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Mobile Phone thread - please include links to good deals

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    No official news yet, I think that is coming on the 9th of September.
    There have been loads and loads of component leaks though, so they know all of the dimensions and how they will look now


      Macrumors said the other day that the biggest screen version won't land until 2015 by the looks of things.


        That's fine by me, I wouldn't want a bigger phone than my 5, I hate huge phones.


          Once you've had a "huge" phone though it's very rare you'll go back to something smaller.
          Love my 6.4" screened Z Ultra, though it is pushing the limits of practicality - and the bezels aren't exactly miniscule.

          Comparison to an iPhone 5 lol

          Something with almost no bezels like this would have helped.

          Last edited by VR46; 25-08-2014, 15:54.


            That Sony is beyond ridiculous. If I can't easily put it in my pocket I'm not interested!


              Fits in my suit trousers no trouble, same with my jeans, just be careful sitting down that you don't fracture a rib on it

              Honestly, unless you wear skintight jeans it wouldn't be a problem.


                Have a look at a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact, Colin.

                I've had one for about 5 weeks and I love it. It's sliiiightly larger than an iPhone, but has the same grunt as the full sized Z1. (I also carry a work phone).

                The camera is great (with a proper shutter button), it's waterproof, has a micro SD slot and it's really fast.

                What will interest you, though, is that you can connect it to a telly via HDMI and link a PS3 pad to it using Bluetooth, making it a portable emulator.

                I'm away on holiday and using my phone, cable and pad, last night we watched Doctor Who on iPlayer and The Avengers via Show Box, then played some SNES Mario, MD Shinobi and Android Max Payne all on the massive Panny plasma in our cottage!


                  I don't want to step away from iTunes though QC. I know people don't like it, and that's their choice, but I do. It'll be another iPhone for me, I like how they work.


                    Fair enough. Most people prefer one over the other.

                    A few people have shifted to Android after a few iPhones because after the initial thrill of new kit and they've reload their same apps back on, it feels no different from the predecessor.

                    I loved it on the recent documentary "The Men Who Taught Us To Spend", where he asked some plum at the front of the queue for the latest iPhone what was so different from the current one and he goes:
                    "Erm, nothing really. It has a fingerprint scanner, which is nice."


                      I only want a new one as my phone has taken a battering for two years, not for new features. In two years of having a smartphone I only have two added apps on my phone from what came supplied on it. Might as well have the faster one on upgrade though.

                      Edit: Oops, I have a whopping three apps, not two!
                      Last edited by Colin; 25-08-2014, 20:41.


                        I feel to go back to iPhone for iTunes too. I might do an O2 refresh and get one but I think I'd want a larger screen model (maybe that middle one if those leaks are real) and hopefully 128gb. I was weary about the size of the Z2 at first but got used to it pretty quick now the iPhone feels seriously tiny.

                        Also have iTunes synching with this phone so it's not too bad.
                        Last edited by shaffy_oppa; 26-08-2014, 01:45.


                          I always find it funny using an iPhone after using my Galaxy Note for so long. Tiny!


                            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                            A few people have shifted to Android after a few iPhones because after the initial thrill of new kit and they've reload their same apps back on, it feels no different from the predecessor.
                            My cousin said the same thing when he got his new iPhone but that's one of my favourite things about them - I just restore from the old phone to the new one and carry on - but I can see why it would ruin the wowness factor a bit.


                              Anyone got a HTC one M8? I have one coming tomorrow,seems to be a good phone


                                Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                                I always find it funny using an iPhone after using my Galaxy Note for so long. Tiny!
                                It did the reverse for me I had a note2 and touchwiz is just ****. I know it can be rooted to improve it but I got bored waiting for new updates (and judging what brad said I'm pleased I jumped) having said that IOS 7.0.3 killed my missus' 4S, horses for courses and that

