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The Banter Thread / Banter Topic / Sean Bean

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    Originally posted by Shotski View Post
    The worst bit is if you are in a shoping centre (which i avoid at all costs) and you are just minding your own buisness and all of a sudden some gowl just cuts right accross you, pisses me off to no end.
    Cetainly does, thats when it comes in handy to have a kid in a buggy, gives great pleasure to deal them a swift whack to the ankle bone followed by a "sorry didn't see you"


      I was about to post the same thing. The Morrisons near me seems to have some right monsters who make a habit of invading your personal space when at the checkouts. It freaks me out, you are waiting to be served when you turn round to find some buck toothed gimp six inches away from your face.


        Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
        Cetainly does, thats when it comes in handy to have a kid in a buggy, gives great pleasure to deal them a swift whack to the ankle bone followed by a "sorry didn't see you"
        Must remember that one , thanks dave.


          This is great! My anger is dissapating! I love this place*thumbs up smiley*(dunno how to do them?)


            It does get worring tho when you start building up a raport with these types, like locking eyes with the bearded transexual in Asda or being said hello to by one that walks past you everyday on the way home from work


              Originally posted by SuperDanX View Post
              This is great! My anger is dissapating! I love this place*thumbs up smiley*(dunno how to do them?)
              :thu mb:

              but obviously without the space



                  I've never been a religious person, but if you're in any doubt as to whether there's a higher being or not- Asda in Luton on a Saturday afternoon is incontrovertible proof that there is no god.


                    Originally posted by endo View Post
                    I've never been a religious person, but if you're in any doubt as to whether there's a higher being or not- Asda in Luton on a Saturday afternoon is incontrovertible proof that there is no god.
                    Care to expand or is it really that bad?


                      There might be a god, there was some guy on his knees, hands clasped together, praying, (wtf?) outside my house. Where the hell do i live????????????


                        Please do this now!!

                        1. go to
                        2. click on "maps"
                        3. click on "get directions"
                        4. type "New York" in the first box (the "from" box)
                        5. type "London" in the second box (the "to" box)
                        6. click "Get Directions" button
                        7. scroll down to step 24



                            Haha, ****ing superb!


                              I hate Morrisons, was in there and the stuck up bint took exception to me being on the phone, OK its rude I know but I smiled at her and mouthed hi, I was on the phone being offered a job so wasnt going to cut them off to pay for my bag of salad and garlic bread, anyway the blonde check out binner looked at me like I was sh!t and just sat there waiting for me to get off the phone, we got into a little bit of a stand off when she started to tidy her till I upped the stakes and turned my back on her leaning up against the conveyor. Things almost got ugly when a couple of people joined behind me at the till and I think they intimidated her into giving in, fair play though she wasn't going to give in I dont think till then. still finished my call up first before acknowledged her giving in. One of the best exp in ages in the hell hole.


                                Anyone know anything about dreams? Just woke up from my afternoon nap (the old boy i am) and had the same or very simular dream i had a week or so ago. Im in my home, last time my mums house, and theres a tiger or lion in the house with me. In one dream i kick it in the neck and kill it, today i just let it out through the window. Must mean something?

