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    Paulos, just LOOK at your location. A henpecked dweeb with a sweaty mullet.

    You may be right, though


      I'm not henpecked. Mrs G is far too much of a lady for that. And my mullet's not sweaty. Although it will be in minute as I need to clean the kitchen before Mrs G gets home.




          Originally posted by kernow View Post
          BREAKING NEWS!!!

          Conjoined triplets found in the South West, parent's say "We just call them Mr Smiley"!!!

          true story...


            Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
            Here's one of me making friends with a bear in kew gardens

            Recognise that jacket - John Rocha - got it meself.

            Anyways, here is me in Greece, tipsy n' hungry


              Good spot with the jacket. Big fan of John Rocha.


                Bit poncey for you though, surely? I thought you were all man, not a pinch of snuff.


                  I am also lazy, when buying clothes I go for the same thing everytime.I think this the 10th pair of Blue Addidas Samba I have had in a row.


                    Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
                    I am also lazy, when buying clothes I go for the same thing everytime.I think this the 10th pair of Blue Addidas Samba I have had in a row.
                    Excellent, nothing wrong with that, up until three years ago I had only bought black Samba's since the age of 16 = 25 years!!




                        Originally posted by Ampanman View Post
                        Excellent, nothing wrong with that, up until three years ago I had only bought black Samba's since the age of 16 = 25 years!!
                        I am the same with superstars and chuck taylors

                        Why re-invent the wheel?


                          Well done you!

                          Couldn't get a pair of Samba's anywhere so bought something else instead. Next purchase should hopefully see me wearing another pair.

                          You're maybe like me, have a few pairs around the house of varying ages and states of wear.

                          Back on topic, if I can find a decent pic, may put it up.
                          Last edited by Anpanman; 29-05-2008, 21:47.


                            I still wear the same Campus I bought 7 years ago in oxfam shop for £1.50.


                              This is me deploying some serious jazz hands at a local metal night a few weeks back.


                                I've already used these on facebook without too many cusses so they're safe(ish) to release into the general public now.

                                Left one, my better half and I strolling through the woods near Aysgarth Falls, Yorkshire.
                                Right one, an arm-length blur-a-thon in the kitchen, playing about with the newly-discovered 'sepia' function on the camera I've had since December 2005. Go me.

                                Both feature an unshaven, needing a haircut Bletcher.

