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Im in a mixed relationship - worth the hassel??

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    worth the hassel?? [sic]
    What a peculiar turn of phrase to put into the title !?
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


      and its spelt wrong if you noticed


        Since you've been together for 4 years, haven't you both decided already that is "is" worth the hassle, thus already answering your own question?


          I went out with a Sikh girl for a few years. She was lovely, was proper serious. Teh problem was her mother ruled the roost back at home and she made it clear from the jump off that she didn't approve. She said my job was rubbish, and wanted her daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer - clichetastic but true. Final straw came when I went up to see her in Ilford and right in front of me the old lady introduced MY MISSUS to a potential arranged marriage suitor.

          I dished out an ultimatum but knew it was doomed. I had respected her culture, her cuisine, everything. Shame, as her dad and two attractive slightly younger sisters were lovely. Plus she was action jackson in the sack, had some killer top bollocks and was no mean cook.

          Can't go back.


            Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
            I'm currently seeing (and f*cking) a 39 year old woman who is married and has two children while I am a 21 year old guy with no chains attached.

            I should feel guilty but... I don't.
            I can't be the only person who read this and thought "What a total wanker" ?


              Takes two to tango, Adamski.


                I'm not denying that, but if the **** hits the fan he gets to walk away with no harm done. Her kids lives are ****ing ruined. I can't work out who's more stupid, him for getting involved in that kind of thing (make no bones about it, you don't **** another mans wife unless you are willing to risk getting beaten half to death) or her, for obvious reasons.

                Mind you, anyone who'd come on here posting how he is "seeing (and f*cking)" someone is obviously devoid of any class and unlikely to give a **** about a pair of kids or another persons life are they.

                I despair of humanity sometimes. I do hope someone gets the chance to utterly ****ing destroy his life at some point and says "I should feel guilty but I don't".
                Last edited by Jebus; 07-06-2009, 09:30.


                  With a bit of investigation you could find out all you need to do it yourself

                  Its kinda hard to blame just him though, the woman is clearly all of the above too. Or maybe even worse because she knew full well before what she had back home and still didn't care.


                    They are of course, both culpable, doesn't make it okay though. She however, isn't bragging about it on a gaming forum like it's a badge of honour. She also has it all to lose.


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      I can't be the only person who read this and thought "What a total wanker" ?
                      I honestly don't blame you mate, truly.

                      You know, not that it will make you think any better of me and the situation as it is, but it was she who has been chasing after me - quite literally - and I have already specifically told her not to let it ruin her family as she once told me that she would give up everything for me.

                      No, that's not going to happen, it's just a fling for me and it certainly isn't my first time either. If I knew her husband then yes, I would definitely feel guilty.

                      At least I'm honest, right? Oh, and goodness me, I never brag about f*cking woman behind their partners back. I just mentioned it in light of this thread, that's all.

                      My (good) karma will come to an end one day mate, it's just a matter of when.


                        Fair play for having the grapes to stand up and say that, but you can't be naive enough to think that a fling, no matter how "small" would not ruin her family? Put yourself in her husbands position, 2 kids by this woman and you find out she's been banging a 21 year old behind her back? I know what I'd do, and it's not pretty.


                          If it had not been ET, it would've been someone else.

                          Just saying...


                            Originally posted by Ady View Post
                            If it had not been ET, it would've been someone else.

                            Just saying...
                            A totally bull**** excuse, that doesn't make it okay.


                              Originally posted by kryss View Post
                              If you're living in the UK and NOT Asia isn't it nigh-on inevitable that you might end up in a mixed relationship? Her parents NEVER considered that?
                              Well, this country does have the highest rate of mixed relationships in the world...


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                A totally bull**** excuse, that doesn't make it okay.
                                I wasn't making an "excuse", neither was I condoning. I was stating a fact.

