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Brits: follow the rules when abroad

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    Brits: follow the rules when abroad

    About bloody time too:

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    If you dont like it dont go there. Respect their cultures.

    Respect their cuisine!


      Gay travellers should also be aware that homosexuality is illegal in many popular holiday destinations including Morocco and Goa, the FCO warned.
      Yeah, we should definitely respect such archaic, bigoted laws as those. You can't blame someone for not realising they are going to a place where their sexual orientation is ILLEGAL for f*ck sake.

      It's not a case of respecting culture abroad, these same people do the same things on weekend pissup in this country. You can't change a generation overnight.

      Seriously, I'm all for people not acting like idiots, but to use "respect their culture" as a be all and end all is just lame.
      Last edited by Jebus; 16-06-2009, 16:44.


        About time people openly said the same of our culture and started abiding by British laws and traditions when holidaying, and particularly residing, in Britain...


          Originally posted by Oh_Mutants View Post
          About time people openly said the same of our culture and started abiding by British laws and traditions when holidaying, and particularly residing, in Britain...
          Yup, we certainly respect every other culture IN Britain, very accomodating we are.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            Yup, we certainly respect every other culture IN Britain, very accomodating we are.
            We do don't we, glad you agree


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              It's not a case of respecting culture abroad, these same people do the same things on weekend pissup in this country. You can't change a generation overnight.

              Seriously, I'm all for people not acting like idiots, but to use "respect their culture" as a be all and end all is just lame.
              Is that not the point though? Just because a behavior is tolerated in this country doesn't necessarily mean it will be in another, usually because of cultural differences. To assume otherwise and travel without knowing anything about where you are going is being pretty thick.


                You think it's thick, in this day and age to not realise you could be arrested for sexual orientation?


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  You think it's thick, in this day and age to not realise you could be arrested for sexual orientation?
                  I think it's pretty stupid to be so naive, even the most basic observations of our world would show that many cultures (even cultures existing within our own country) still are a bit backwards compared to what we consider normal.


                    I think it's fair to say naive, but I don't agree it's "thick" or "stupid" to think you could be gay and go abroad, and not be arrested simply for that.

                    We should respect them, absolutely, but they should also respect that it ISN'T illegal to be gay where we're from. Or is the money from a raging queen not fit to help their economy?

                    This kind of double standard reminds of a (off-topic) story I saw in the rags today, about a (I think, and I apologise if I'm wrong) Muslim girl who sued her employer for forcing her to wear the uniform, which was (pictured as) a red dress. She claimed, for the obvious reasons, for a sum of £20,000. She got awarded just under £3000, but she was also questioned about why, if it offended her so much at work, she was happy to have photo's of her in a bikini on her facebook. You can't have things both ways, it just doesn't work.
                    Last edited by Jebus; 16-06-2009, 17:47.


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      You think it's thick, in this day and age to not realise you could be arrested for sexual orientation?
                      Yeah, I think you'd have to be pretty dumb not to realise that.

                      edit - What would you think if some 50 year old Spanish bloke came over here to your green and pleasant land and started a sexual relation ship with your 13 year old son?

                      I'm not actually sure of the legality of this in Spain but as I understand it their age of consent for hetro/gay sex is 13, I'm sure you understand the point anyway.
                      Last edited by Space Monkey; 16-06-2009, 18:12.


                        I think the point would be more valid if you WERE sure of the legality of the example you use in Spain.

                        Also, are you saying he forces himself on my hypothetically 13 year old son, or my son is openly gay and interested in this 50 year old sombrero wearing lethario man for some reason?

                        Moreover, are you suggesting all gay people abroad will definitely go and bugger any foreigner that moves?

                        I don't see the comparison if I'm honest.

                        I wonder if all the people sticking up for foreign cultures would do the same for our own.
                        Last edited by Jebus; 16-06-2009, 19:00.


                          Chances of you getting lifted in another country for being homosexual would be down to how you went about your business. Like women having to cover up in muslim countries, or alcohol being legal only in designated places in the same countries.

                          A Ned/Chav girl who is tanning a bottle of tonic wine, wasted, with her muffin top out walking about in Tehran would likley get the death penalty.
                          Last edited by Gerry Helmet; 16-06-2009, 19:06.


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                            Moreover, are you suggesting all gay people abroad will definitely go and bugger any foreigner that moves?
                            Yeah, that's the point I was trying to make. I just couldn't find the words.
                            Thanks for helping.


                              Oooh I go away for a short while & its kicking off here!!

                              Plain & simple follow the laws/culture of other countries. If you're gay & u end up having sex on the beach or kissing in public then its your own fault for not even being able to keep it behind closed doors. Same goes for the slappers (men & women) that have 3 somes on the beaches & act like twats in the street.
                              And there is no way that ppl are that naive. Read up on where you're going b4 u get there for f*cks sake!

                              I went to Italy a few yrs back & because I'm vegetarian found it really hard to find places to eat as the Italians are big meat eaters. I had to survive on Ice Cream. Tomatoes & Mozzarela cheese thruout the whole time. Did I complain? No I didnt. I was in a foreign country so its my problem not theirs. The ladies also had to cover up in some places in Italy too.

                              And I DO think that if u come here u abide by OUR rules & laws. U break em u deal with the consequences that follow. No excuses. If u dont like it then dont come here.

