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    I really don't get this "buying new cars" stuff, losing all that money as soon as you drive it off the forecourt is crazy. The only way it makes sense to me is if you plan on keeping said car forever, that way you know how it's been driven, when it's been serviced, etc.

    I must admit though, buying new cars doesn't appeal to me because I don't like new cars, I think they all look the same. The newest car I've ever owned was a '98, and my last two cars were born in '92. Age means nothing as long as you look after a car .

    I've just bought an XR3i cabrio for the summer, drives sweet, all electrics work, only problem is it was owned by a chav before so it needs some serious toning down .

    Last edited by ninjabearhug; 27-07-2010, 08:06.


      Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
      Buying a brand new car is not such a great idea IMO. The best way to go is buy an ex-display car from a first party dealer. That's what I did with my impreza and it saved me a **** load of cash. Plus when I got the car it looked mint as if it had just rolled out if the factory. It even had the new car smell.
      Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
      Spot on Yakumo. The car I bought in June was originally registered in Feb this year, and run by the manager of the dealership. Still had that new car smell, was fairly low mileage, had obviously been looked after, and I got it for over 20k off the price when it was new! Bonkers hit on the price. Glad I wasn't the one taking it.

      That said... I think everyone should experience the new car / ordering / waiting process at least once
      I've never wanted to buy a new car, because of the instant depreciation, and the only reason I went for the iQ new in the end was because of the lack of the spec I wanted being available, plus I was happy with what they gave me for my current car. It's just a bit annoying having to wait so long when they're not in huge demand, I still don't have a date.


        A few negatives about the car so far (They are few):
        • With sunglasses on, and without the main lights on, I can't see the needle on the speedometer or the fuel gauge.
        • The clock could be better positioned on the main display
        • I'm not all that keen on the main display itself. It's not bad, it just seems like a lot of wasted space that could have been put to better use
        • The side skirts protrude further than the door handle
        • The steering wheel is thinner than the Clio

        That's all I can think of. I flipped to the MPG yesterday on the computer... I think I'll avoid that from now on.

        Other than that I'm loving it. This won't mean much to you legions of Golf fans out there but the feel of the car and the quality of the materials is orders of magnitude better than the Clio (And other Renaults I've had in the past). The seats are fantastic, the driving position is perfect and the car feels incredibly rigid through the corners with almost no roll (The Clio was great to throw around, but it did roll a fair amount). Suspension is hugely improved as well, maintaining firmness but with enough dampening to make the ride more comfortable.

        The engine is much more cruise friendly than my Clio too (Specifically MY Clio, this was resolved on the later 197 and on the new 200), but the engine has a nice throaty growl when you floor it. Apparently.

        Took my Dad and an old friend (And I mean OLD) for a spin Sunday and proceeded to scare them a little.

        Originally posted by ninjabearhug View Post
        I really don't get this "buying new cars" stuff, losing all that money as soon as you drive it off the forecourt is crazy. The only way it makes sense to me is if you plan on keeping said car forever, that way you know how it's been driven, when it's been serviced, etc.
        The way I do things currently I get a brand new car every two to three years, paying a single set monthly amount (I may decide to increase this occasionally, as I just have done). I can't imagine doing it any other way.


          My local Renault dealer got in touch yesterday #45 after I made an inquiry about the Megane.

          They are giving me exact figures today for the trade in etc. They have got a brand new 250 Cup in stock with delivery mileage they are selling for ?20,450 which seems reasonable just not sure the mrs will like the hard ride.


            I don't have the Cup obviously. My Clio (Also not a Cup) was an insanely hard ride, this is like being air-cushioned in comparison.

            I like a firm ride, personally. Ooer missus.


              Anyone used ''.

              New alfa is a lot cheaper there but am a little uneasy.


                You fancy the new Alfa?


                  yep, got a brera now but fancy going for the giulietta now.


                    1.75 I hope? I drive a 156 V6 myself



                      Also, Just seen the giulietta advert.

                      Sweet, they're about ?1500 cheaper on this website.


                        Got pulled for the first time ever. Was stuck behind someone doing 33 in a 40, so nothing coming on a straight road, I went for it and cruised back down to 40. Then see blue lights.

                        Hadn't noticed that the police car I was following moments earlier was 2 cars back.... I had turned off the main road and he had carried on. He must have done a u-turn and given it some serious beans to catch up with me by the time I did the overtake.

                        "You know what I'm going to say?"
                        "Just have a think about what it does to other drivers when you overtake like that." (I assume he meant the loud noise and speed). "Do you have any points?"
                        "Do you have it with you?"
                        Just got a ticking off.


                          I feel for you Charles! I was stuck behind someone doing 50, in a 70 this morning... After about 5 miles they pulled over into the inside line... I obviously did the glarring at them thing as I drove past, but they were hunched over the steering wheel - looked like they could barely see the road in front of them! Was some woman in her 20's too, not some OAP!

                          Good job you just got a ticking off... Would have hated to have issued you with a fine


                            Reminder to self, must overtake at a dangerous crawl in future. And be more observant.


                              I brought a 2010 M3 to upgrade from my 2008 M3.

                              all new the extras too, cant wait to get it - 12 week wait though


                                You have now confirmed my suspicions that you are a drug dealer.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

