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BOOM!!!! Financial Meltdown!

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    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
    Oil doesn't automatically mean a country will piss all the money away.
    Yes just this botched country , who keeps the rich, rich and the poor keeping the country afloat with bail outs to banks, then some footballer ( i know he 's good ) 250K a week , and doctors nurses police and firefighters are going to loose their job with theses cuts, its bloody obsene.
    Last edited by MisterBubbles; 24-10-2010, 17:19.


      Er, the difference being nurses, police and firemen work in the public sector and Wayne Rooney, being a footballer, doesn't. Got nowt to do with the government how much he gets paid, however ludicrously astronomical it is.


        So Fred the Shred leads us to the edge of financial ruin and gets 19 million, as said this country loves the rich and bankers seem the only profession that you can totally balls up and still keep your job and get a bonus.


          That may be, but it's got nothing to do with how much footballers get paid has it?


            no footballer is worth 250K a week, be ok if Man U had the cash but their debt is 716.5 million, i know they can make a lot through revenues to get it back, if all theses mega billionaires left football , the game would go bust, it's madness.
            Last edited by MisterBubbles; 24-10-2010, 17:44.


              Originally posted by Matt View Post
              Thats all that needed to be said. You hit the nail on the head there mate


                The land mass the Queen owns is estimated to be worth ?17,600,000,000,000 (17.6 Trillion)

                random fact of the day.

                250k a week. Hmmm It would take me 520 weeks (10 years) to earn what he earns in 1 week.

                crazy world.


                  I don't get that, how much land does the Queen own.
                  Who do we actually owe all this money to? I don't get all this financial nonsense, what would happen if the government just refused to pay it back and we just carried on as before?


                    The crown estate is 'only' valued at £6.6billion and has all sorts of constitutional weirdness associated with it. The Queen has given a live long lease to the government in return for the annual income from the government. When the queen dies, the estate reverts back to the crown and upon coronation, King Charles will grant the government a lifelong lease again.


                      And that 17.6 trillion estimate is assuming that the queen 'owns' Canada and Australia and loads of other places, and could actually sell them. So it's all a bit academic and misleading.

                      Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.
                      She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.
                      The value of her land holding. £17,600,000,000,000 (approx).
                      This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries
                      So not 17.6 trillion then.

                      Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.
                      She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin.
                      Er yeah. Anyone want to buy the UK? Anyone? Anyone? OK, how about Papua New Guinea then? Lol.
                      Last edited by endo; 27-10-2010, 08:46.


                        Originally posted by endo View Post
                        And that 17.6 trillion estimate is assuming that the queen 'owns' Canada and Australia and loads of other places, and could actually sell them. So it's all a bit academic and misleading.

                        So not 17.6 trillion then.

                        That is ?17 trillion. Unless you mean because she cannot sell countries then she is not worth 17.6 trillion.


                          Yeah- sorry I should have put that bit at the bottom. But yes, the idea that she's worth 17-odd trillion quid is based on her owning the UK, Australia, NZ, Canada etc. Which plainly she doesn't.


                            She does though. She owns the common wealth or rather the crown owns the common wealth.


                              Having googled it quickly, this 17.6 trillion figure seems to come from a book called "Who owns the world", apparently written by some bloke with a chip on his shoulder that rich people (surprisingly) tend to own more land than poor people.
                              It's a spurious claim: the queen doesn't own the UK and the Commonwealth- the crown does. That alone means the queen isn't personally worth 17.6 trillion. Beyond that, the crown doesn't 'own' the Commonwealth in any meaningful way. It doesn't own it in the sense it's the crown's land to do what it likes with, i.e. sell it. The concept of 'ownership' here is a relic from the feudal past.

                              In terms of the queen's personal wealth/land ownership:

                              As hereditary sovereign, the Queen owns the crown estate - almost 120,000 hectares of agricultural land, plus the seabed around the UK. Its statute includes some archaic rules: through the crown estate, for example, the Queen can claim ownership of all whales and sturgeon that are washed ashore. But the estate did turn a profit of £147.7m in 2000-01, all of which was credited to public funds.

                              Also held by the Queen as sovereign are the occupied royal palaces, such as Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace, Kensington Palace and Windsor Castle. The Queen's private property includes the palaces at Balmoral and Sandringham.

                              Much of the Queen's private income comes from the Duchy of Lancaster - an estate comprising more than 19,000 hectares of land, which made the Queen £7.3m before tax in 2000-01. The Duchy of Cornwall, which comprises more than 50,000 hectares, funds the Prince of Wales
                              Reading reviews for that book, it seems the author makes lots of similarly misleading claims. Surely nobody takes seriously his claim that the queen (conveniently conflated with the crown) actually owns one sixth of the land surface of the Earth, do they?


                                I must admit it would not have surprised me considering the amount of land and resource grabbing we did under colonialism.

