is for the "get help" button in the app. I used it once and spoke to someone straight away who answered my question (I was a bit astonished they knew the answer).


                          Not so far and they don't claim to cover duty, but when you use the airmail they tend to be overlooked. I can't remember if Geekbuying marked them down, they were marked as gifts though - I didn't specifically asked them to.


                            Currently have an iPhone 5 64Gb which is starting to have a bunch of issues after a couple of years, can anyone with a 5s tell me if it's much improved from the 5, especially battery life? Off on holiday in three weeks and will want to use the phone for maps/internet etc while out and about, the charge on my 5 lasts no time these days though.


                              Just get the battery replaced?


                                Aye, it's not just that mate. It's getting a bit arsey when it comes to syncing properly and the lock button at the top has been buggered for ages which is a total pain in the arse if I need to turn the phone off and on without being near a USB/power point with a lead.

