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does anyone here skateboard and live in manc?

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    does anyone here skateboard and live in manc?

    i know its a long shot, but if you do, do you fancy a skate?

    I fancy a skate (been doing it a looooooooooong time, since early 90's!) but:

    1. I've slipped a disc in me back right now
    2. I live in S. Wales!!!

    Sorry mate!


      same here. been skating about 17 years I guess and Ive recently convinced 2 guys from work to buy skateboards but sadly they are both proper crap and I need some proper homies to roll with.

      Oh yeah, hope your back gets better buddy. I thought I'd rogered mine the other week but the doctor told me I'd just torn a muscle. phew.


        I'm itching to get back out there on me plank too. I went out last wk but I was getting leg pain from the disc poking at the nerves in me back that run down my leg, so I went home .

        I need to get back into shape too & its the only physical activity I enjoy so thats a benefit too at my age LOL!!


          Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
          I fancy a skate (been doing it a looooooooooong time, since early 90's!) but:

          1. I've slipped a disc in me back right now
          2. I live in S. Wales!!!

          Sorry mate!
          What sort of tricks can you do, Tommy?

          I used to skate in my mid teens but only managed the basics; ollie, pop shove it and the occasional ropey kick flip. ;p

          Anything more advanced and I?d either be lying in a heap with people gathered round or on my way to the hospital.



            U really wanna know? Ok mate LOL

            The basics (ollie Back & front 180s', shove's f & b, f bigspins, flips, double flips (not very often LOL), Tre's, inward heels, nollie tre's (sometimes!), some switch basics (ollie 180, shoves, flips sometimes).Manual/Nose manual variations (switch too).

            Grinds - 5050, 5-0's, B & F boardslides, lipslides, tail slides, nose slides, krooks (sometimes!), blunt slides, nose grinds, smiths (the best feel!!). Some switch grind stuff too. Sometimes some flip/shove in or out too.

            Some old school stuff like no comply variations, impossibles, pressure flips, grabs that I like to throw into the mix.

            Mini stuff - again f & b 5050's/5-0's/smiths/lipslides/ollies. Bit of (minor!) tech shove stuff, blunt variations.

            Theres more but its too much to add tbh but its just stuff I like doing more than super tech ha ha.

            I used to go for the big stuff back in my early mid 20's. Did a few handrails (not big 5-6 stair). Launched over & down a few big drops. I used to go looking for roof to roof gaps. About 8 foot was my highest drop that I landed to the ground, & 13 stairs was my most, but my knees took quite a hammering tho, but it was worth the rush I got & the achievement was better than any sex I've ever had!!


              Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
              double flips


              Some old school stuff like no comply variations, impossibles, pressure flips, grabs that I like to throw into the mix.
              Love watching people do the old school tricks. There was a bloke down my local skate park (Peterborough) in his 40’s/ 50’s and some of the tricks he’d do - on this stupidly long board - we’re insane. The guy even taught us a few basic ones like a cheap kick flip; jump off, kick the middle of the board, and jump back on.

              Launched over & down a few big drops. I used to go looking for roof to roof gaps. About 8 foot was my highest drop that I landed to the ground, & 13 stairs was my most, but my knees took quite a hammering tho
              You must have gone through a fair few boards. Felt like I broke one a month and I could barely jump off a 1 ft ledge.


                After missing out on the whole skateboarding thing in my youth, I had the bargain wool pulled over my eyes recently and bought a flowboard for ?10. Having fun learning to just skate along on the thing.... It's scaring the hell out of me.


                  Originally posted by Kit View Post
                  You must have gone through a fair few boards. Felt like I broke one a month and I could barely jump off a 1 ft ledge.
                  Yeah anything tech down a drop can be a gamble either to your board or your ankles. Land in the wrong place & you'll break 1 or the other..........or both lol.

                  U just gotta try & remember to land with your feet over the truck bolts so that it absorbs the impact thru your wheels/feet rather than the weaker tail/nose/centre spots.
                  Its easy when it comes to ollies but when youre flipping the deck its a bit more difficult. I think I snapped more decks doing flips, shove's & tre's down a 4 stair than I did launching down a big set with a regular ollie due to the unknown foot placement after the flippage.

                  Edit: ooh I just remembered that I forgot to add airwalks/scarewalks, late shoves & shove late flips to my list of old school stuff.
                  Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 02-07-2009, 20:48.


                    My right knee can be a bit ropey sometimes too and I've got a perminantly mashed left wrist where I crushed it when i slammed at high speed so now its all pinned together and will only move about 5 degrees. I alos smashed my ribs up and burst a lung once which almost led to me dying when they tried to fix me and i started drowning on my own blood under anesthetic. I tore all the muscles in half on my right foot when i didn't land a heel flip down some steps. bust my collar bone, snapped some fingers and tweeked my ankles more times than I care to mention. Still, it's been worth the pain as its absolutely the acest sport ever.

                    My trick set is about the same as yours tommy but I've got a rather special line in presure flips and I've been known on occasion to land the odd noseslide kickflip out.


                      those flowboards look like the most horrible things on earth. they must weigh a ton too. all thoe wheels and **** and the fact that the deck looks about 3 metres long. man, I'd go buy a skateboard if I were you charlesr. If you can't ride it just kick it out and see what occurs and when you don't land on it just shout at the skateboard and throw it against a wall so people think you are just having an off day.


                        lol. I'm not buying anything ever again. All money now being saved for investing. If the investments come good, I'll use that revenue to source a skateboard etc. Meanwhile, I'm actually having fun on this flowboard. It feels a bit like snowboarding (which I love). I'll just envy you guys with actual skills, since I'm too old for this ****.


                          investing? thats not very X-treme dude! the only thing you should be investing in is getting drunk, spray painting pictures of cocks on walls and giving the bird to your parents.

                          well, I say all that but my girlfriends trying to make me buy a house in the middle of bumble****-nowhere at the moment and me being the absolutel fag that I am, I'm just all "ok" about it.

                          But I tell you charlesr, once I get that house I'm so going to kick all the windows out and spray cocks everywhere and play my music real loud and that. Im also going to smash all the walls out and turn the house into a skatepark. then I'm going to kill my girlfriend, drill 4 holes in her face and for in her belly and mount some trucks and wheels on her and then skate the **** out of her til she snaps in half. not.
                          Last edited by boxhead; 03-07-2009, 11:44.


                            I haven't been on my skateboard for about a year now, I should really, tried getting into BMX'ing but its way harder than I remember (maybe its because I'm 17years older now ), I will always keep my skateboard though I used to enjoy making up my own tricks that no-one else could do. Probably started when I was about 11.

                            I don't live anywhere near manchester though


                              Sounds like you'll live the dream boxhead. Not sure which dream. But definitely the dream.

