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    The wife and I...

    PS - Stu you are a right sexy beast! Grrrr!


      Caco, there is just something about that outfit that seems so comfortable.


        Edit, that sounded a bit dodgy. heh.

        There is a rabbit stuffed down your front Caco.


          Here's me, pissed out of my face in the dark talking to a wooden owl sitting on my shoulder.


            Removed: Appologies, tbh.


              There's nothing wrong with a wrinkled forehead... Mine goes like that when i try to put a sexy look on

              Mr Treble, have you thought about growing a little beard? The type that starts as a moustache and then continues past the mouth to your chin? Understand what I mean? I just thought it would sort you very much
              ----Member since April 2002




                ...uncannily resembles Kenny from Press Gang...

                ...we now know where Lee Ross went!


                  God damn this webcam makes me look uglaay


                    Originally posted by Cacophanus

                    ...uncannily resembles Kenny from Press Gang...

                    ...we now know where Lee Ross went!
                    That is amazing. They could be twins. LOL.




                        Originally posted by Adam Stone
                        Originally posted by charlesr
                        I look exactly like my avatar....
                        hehe. U know what i mean Generally speaking

                        I think the biggest shock though was finding out Mr Snow didn't look anything like a snowman! I couldn't sleep that night i can tell you....

                        Maybe I really am 'Lain of The Wired'...


                          I don't have a camera.


                            This is a mother bitch of threads ;p

                            Meh takes deep breath :

                            Lmfao stu you look like you belong in the 50s on yer uni card mate ;p and love the hair in the second pic

                            OMFG half pint and freddo = separated at birth ;p

                            /meh thinks dai is just covering up a **** hair cut in pic ;x

                            Adam lad a quick question wtf use is that kick to anyone?! ;p Tis impressive aye but why? ;p

                            Eghamninja = terminator

                            B00 @ jrm! And uncle enjos = 0wned

                            An M3 meet *shudders*

                            Strider you is the twin of a mate of mine ;p

                            Treb = 0wned! plyd m00se ;p

                            Omfg I had one of them rowdy roddy piper figures ;x

                            /me no longer talks **** to boog without chib at the ready ;p ****ing nutcase

                            Fire wtf you look 12?! ;p

                            Wife on the knees Cacophanus ;p

                            So then ;p

                            I ****ing hate foties but I had to take this to show what ma ned/Burberry shades looked like ;p Also wearing the glorious colours

                            See no a bad match

                            Hail Hail!



                              Best post ever!


                                Heh. Marklar is German tennis legend Stefi Graf.

                                So here's me then, taken a few days ago by my good friend Simon who has seen to it that it's been distributed around the head office of the UK's leading arts and crafts retailer after he tried to fix me up with his bird's colleague:

                                Admire my working environment, the bags under my eyes, bafflingly gormless look and also my hair before it grew properly. I know, I can't believe I'm not actually Darth Vader either...

